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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Amazed as usual.


    If the toxicology report confirms the reason for the death and the reporting of this story is accurate, what has he done to get a murder conviction?. 


    With the exception of abandoning a corpse because of fear he would be arrested for visa issues, how have they found him guilty of murder?


    Seems weird or there is a lot more to this story,.

  2. Rough translation;-


    Following advice after already opening his mouth in advance he has decided.


    He doesn't want the hassle and senseless violence that will for sure, ensue, if the Army or Police start stopping loads of drunken pick up trucks of Isaarn farmers making their way home for Songkran in a drunkard, drug fuelled stupor!


    Best wait for the end of the silly season.


    However, police and army personnel are free to selectively single out foreigners guilty of any of the crimes of not wearing seat belts, riding in the back of pick ups etc and then again for the newcomers benefit how does it go?


    ' Punish them to the full extent of the law "

  3. 2 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

    We can expect an investigation and the eventual release of these murderers, once the cops have relieved them of enough tea money.

    The Royal Thai Army can do no wrong.


    The police will not be relieving anyone of ' tea money ' in case you haven't noticed it's the green uniforms running the show not the brown.


    The police have been brought in to provide a ' facade of legitimacy ' for this investigation. It conveniently gives the Army a buffer to hide behind when the public shouts ' foul '  This will be a complete whitewash by incompetent police who don't know the law and they will fill out the paperwork according to what the senior figures in Green and Brown tell them to do.


    The Army so far has given the mother a ' pittance ' of 100,000 baht for this murder. No doubt a few more scraps will be offered and if not accepted as an end to the matter, then the full filthy machinery of corruption goes into top gear and the dirt digging will start and the young conscript will ' all of a sudden '  be accused to have been a drug dealer or gun runner or some other nonsense.


    The next form of pressure she will come under will be false promises of sending the culprits to jail, sickening false smiles and rhetoric about ' full investigations ' and asking her to ' keep quiet for the good of the country ' etc etc.


    We know exactly how they work.


    Banging the drum, screaming to the UN, embarrassing them to the worlds press, that's what they hate and pressures them enough to get the best deal financially for the son because UNFORTUNATELY that's where it ends and what it always boils down to, money!............ They know no other way, as they have no understanding of compassion and empathy.


    A few more press conferences then wait for it to be pushed out of the news by the deaths on the roads during Songkran and then is all back to their usual ways.


    Nothing changes and nothing will.There is no backbone nor willingness for things to change yet.


    As always, however, the Army will outstay their welcome like the always do. One thing for sure, they are consistent. How long have they been in power now,remind me????

  4. Vietjet is fine.


    Cheap and cheerful.I have flown with them a few times.


    Sure they have issues sometimes with delays and departures as they are well down the pecking order with the bigger airlines. They are OK, but a budget cheap airline, you get what you pay for.


    When I do Bangkok to Hanoi, I usually try to get with Qatar. But that's because I get the frills with my membership for lounges, express check in, luggage etc.

  5. No notion of superiority at all. Nor was it intended to be quaint.

    Just stating a point as when I did my driving test there was a great deal to it and being taught by a professional instructor, for many hours, in a dual controlled car was a part of it. So was learning and practising different routes, roads, and driving procedures including motorways, A and B roads, reversing, overtaking etc

    Then there was the study of the Highway Code itself. Nowadays, in the UK this is far stricter, with a written theory test.

    Finally, there was the actual test itself. This was carried out by an independent examiner approved by the department of transport.

    Now, I have seen what is involved in a Thai driving test which is near zero in the above mentioned.many of those on the roads have no licences, no insurance and learn to drive whilst on major roads " as they go along! " so yes, European countries that have driving rules and regulations similar to the UK method, I would say " Yes " to them being better drivers by virtue of the fact they have proven driving skills before they are allowed on the country's roads. Whether or not they chose to forget all this when they come to Thailand and adopt a " When in Rome " approach as you suggest, doesn't alter the fact that they were taught better.

    Maybe, if Thailand did similar, they wouldn't be ranked the second most dangerous country in the world for driving accidents.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  6. 33 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    You said:any other country and the 2 soldiers would be in a jail cell waiting the outcome of the investigation

    Really ? Check the links I posted below

    http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/article12241880.html     USA report


    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/12095670/More-than-1-in-20-troop-deaths-happen-in-training.html      UK report


    The above were basic training deaths but some US Navy Seal recruits who already were in top condition have died from drowning or cold weather exercises.  For you " Pussy Cats" that have never served its not the Boy Scouts  Sorry for the young man who died though as Non Coms need to control themselves beating someone to death is over the top IF that was the case. I have personally seen (in the 70's) recruit hit or pushed to run nothing that would be considered severe just slightly hard persuasion/incentive to keep going.



    I am no ' pussy cat ' and I have served.


    There are a few differences in your thread to this young man.


    1. He was a conscript. A young guy going because he was unlucky enough to get the red ball instead of the ' get out of jail free ' black ball.


    He should reasonably expect, after basic training, to be assigned sweeping roads, cleaning ditches, helping out in floods, and then returning home after his two years to his family home to get on with his life. Many of these boys are sent home once they sign for ' attendance ' after basic training, as long as they forsake their military pay to their seniors, as there is little for them to do.They took that boy and put him in the military. They have a duty of care. By the look of the boy, he was no " Rambo!! " 


    2. The US navy seals programme is voluntary and for those at the top of their game in the military who wish to become elite members of an extraordinary force. It is THEIR choice to push the limits of their physical capabilities and endurance.


    3.Did you see they state of this boy in a hospital bed? This is not somebody who has had a clip around the ear to give him  ' incentive ' It was a brutal beating result in death where murder charges should be brought.


    4. As punishment, I was given scrubbing pans, painting, confined to barracks ( during training ), prevented from shore leave,( when on board ship ) loss of pay, assault courses, compulsory forced marches.


    These were punishments handed down given by the Royal Navy. Even those had to be legally sanctioned and approved by an officer.

  7. 1 hour ago, imagemaestro said:

    Noted that this part has gone unremarked.  Slow build up ....increase in army numbers.....  why ?

    I am not even sure why Thailand requires a large conscript army.  Against whom are we/they afeared ?  How does having a large conscript army alleviate this ?

    Or do I suspiciously think there is a political aspect to this ?


    Thailand uses its Army to enforce its will and control over the Thai people.  For as long as television has been available to the masses, they have been fed propaganda about how the military protects them and the borders from perceived, but in reality, imaginary threats.They are good at posturing and masters at military parades. I don't think they would want to push their luck in a conflict with the likes of  say, Vietnam!


    It is not an Army that is really used for external conflict unless you wish to include border infringements and skirmishes which is just sabre rattling.


    A minimal loss of life involving people of no consequence to the ' powers that be ' such as civilians poaching or logging.


    I would like to see these lardy ass Generals and scum who allow these horrendous punishments to be carried out in the name of discipline to be subjected to the same ordeal for a week. You don't ' suspend them from duty ' or move them to ' inactive posts '  you make an example of  them by jailing them and disgracing them and showing others what happens if they participate in these vile practices and behaviour.


    I am very sad today for the family of that young conscript, who only went because he was drafted  by the law to allegedly "serve his country" and fully expected to resume his life after two years.


    The only thing a military government has brought to Thailand is pigs in different coloured uniforms gorging at the economic trough of the country.

  8. Upcountry . The roads are even worse than the big cities. Yes, they seem to have good road surfaces and are wide in many places. However, with many large factories and night driving being the norm for 14 and 26 wheelers, driving vast distances without correct rest breaks, it is scary.

    With regards to the accident, it is very sad to hear of these things as always. I think it is unfair to imply the foreigner is to blame just because it was early evening and one poster suggesting he may have been drink driving!

    A bit silly with no evidence. He could just as easily been teetotal. The standard of driving by foreigners is usually much better as a rule, as driving exams in their own countries are much more thorough and in depth than Thailand.

    It is a constant worry when I drive at night to see young guys speeding on motorbikes or even food/delivery tuk tuks with no lights and some even only use old CDs hanging down as rear reflectors. You cannot see them until you nearly run over them!


    And I don't drink!

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. craigt3365,


    I feel two of these posters, are just trolling/ baiting on TV for some juvenile amusement with silly arguments befitting a school playground and are purposely ignoring or distorting the facts.


    One that claims to have been visiting Thailand since the seventies, which at an educated guess if he was traveling solo, would put him in his sixties at least, has resorted to sending me unwanted PMs in Thai script, which are now blocked. The  immaturity of the content resembles something I would expect from a person in their teens or twenties.

  10. A stomach turning diatribe by a Thai apologist for one of the worst acts of violence captured on CCTV. I have never read so much garbage in a post!


    "The kick to Mumma Owen was brutal, but they started it "What a crock of absolute garbage to justify such viciousness!!! The sort of playground excuses dreamed up by children. '  He/she started it sir "


    So, this OAP came marching down the street in her ' bovver boots ' did she???


    You justify what happened to an old man and woman and the level of violence leveled at them by young men, an attack which was relentless, against OAPs?


    You make me want to puke. " What if that had been your mother and father?


    You then proceed on with  " 99.9% of Thais are lovely during Songkran " I suggest you tell that to the bereaved families and the victims, past, present and future of the drunk drivers. Let's brace ourselves for the annual two weeks nearly of complete stupidity, violence and death. Go say that to the families at the bedside of the next victim of this out of control lunacy.


    we are due carnage as usual coming up and into Songkran. The facts and deaths will be released, the usual spin will be put on it and then ' back to normal ' until next year, unless one of the victims is from a Hi-So family or member of the sacred military, police or clergy. Then there will be a flurry of activity, police statements on TV and the same old, same old.


    Your next quote "


    "The festival has a beautiful vibe, tai rak tai. Millions of smiling, happy faces. Try pulling off such a festival back in England, it would be impossible. It would end up being a mass brawl."


    Have you been on the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya at Songkran?


    And a mass brawl is exactly what it is under the guise of people enjoying themselves, you omitted the word ' drunken " brawl


    Finally, you refer to the integrity of the British press reports of the incident.


    There is no media more capable of fudging statistics, doctoring film footage to suit events,and biased reporting, now even more so as they are firmly under the grip of the junts in Thailand.


    I suppose you believe 99.9% of Thais are happy with a military government as well?


  11. 6 hours ago, MartinL said:

    Or to no pay at all and no UK benefits which, apparently, some might still be entitled to post-Brexit. 


    That 3 million includes spouses, kids, beggars, Big Issue sellers etc. I suspect that, of the working folks among those 3 million, a very large proportion are only in work because they're in UK and would be on the scrapheap in their home countries.

    Well said.

  12. 1 hour ago, MartinL said:

    Didn't Theresa may offer a deal on the rights of EU citizens in the UK, in exchange for a similar deal re. UK citizens in the EU, some months ago? The proposal appeared to be that this was agreed before any other negotiations even began.


    If I remember rightly, the EU/Merkel refused to even discuss it before A50 was activated. 


    The OP makes it sound as though it's the UK that won't move on this rather than the EU.

    You are absolutely right in the above and all you say.


    Already we are seeing that Britain , who has 1 million living in Europe was prepared to enter into negotiations when we have 3 million EU nationals living in the UK. Who was being fair from the outset there?????




    Just addressing a few other posters issues so I am not hogging the thread and answering each post individually :-


    So far they are tried what has become to be known as Project Blackmail, then Project fear, now they are rattling sabres demanding money with menaces which is Project threaten and then I anticipate the next one with be Project Cajole. Marine Le Pen has said it has been an ' open secret '  since the referendum to try make the Brexit as lousy and as difficult as possible to deter others. They are still furious with David Cameron for agreeing to a ballot and upsetting the applecart.


    Perhaps if they had concentrated on making the EU an open,fair as well as transparent organization we would not be at this crossroads now. To say and imply now that they must seek total agreement from 27 other states on all aspects of the UK departure is a nonsense and a smokesreen. It is Germany and France, as always, deciding the way forward and game plans assisted by their weasels in Brussels.


    Also, how can a bunch of unelected clowns who have never had the EU books audited start presenting the UK with a massive Brexit bill when it is not even in the treaty for states that wish to withdraw. It's nonsense.


    Plucking figures from the sky in boozy lunches in Brussels! They know they are on thin ice and the ' bullies of the EU ' France and Germany, who owe the UK more than the others in the group being the most vocal.


    If the EU is such a good and great deal and the UK are so stupid for leaving, then why such animosity??????

  13. Most Thai prisons already separate the transgenders and flamboyantly gay into their own cells away from general population. It was certainly the case in Pattaya, Chonburi and Lad Yao. I saw it.


    I would definitely encourage expansion of this space regards washing, toilet facilities and sleeping arrangements. This is not a favour for them based on gender, but for the smooth running of the prison system and inmates.


    They can be as devious and troublesome on the inside as they are on the outside of prison walls. They tend to have better survival skills and are smarter as a rule than the majority in general population. They get bored and cause trouble and enjoy the associated chaos.


    Even in the prison hospital areas where I visited they are separated into their own ' spaces ' if not necessarily cell areas as much as can be done in prison.


    It is a nonsense that the figure is 1% of the population. This is done by authorities to deliberately mask the amount for face saving purposes.If it was so low, they wouldn't be talking about it and it would not be attracting attention.


    It is much higher if you include all the different groups.  This is why it is laughable by some posters on here who watch too many US movies and make comments about criminals ' being somebody's bitch ' or ' He'll be getting seen to in prison ' meaning sexually harassed. They don't as a rule. Nor are they singled out because of their crimes. The Thais running the prisons, be they officers or inmates, are far more interested in running their money making scams than to be bothered with individual people. It has no stigma like it has in the West.


    Those guys in homosexual relationships in Thai prisons are willing participants for various reasons but the main ones are to get money for drugs, telephones, food supplies, gambling etc Those that are very poor in prison such as the Cambodians and Laotians and to a degree, poor Thais with self respect , take on cleaning duties and washing clothing and cooking meals in the yard to earn their keep.

  14. 9 hours ago, janpaulsen said:

    Anyone heard of or know of possible ongoing organised "gf" scams in the Kalasin, Khon Kaen, Roi Et areas ? I know it happens all the time with single girls, but not so organised ...


    Your post is just bizarre! I cannot make sense of it.


    Have you been sunbathing without a hat?

  15. 21 hours ago, pieeyed said:

    I have the same guaranteed wisdom credit card with Kasikorn with a 200,000 baht limit that I paid up front. For people without a work permit it is one of the only ways to get a credit card. Some years ago I used to use my USD dollar account to get my retirement extension. Chang Wattana told me that this was no longer acceptable and that I had to show 800,000 in thai baht. Also the account had to be active showing money in and out on a regular basis. You cannot just leave 800,000 baht sitting idle in your account all year.

    You can and I do.

    • Like 2
  16. I was confusing the 90 day report with the rules for renewing extension of stay and that is what was  in my thinking. When you apply a bit early on the extension of stay for one year, they count your date  from your last stamp, so in effect, you don't lose any days by applying early in plenty of time.


    I thought provided I was in the window of two weeks before or one week after, that my actual report date would be irrelevant as they would look at my entry date into the country and count 90 days from there.

  17. 8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    Except is faulty democracy isn't it?  Because such a serious vote should have been give the ill informed public... and after the result a big percentage said they did not want to leave Europe.. but they made 'protest votes' as they did not believe it would stand a chance to go through.


    This issue was the Governments job to sort out, or at least educate the population with facts.  We were misguided and lied to by the press, and incompetent people in the government who span a lot of lies for political popularity and not the benefit of the country.


    As it was the vote to leave was mostly bases on nothing but immigration and raciest agenda, and nothing or little to do with money, the economy, or the good of the country as a whole.


    If it was put to the vote again then it could not go through, as now more people know some facts about it, and others would not be so stupid to waste their vote in a protest vote.



    Hindsight a wonderful thing, eh?


    And if most people were totally informed about all issues the last 20 governments in the UK, possibly more, would not have got into power.


    We are always lied to by politicians and you seem to think in this case it was an exception as opposed to the norm! David Cameron called the referendum as he believed he had no chance of losing it and underestimated people on the ground and public opinion outside London.


    The government adopted a platform of treating the public like idiots, that didn't work. Then they moved into bringing in big guns from foreign powers, eg. President Obama, that failed to as the British viewed it as interference. Finally, the EU idiots resorted to out and out threats, that would fail against most nations in the world who respond poorly to threats especially the British public.


    Your answers are like the Thai response when the Red shirts kept winning. Pick a colour RED Ah, you weren't in possession of the full facts, vote again. OK, RED. Ah, wrong answer, vote again. OK, RED again. Ah, you are farmers and too stupid to vote. You don't understand politics, so we'll bring in the Army.

  18. I really don't get some of you guys regards Brexit and the rights of EU nationals working in the UK blabbing on about moral issues, the right thing to do etc.


    It's as simple as this. Theresa May wanted to discuss this with the EU for nationals working in the UK and was told outright and flat, there would be no agreements, no talks, nothing until Article 50 was triggered. Her hands were tied! End of. So now, some on here want us to give all the rights to EU nationals working in the UK with nothing guaranteed in return regards safety and security of UK nationals living within the EU? Yes, sure, great idea!


    Some people on here want Britain now to agree to any form of bullying and threatening and blackmail from the EU, who cannot stand the thought they are being defied by the UK. That's it, that's all. Hence the constant rolling out of ' Britain cannot cherry pick what it wants from the EU " etc etc how many times do we have to listen to that mantra??? We now, we've heard it dozens of times.


    Facts are these: Britain imports far MORE FROM THE EU THAN IT EXPORTS. So, who will lose out? and THEY KNOW IT!


    Any silly visa restrictions or taxes demanded by the EU will be reciprocated immediately by the UK. They know that too. It will hurt the German car manufacturers who export a great many to the UK, The French champagne mob, where the UK is the biggest customer. These are small examples but on and on it goes, tit for tat.


    The rest is just hot air to prevent other countries telling them to stuff the EU up their jacksy!! Regards the GBP. Yes, one thing the markets hate is uncertainty. They like to see from one end of the field to the other, they hate fog. It has been stated by a great deal of economists that the GBP is trading 15-20% below its real worth at the moment. It is expected to rise. When? If I knew that I wouldn't be sat here typing this, but it shouldn't be too long in the distant future.


    Nobody knows but it will bounce back unless some unforeseen catastrophe, that only affects the UK and no other country in the world, happens. These events always move in cycles.


    We have  also been waiting 40 years for audited books and accounts of EU ministers and MEPs spending to be vetted and held up to scrutiny, guess what? It hasn't happened yet, and those gaining the most from it, like those fat greedy slobs in the House of Lords and Brussels are hell bent on making sure it doesn't.


    The Brexit vote was the people against the elites and ho are now getting their voices heard.It is also filtering through into Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Greece etc I am not saying there will be a massive change of policy. The EU will bumble on from crisis to crisis delaying and putting off decisions as it always does. BUT. They have learned now how their rose tinited views on migrants and recklessness especially with migrant lack of integration is adversely affecting the Western way of life.

  19. Hi,


    I tried online without success to do my 90 day report so I did it by post via EMS.  I think It states that we can report two weeks before or one week after your date.


    I entered the country on December 15th, 2016 but notified on March 9th, 2017 as opposed to March 15th. I thought I would get until June 13th which was great because I am leaving the country again on the 12th June.


    However, I have been given June 6th. Do I make another 90 day report or leave it until I go through the airport on the 12th June, 2017. I don't want to give them 2,000 baht late report fine for nothing, if it can be avoided.



  20. Henry,


    To do what you are wanting to do, you will have far better luck in Siem Reap, Cambodia which is just down the road.You will find a friendly , younger bunch of expats to give you advice. A couple of Facebook groups are worth joining and you can get the updates there. There is one called Expats and locals in Siem Reap and another called Siem reap expats or something like that. Look around on FB,You will find the groups and ask questions there.


    You can legally be employed working for only $100 a year for your work permit. You will also need a visa, these are easily available for 3,6 or 12 months. and priced accordingly. One year is in the region of $285-300 USD, and that is it. You will not be asked anything more than the above.


    At your age you can work down there in bar management, hotels, teaching English if you get TEFL in the UK first. etc


    Living is cheap. Your work in business and marketing etc, you can find opportunities down there or in Phnom Penn.


    Forget Thailand at your age, except for a good holiday.

  21. On 11/03/2017 at 7:08 PM, taipeir said:

    Eh Britain signed up for everything in the first place what are you talking about?

    Don't you know your own history?

    Britain even moaned through the entire time it was in the EU looking for opt outs for this and that and it never joined the euro zone.It was also Tony Blair who opened full immigration rights to Eastern Europeans before other European countries.

    Sick of you moaners see how long your precious Britain lasts most likely it'll be England and Wales within a few years. Scotland and Northern Ireland didn't sign up for getting dragged out of the EU.

    How will it get better exactly?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What a load of ill informed and rude rubbish!


    Nobody is getting DRAGGED out of the EU. It was put to a referendum of the people in the U.K., which includes Northern Ireland and Scotland.


    That vote went in the favour of those who wished to leave. It does not matter what different areas voted for. The U.K. as a whole was consulted and that was the outcome. Northern Ireland and the generous policies in education and healthcare in Scotland, are NOT funded by their own paid taxes, but as part of the U.K. as a whole, and where are the majority of those taxpayers residing??


    Damn right Britain as one of the main contributors demanded opt outs for terms and conditions it never went along with, signed up for, or agreed in the first place.This was supposed to be a trading bloc and common policies on agriculture, taxation etc to bring Europe closer together and fairer and to prevent future wars. France has been cheating non stop on agricultural and farming policies ever since.


    It was NOT supposed to be the United States of Europe.


    The Euro has been a disaster for everyone except Germany and if Britain wasn't so strong defending its rights within Europe, it would have been trampled underfoot by the cosy little relationship of France and Germany. The U.K. has neither the land, nor the infrastructure to continue taking in immigrants on the scale it has been. Small wonder with a country which seriously honors its commitments within the bloc, that every unskilled and economic migrant wishes to head for the UK because of its soft and accommodating policies.


    Already, we are seeing the results of Angela Merkel's stupid ' open door ' policies leading to rampant extremism as a result. Now, we have Turkey, drifting towards an authoritarian dictatorship and no longer separating religious affairs from state also threatening to open the floodgates to further mass immigration into Europe if it continuously does not get its own way through blackmail and cash incentives.

  22. Stories like these are just a nonsense.


    If he had some major disability in some way or had suffered extreme hardship or misfortune through no fault of his own , fair enough. Then, MAYBE, go to social media for assistance. I notice particularly the serious obligatory "  I'm not-lying-here-are my documents to say I am poor " begging face in the photo. What makes him different from the millions of other kids???


    I attended grammar school as a youngster, on a government scholarship system based on my exam results. I still held an after school job to pay for the expensive trips and obligatory outings that were a part of grammar school life. I am 53 and it was shameful where I grew up to beg charity or ask for money.You helped yourself or you didn't get. It was a mantra to us, God helps those, who help themselves!!!


    The world is full of kids who cannot go to university because their families haven't got the money.


    I know a Cambodian guy that changed faith from Buddhism so he could study at a Christian school as a young kid. He then burnt the midnight oil working jobs and tried his hand at everything from hotel work to acting as an agent to sell land to people in Siem Reap, organizing pick ups and airport drops and tours for foreigners in his spare time. But guess what? He put himself through university himself. He is doing OK for himself and always has a smile but thinks on his feet. I think he's a Buddhist again these days!!!..:smile:


    What he didn't do was go "crying the poor tale " on social media to get funds. And, unfortunately, in Thailand, we can pretty much guarantee a great deal of the 1.6 million baht will not go to its intended purpose unless somebody very responsible is involved overseeing it or there is a clause that the monies must be paid direct to the university for its stipulated purpose only.


    There are simply too many going now to funding sources such as crowdfunding, just giving, Go fund me, etc  for non legitimate causes.




    Foreigners are no better, having motorbike accidents and unable to pay hospital fees because they are uninsured,  scooter and jet ski deaths and unable to return the body to the home country for similar reasons., again uninsured. They then expect to open a Go fund me page and those who are responsible adults whilst travelling to donate to their plight caused by their own fecklessness.

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