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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. I just helped a friend of mine who was on holiday but is a regular in Thailand open an account at Krung Thai bank and they did the same thing with the ATM card. He paid around 699 baht. He was happy as he got an account opened with minimum fuss on a tourist entry stamp. SCB, who I also bank with, want far more information at the bank where I live in the sticks and just will not open a bank account for a foreigner on a tourist stamp.


    Also, I am sure I have paid more for incoming funds to Krung Thai bank than the above posters have to SCB and Bangkok bank. I will be checking this.


    Cambodia always charges a lump of money to send funds depending entirely on the amount I am transferring but you have a choice to pay at their end or split the costs with the Thai end if that makes sense.I still haven't worked it out what the fee is for if anybody can help as I am actually a bit out of touch with money transfers and bank wise,who gets what and why.

  2. " I am sure they will not wish to return to Thailand very quickly and try places such as Vietnam , Laos or Malaysia where there is still respect for elders and the rule of law."

    Lol just because they don't report crimes on TV doesn't mean it doesn't happen!

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    I am a regular in all these countries and they have a lot better rule of law and citizens who respect the law far more than the likes of Thailand and Cambodia.

    It's very clear on the way they behave, on the streets and the stats to back it up.

    The safest in the region is Singapore in my book. Thailand and Cambodia are still living in the Wild West.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
  3. I find it strange that a disgraceful attack by young scumbags on Phuket island, no doubt too lazy to get a part time job , can only draw comments and sarcasm from TV members regards potential and previous insurance scams, taxi drivers who will make ' merit '  by coming to the fore quickly from nowhere and doing  a good deed etc to repair Thailands image instead of focussing on this heinous crime.


    I wonder if it would have been so easily dismissed had it happened to the TV members making light of such a vicious attack??


    it must of been very frightening and distressing for the poor victims and another example of how out of control Thailand has become. I wish them a speedy recovery and safe journey home.


    I am sure they will not wish to return to Thailand very quickly and try places such as Vietnam , Laos or Malaysia where there is still respect for elders and the rule of law.


    No doubt the parents of these filth will be running down to the police station to secure bail as quickly as possible. A shame they are not more interested as to the whereabouts of their kids on a daily basis.



  4. 2 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    I have already agreed to the over the top deport him coments. But I have just read he actually gets paid for this you tube blog thing he has and apparently the more people look the more he gets so I read. In which case the little lie he made comes more into focus and I can't help wondering if he should not be fined a lot more or even asked or made to donate the extra money he made from this lie to a charity of some sort. food for thought



    Didn't know that bit...............deport the wassock!!............:cheesy:


    Double and triple the fine for being a smart <deleted> speaking Isaarn Thai, then castrate him, feed his balls to the nearest Soi dogs, then make him go be a monk for at least a week!


    After that, he can do probation and community service by removing all illegal exhausts from motorbikes starting with his own and hand over all You tube money making hits for the Khonkaen police New years party!!

  5. Gents,

    The house in question was initially used for the benefit of my partners Thai parents. While the father passed away, the mother has decided to move in with her daughter to a Thai style house.

    It was used by the mother, son and niece to live in but was built for us and friends coming to visit,It was left in a dreadful state of repair when they moved with no maintenance at all being done on the property, not even light bulbs replaced nor broken handles fixed ( and the son is supposed to be a handyman! )

    My wife was appalled at this and spent two weeks with an outside handyman bringing the house back up to scratch . I have paid for all repairs and work to bring it back to standard.

    It is now restored to its former glory and looks well. We will just get the outside re turfed as they didn't even keep that area watered and clean. They have now moved, along with their ducks, chickens and other unwanted garden guests.

    The Thai nurse option of renting to them was something I never thought about but I know quite a few of the local nurses and all seem to be married and have housing. However, the husband and wife from Europe are both in their mid sixties, known to us, and have easily enough money to pay for 12 months but only be here for 6 to escape the cold in Europe during the winter, so it should be OK.

    One or two asked about the location. It is in a small busy town between Roi Et and Kalasin.it is about 45 minutes from the Roi Et airport. Nearby is Somdet.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  6. Guys,

    Thanks everyone for input and suggestions. I have an English retired couple who wish to take it as is. They were impressed with the house facilities and location as well as the big gardens.

    The upside is they wish to buy their own additional furnishings and rent for a year at a time paying upfront but stay only six months on condition it is locked and not rented in their absence.

    So it's all working out for the good. Thanks again everybody. My other half will keep the rent as an addition to her income but maintain it and keep it ship shape during the tenants absence.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  7. Thanks guys,

    I thought I was being fair. It is 1 mile from the town centre so they will need some form of transport but the local hospital is about 500 metres away and in the town we have SCB and KTB banks. We also have a Big C and Tesco express as well as plenty of 7-11s and actually quite a reasonable amount of nightlife for a small town.

    The house is in excellent condition.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  8. Hi,

    I have a European style house built with three bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen plus living room. The kitchen is basic to be fair.

    The living room has a three piece suite and one bedroom is fully furnished. There is also private parking in an enclosed yard which is secure.

    It is in North East Thailand and on private land with access to our large main house via a walkway. Wi FI will be free as will water as we have our own well.

    There is an old Style TV but no True or cable which I am not paying for. Electric will be at cost with its own meter. My question to TV members is what is realistically expected from us to provide as landlords? I wish to rent to foreigners and have three interested in it. I don't want to be going out and buying fancy bedding and flat screens etc at such a cheap rent. Any sensible answers appreciated.



    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  9. Hardly underway with any kind of investigation and the TV Sherlock Holmes of this world are already telling us their amazing theories of what went on instead of just waiting a day or so as evidence comes to light. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, ,eh?


    The most neurotic posts on here are by those who seem to imply that they have some kind of magical or psychic abilities as to what the Thais are now thinking about foreigners because of this incident and a few Hells angel bikers in Pattaya, giving some Thai a kicking.


    Well firstly, evidence has come to light that the bikers had retaliated after a young group of Thai males had attacked the pick up following a minor collision not knowing that it contained four burly Hells angels; the Thais were using  machetes and sticks. True to form there was a young mob of them not caught on the CCTV as it happened prior to what was shown, no doubt " cameras weren't working " in the aforementioned attack  will be their answer. They get their ass kicked, then like the cowards they are, go running to the police. The Hells angels will be offering compensation merely to avoid a court case, bail, lawyers rip off charges and bail monies meaning an extended stay in Thailand.


    Next, too early to comment on the latest " body in the fridge, police shooting, and copied passports "  I will await further information coming to light.


    Moving on to the " We are all bad foreigners " and what will the Thais think of us,written by some obsequious Thai ass crawling posters. They won't think much is the answer, because few of them actually take time out to use their grey matter!!! Even the xenophobic Thais cannot class all the millions of foreigners that pass through these lands yearly as all the same or they are even more stupid than we give them credit for.


    What about atrocities committed by Thais?


    1. Recent murder of an elderly Japanese by a woman and her " brother " aka husband. It then comes to light there have been others, murdered, dismembered and thrown in the Chao Phra river, all for insurance money.

    2. The murders in Chiang Mai of Kirsty Jones, attempts by police to masturbate and plant DNA on a foreigners and forensics proving the perpretator was an Asian.

    3.The disgusting attacks in Hua Hin at Songkran on a grandmother and her husband and son.

    4. The Koh Tao fit up of the Burmese boys.

    5.The daily attacks by motorbike taxi gangs in Pattaya on foreigners who have had too much to drink.

    6.Recent murders of two Lao women in Kalasin by three Thai males, bodies raped, murdered and dumped in a rubber plantation.


    These are not even the tip of the iceberg as to violence committed by Thais against foreigners and their own people on a REGULAR basis and some of the reasons given are just impossible to comprehend.


    We hear daily of sex attacks and murders carried out by Thai Paedophiles and Yaa. Baa addicts, so please the do gooders on here; do not attempt to suggest foreigners are the root of the problem in Thailand's messed up society nor will many be shocked by recent events. They may pretend to be shocked and horrified because it involves foreigners, but is nothing more than a whitewash to cover up the misdeeds of Thais in general,

  10. 49 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    How very condescending of you. Must feel so superior laughing at other people for asking questions.


    You mean the same as the condescending reply I received from you when I pointed out I couldn't really see much use in them and questioning their value.  In your desperation to validate your " Pink card " you accused me of both " ranting " and being " jealous " ????.


    Obviously it must depend if it is a question you like or dislike whether it is viewed as condescending or not?? Any opposition to your Pink card is taken very seriously and personally.


    So so far I remain unconvinced by your efforts to promote the benefits of your Pink card. However, the clincher for you is getting in free to Pattaya floating market!!  and a "thumbs up " from a traffic policeman who probably didn't have a clue what it was.


    Lastly, what is a " very good Thai falang " which you state in your early post? You seemed to be bursting with pride by the off the cuff comment.


    I think I can afford to give it a miss.


    White men gets far more publicity internationally where the NGOs can then attempt to justify their funding. Cambodian males are responsible for most of the rape and murders of children and juvenile crime and drugs is at epidemic levels.

     Western women are now being attacked and raped by Cambodian youths in gangs  in Siem reap and the police refusing to make reports as it will expose their laziness ,failure to deal and acknowledge that there is a real problem.You can even read about these on the Siem reap forums.

    Cambodia is on the decline and crime is going unchecked because of weak and poor enforcement of the law and corrupt courts and government. I honestly feel they will lose the tourism before it even really gains traction.The police force needs to be disbanded and started again from scratch.

    Cambodia  has had billions of dollars in grants and aid from around the world and diddly squat has been done with it  for the people nor has infrastructure been improved to justify the funds.

    A prime minister who just enriches himself, his family and cronies, accused of murders, disappearances,suppressing and crushing by force peaceful opposition.  A man who is nothing more than a despot and should take his place alongside others such as Saddam, Gadaffi, Mubarak, even Bush and his war mongering lapdog Blair.

  12. Wow,


    Quick on the reply!

     I don't feel strongly about it whatsoever and it was an observation not in any shape or form a " rant " as you incorrectly described it. It was a simple statement of what I believe. We have seen the civil liberties brigade when ID cards were suggested for UK nationals in the past.

    I have the yellow book which is useful for a few needs and purposes and a Thai driving license to remain legal on the roads. From what I know there is not one single benefit of the aforementioned " Pink card " which some are referring to as an ID card and others are not.

    You appear to be getting your knickers in a twist because I have questioned its benefits and usage. Enjoy your free Pattaya floating market!!..

  13. It's  amazing reading this thread that if you asked a British national in the UK if they wanted an ID card which also had their blood groups and other relevant information on it but they had to be photographed and give their thumb prints which would be held on file  , I have no doubt they would be shouting and screaming  to the local press about  big brother and their civil liberties.


    However, over in sunny Thailand they are quite prepared to queue around then block for one and probably waste a day getting it, just so they have, in their view, the one upmanship,and can sit smugly in the beer bar flashing it off with that ' I am a native, look at my ID card ' face, that also gets them into  a park, maybe, at local rates! and , for this privilege, they have all their personal details  tracked and recorded.



  14. 5 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    I will be relocating back to UK early in 2017.


    If it is still there.


    And where would the UK be going between now and the New year?? 


    By the way, the best site around to sell your bike and car in Thailand regardless of your location, I have found it to be this site.


    You can sell almost anything on here including household goods. Have a good look around. It's also free to advertise your items for sale.



  15. Hi,


    Sorry to hear about your bad luck.


    The posts here are good advice and,if it was me, I would be  getting a new passport if it has two negative void stamps in it. The void stamps are actually in your passport??? Sorry, I don't know having never had the misfortune of this happening.It is easy to stamp " NO " once they have seen previous refusals in a passport. You never, from any Embassy or Consulate, get your cash refunded in case of a visa not being granted. The fee is payable to get them to consider and assess it.

    i would also try a smaller consulate as suggested. For myself as a UK citizen, in my days of applying for visas I found the Thai consulate in Liverpool, one of the best to apply in the country with minimal requirements compared to others.

    I used to have " niggles "when I went via London main Thai Embassy and their with requests for all kinds of documents.What I am saying is the Thai Embassy policies vary from place to place, so not to be discouraged.

    Good luck.

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  16. This latest blitz on motorists has already been announced on TV if you can spot it among all the other announcements and drivel that the TV gives us every day.


    They are also clamping on any and all modifications made to vehicles be them bodywork, enhanced performance engines, big wheels etc. Yes, I am aware it will all be down to some ' zero educated ' traffic cop and his interpretation, I am just saying it has been announced.


    Window tints come in various screen tints- some are legal and some are not. The high government officials are usually being chauffeured around in illegal tinted windows unless its Prayut and he wants to be noticed and seen!


    At the end of the day, it's all a big ' yawn ' because everybody decided after the last hike, to wear their safety helmets whilst riding their motos, so they had to invent a new cash cow.

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