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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Fabulous, A man that laughs at his own jokes. Have you taken your meds? One flew over the cuckoos nest! Where's Nurse Ratchett when we need her?
  2. You are such a prize. I don't talk any more to guys with less than Ruby status. 😆 Are you in love with me? Why do you keep stalking? Go find a sheep.
  3. Then you burn me here and take the ashes. You don't beg for a fancy repatriation
  4. just stop being a clown and trying to pick an argument for any reason. Get outside and put some sun on your head.
  5. How can they issue requests about bodies for uninsured. My mother taught me ' Beggars can't be choosers '
  6. You know nobody, you are just a clown and a keyboard solider.
  7. I don't care that many foreigners have Thai hookers, if it works for them, what is it to do with me? You seem a right clown to me in your 5000 baht a month room, with free Wi-Fi and a keyboard. What an existence you have.
  8. But always the inevitable ' fundraiser '
  9. But you felt the need to insult me and my Thai lady of 28 years and refer to her as a bar girl. There are a few Thai soldiers in our family, they would be happy to discuss with you calling her or referring to her as a bar girl.
  10. Wish we could meet up and say it to my face.
  11. You know, I get it now from that vile comment. I now know the filthy type of person you are. Pathetic.
  12. I agree with that. Protect yourself at all times.
  13. That is what I consider, that the man had a bloody unfortunate encounter and a bad day. It's lousy sometimes, without a friend in sight to assist and a load of people wanting their pound of flesh.
  14. Well, I don't know, but it's something I can now forget about for 5 years.
  15. Show us a photo of your condo overlooking ' water ' , don't miss out a good snap of the squat toilet.
  16. I used my Architects from Pattaya, I bought the materials through my company and we employed local labour. I've been with her 28 years, and still am, so what are you talking about? She probably speaks English better than you do. Got me around her finger, I think not, I control the expenses. Do you not think it's right and proper to look after a partner after such a length of time? That says far more about you, than it does about me. They are not all ' whores ' but you wouldn't know, being in Pattaya playing connect four!
  17. You are so uch a clown. Did you take your meds today?
  18. Keyboard warrior and a skint member. Get back to your barstool.
  19. I didn't buy four houses you clown I built them
  20. Yeah with a squat toilet and in the coffeeahop next door for free WIFI
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