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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I think I have done enough research on this without your sixpence worth, and furthermore, I won't be jumping for anybody. Also, whether Thais have a birthright is irrelevant if they are skirting or avoiding Thai tax law, or are you saying being Thai makes them exempt? Happy New Year, stop writing drivel.
  2. You mean their global family resort?
  3. I don't think it needs two truckloads of young men to help her move a few possessions out of a rented room? How many chattels and goods could she possibly have, she only checked in December 10th? Usually, a couple of plastic 7-11 bags does it. He wasn't the landlord according to the story, but he was the apartment block manager. IMO, more believable, is that she called in bored young thugs for exactly the reasons of what happened, and she knew would happen. She instigated a murder.
  4. How did the Vietnamese tourists get home? I mean, we don't want Thailand's image tarnished with bus drivers up to these nefarious acts and abandoning tourists in the middle of nowhere.
  5. Whatever happens now, we have a Japanese family in mourning for the New Year, and the Half Thai man's family wondering how many years he is going to be in jail through his stupidity, in stabbing somebody to death in a drunken stupor.
  6. Erm, But its make believe and not supposed to be taken seriously by level-headed people that went to school.
  7. Yes, And his reaction to arrest, and subsequent nonchalant behaviour, told you he was more used to being in Thailand.
  8. Not sure about that. Many years ago I would react quickly in drink, over the years I mellowed and now ignore any people who try baiting me when alcohol is involved. That said. I haven't had a beer for four months, it doesn't have the same enjoyment as it used to.
  9. I know a few and they are OK. Not sure though if they were Thai/Aussies that would be the case.😆
  10. I spoke to a few younger Japanese in, believe it or not, Soi Nana last year. There was one guy who spoke for the rest of them, as he was the most fluent in English. I was very polite too, you find when people are so nice they bring the best out in ourselves. I found them very nice people and pleasant as well as very well-mannered.
  11. And nor did I, I was merely pointing out the other poster's comment and what they meant by it. They were being ' picky '
  12. Yep, Sit at the back, planes don't reverse into mountains.
  13. Yeah, She can save money and borrow Thaksin's neck brace.
  14. Well, they are saying it doesn't apply to sex offenders, large amounts of drugs in drug convictions and violent crime. Quite handy that, as rice pledging deals don't fall into any of those categories. Well, who would have thought that?
  15. He believes in the Justice System, he just doesn't believe it applies to him.
  16. The law is only made for those without money, power or influence. ' Might beats right '
  17. Nor the last. Spot on, we should be grateful for that.
  18. What a thing to say when a young man has lost his life at Christmastime. Callous.
  19. I was thinking the exact same. I have struck up conversations with Japanese maybe two or three times in all my years here. They tend to avoid us, and certainly don't get into disputes as a rule.
  20. Yes, but his passport would be British, not an English one as don't have one. Similarly, we don't have Welsh or Scottish passports, that's what he was saying. Semantics. It could be a Thai with a British passport, or it could be a mixed race kid, half English, half Thai. Either way, he's a scumbag taking a life with a knife for such a pathetic reason.
  21. Trump did solve the border problem last time, despite all the hot air. The US border and immigration problems have been there for decades. Relations around the world, where the US has interests and needs the co-operation of other countries, whether you like it or not, took a huge tumble under his administration. The man is a lunatic and unfit for office. His next trick will be to try for office again for a third term, he's already made overtures regarding this. He is the biggest liar the US voting population has ever been stupid enough to elect. Examples below:- Border wall construction Talking about his wall on the border with Mexico, Trump said, “I completed what I said I was going to do, much more than I said I was going to do.” Facts Fist: This is false; Trump didn’t achieve nearly as much wall construction as he had pledged on the campaign trail in 2015 and 2016. Trump repeatedly said in 2015 and 2016 that “we need” 1,000 miles of wall to protect the southern border, with another 1,000 miles already protected by natural barriers. But not even close to 1,000 miles were built during his presidency; official federal statistics put the total construction at 458 miles, and only 52 miles of that total was new “primary” wall built where no barriers had previously existed. When Trump left office, there were about 280 miles of the border where wall construction had been planned but not executed. https://www.npr.org/2024/08/11/nx-s1-5070566/trump-news-conference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/04/politics/fact-check-trump-time-magazine/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-versus-truth-most-outrageous-falsehoods-his-presidency-n1252580
  22. Not my guy, the USA picked two lousy choices for President. So, they are YOUR guys.
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