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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I agree with you and plenty on here missing the point with comments of " it's only 300 baht" Do members recall that we'll add something to the ticket for all the new biometrics at the airport which enhances arrivals and departures, well did it? Then there was the add-on for those that weren't insured and it was to pay for the hospitals, as Thailand was fed up allegedly, with these people who couldn't pay or had inadequate medical insurance, so we'll just put another ' add on ' in there to cover this. Then there was an argument about an add-on or price increase for tourists to keep and maintain the national parks in good order as tourist attractions because obviously, only foreigners litter and such in these places. And the list continues until somebody says ' enough is enough ' and they decide with their feet to seek new places. This is the strategy of the Thais in government, who haven't the faintest idea about the tourist on the ground and will milk the cow until it's dry and then bleat where have all the tourists gone blaming everything else from Climate change to the Global economy. They will blame anything except their dumb policies. The government here float these ideas and waits and sees what the blowback is before coming out and saying what their proposals are, so they can blame some Somchai ' who wasn't authorised to speak ' if it goes belly up. Are you people not surprised why it is hazy with no government announcement regarding their plans on taxation for people here over 180 days, they are seeing where the land lies, so they can back-peddle quickly if they hit significant resistance. Lastly, comparing Pattaya Thailand to Bhutan is like comparing Liverpool to Monte Carlo.
  2. The report makes little sense in the real world. Sure, the whole purpose of the real banknotes backed up by photocopies is to prove selling not possession to use. In the drug world, there used to be in Thailand, Pure possession ( this has now been removed and replaced) Possession to use, Possession to sell, ( having a quantity larger than what they believe is for personal use) and Possession to sell and caught in the act of selling which is the most severe. A few years ago, they changed what quantities you needed to have to fall into the different categories, but the picture clearly shows they have him banged to rights on the most serious charge. Sometimes, the culprit can ' buy his way out of one of the selling charges ' before he goes to court, meaning he is charged with possession to sell and not caught in the act of selling. That gets a lower sentence. But ecstasy is Class A, and Cocaine used to be Class B. The Cocaine is marginal, and the ecstasy is a small amount, however still Class A or Class 1. The money and photocopies can be a problem ( shakedown!)
  3. You are spot on. It is the method used to prove he was selling the drugs which carries a far more severe sentence as opposed to buying to use. I don't think he needs to worry about work permits where he is going.
  4. I went home as I only live around the corner and they told me to return in the afternoon. I did that and I was the only one there. I then did the colour blindness and reaction tests, paid, got licence and went home. I got my licence there and then, but I could see a pile of documents and licences on their desk where they had told locals to collect their licences the day after. I honestly didn't get it either about the 300 baht and the video, but happy to give it a miss.
  5. I used to have the same view, but they are not when you get to know them. They are reserved. Vietnamese have a wicked sense of humour. They don't suffer fools gladly.
  6. Are you still drinking that coffee in your free use of an internet cafe so you can post rubbish like this? I think they should post a time limit, so you can't sit there all day posting crap and telling them you are a digital nomad.
  7. Well, for sure you won't be missed with your nonsensical and racist diatribes.
  8. Clown! Been here for 30 years, speak the language and been in the North East for 18 years. I've been to nearly every province in the country, what are you blabbing on about? You shouldn't drink on an empty head.
  9. Yeah, That's it, as usual, go after the small fish. Why not clean your backyard, with a criminal leading you all like a bull by the horns in your own Pheu Thai party? Nah, no balls!
  10. It may improve if the bozos in power learned once and for all that the tourists are bringing income, and with tourism comes a few pieces of excess baggage they don't want, such as badly behaved clowns and a few criminals, but the majority of tourists are good for the country and its tourist-reliant industries. They are doing Thailand a favour, not the other way around. They need to stop thinking Thailand is the ultimate tourist destination and that all the world can't wait to come here, it isn't and they don't. Thailand is now the equivalent of Blackpool with no knickers on for the young tourists. Blackpool for the non-British, is an old, tired, dirty established beach resort which has never progressed and is stuck in the eighties with entertainment that matches. It boasts out-of-date drag acts, cheap accommodation, happy hours, noisy stag and hen parties, and in general, you wouldn't want to be seen there. A gaudy scene of neon-lit streets, high petty crime, and cannabis shops with expensive seedy bars and nightlife is what Bangkok and Pattaya are all about these days.
  11. I've seen plenty of the stereotypical beer monsters and scruffy lowlifes in Phnom Penn and Siem Reap. Many follow the happy hours around mid-afternoon. In Siem Reap, a lot hang out at the cheaper end of town for cheap accommodation, food and drink such as Sok San Road.
  12. Years ago when I was in Pattaya at the beginning of the influx of Russians, when most of them who visited were very wealthy, the Russians had no interest in bar girls or the sex industry.
  13. And they'd probably be happy neither to see the front nor the back of your racist crap.
  14. I don't think it is cheaper than Thailand, expats go there because they don't have the financial requirements to obtain a visa. They pay for a visa once a year and that is all. No reporting every 90 days etc and no money in the bank, however, those are the only advantages in my view.
  15. Guys, I don't know who is to blame but some of the reporting over the last three or four days has been very difficult to follow or decipher.
  16. I did my own a couple of weeks ago, it was a renewal only. I had all my correct documentation. I used an agent up in the sticks, but her job was to sit in the classroom for the video. She did nothing else. I paid what she asked for, 300 baht. I don't know why she had to sit through the video in the classroom, but I certainly didn't. Maybe, just one of the idiosyncrasies of life in the sticks. The colour tests and reflex tests I did myself.
  17. How much does the Royal Family plus the associated tourism and their diplomatic efforts and flying the flag internationally, bring into the UK? That money could be used to better the lives of the people of the country, do you mean the current 8 million GBP being paid a day on the boat people who have illegally entered, contributed nothing and are staying in four-star hotels, because of all the ' woke people ' who consider it a sin sending them offshore to be processed? And the lion's share of the Royal Family is paid by the Sovereign grant, which currently stands at 86 million GBP a year, not 365 million GBP a year. This money is used to fund the upkeep of properties, certain garden parties, and staff costs, it isn't going into William's back pocket to spend in the Casino!! "The posts from some individuals absolutely reek of hatred and venom, especially towards his wife." Well, when a woman comes to the UK and marries into an institution such as the Royal Family, then proceeds to trash it from top to bottom but wants all the pomp, ceremony and titles? She didn't want the work, she wanted to bring her brand of feminism to the Royal Family, then proceeded to go on US talk shows, calling our Royal family racists, getting involved with books that trash the British establishment, but happily takes the ' big bucks ' from that said family. Many of the Royal household's loyal staff had served for many years but quit because they could no longer stand her petulant attitude and arrogance. What was she? A second-rate actress on a B-rated series. Even her US family doesn't speak with her any more, and she has no good words for her old friends or people who played a part in her growing up and development as an adult. https://www.royal.uk/royal-finances https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-57559653
  18. Obviously, he will that's why he wanted to keep his military ranks and insignia.
  19. The racist card is pulled out by the intellectually weak as a quick fix when rationalism and common sense fail to be appreciated.
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