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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Total clown Fully explained what I've done including and keeping all tax documents. You are such a dick
  2. You really are an Aussie sheep farmer. What a dope
  3. 'I use an agent", 'I rent' by choice,, doesn't cut it with me as a long term businessman. More of an opinionated sex pat who loves Pattaya. Anyway, live long and prosper. I'd like to see your ' flat ' with water views .post a picture!😆
  4. Mad as a wasp! 😆 Everything I do and have, relating to my Thai family of a ridiculous amount of years and as a thank you to the loyalty of my Thai other half, the houses were as a ' Thank you ' Everything I own in the UK is bought and paid for. My sons houses, bought and paid for. NO banks . I have two sons, (one of them in Australia working for two years) who both have good careers and decent money. So, You can blab on about tax threads all you want. I will not change my way of how I view it. So, my Aussie friend, we all do things differently to suit our individual lifestyles.
  5. 'Bought and paid for'. And that is for my Thai partner of 28 years, I had no intention of sticking the land on and aeroplane and flying the soil to the UK, it was always for my Thai partner. Obviously, financially, you and I, move in different circles. You rent a nice condo overlooking water? Your property in Pattaya with ' water views ' do you mean it's overlooking the public toilets? Well, I don't rent, never have, I have had properties I rented out. Everything in Thailand and the houses in the UK is paid for,' LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL.' Lastly, ' crossing a border ' I love getting out of Thailand once or three times a year, taking a break and enjoying other countries. You live in gorgeous Pattaya? Are you frightened that number 18 dancing, or the fat fifty-year-old bird you've been chasing, that told you she is a ' cashier ' is going to get another punter if you have to do a visa run, and be missing for four days?
  6. Weird report , must be more to this.
  7. I HAVE NEVER DONE A BORDER RUN. Why you laugh at your own jokes? You are a special kind of clown. I stated that to move from Retirement extensions to DTV and leave once for a few days every six months is a very simple task. I certainly wouldn't be doing the famous ' border run ' for skint members. Furthermore, I have four houses, bought and paid for in Thailand, I have a house in Siem Reap on long term rental, so it's absolutely no hardship. You seem to be under the misguided illusion that I put myself in a jam packed minibus doing border runs. So, you need to get out of your 5,000 baht rental room with your squat toilet and free Wi Fi and get out into the sunshine.
  8. No need to Somchai me. I can assure you my reading, writing and Thai skills after 28 years are far in excess of yours. Bye TROLL
  9. I use my own 4 X 4 to get to the border. I park up in the military car park. Likewise, I then use prearranged transport in a 4 x 4 to Siem Reap, on my own., I pay $70 each way.
  10. I pre-arranged. However, there were guys touting for taxi business when I arrived there.
  11. or mental issues, have you been and had yourself checked out?
  12. TROLL. I was going to go to Australia, they asked me if I had a criminal record! I said I didn't know we still needed one!
  13. What I see on this board is people coming here in their later years who are just underfunded and unprepared for ripples and mishaps or changes in the system. In my view, having to use agents, and many here are, to get around the 800K a year method or 65K a month method means you are underfunded.
  14. Stay a week in Vietnam or Cambodia. Life is about getting around.
  15. Not or try not to be a rude man, But guys, You've got to read my polite answers to other posters. Another one, asking if I am only spending 180 days in Thailand. So, this for the last time is a DTV thread. Jaysus, I've explained multiple times. Not a tax thread.
  16. No, Read the thread, I am not going over it all again. That question is asked and answered.
  17. They don't put a Visa for DTV in your passport. You get an e visa through email, when the immigration looks at your printed out A4, which also contains your photo, you get a six-month stamp. After, I think you are in the computer as a 5 year DTV, but additional back up is to carry a printout for airports and borders of your 5 year E visa from the MFA
  18. No, What I did is I have a retirement extension based on Non -O plus multi entry. I have a Cambodian Visa as well. I applied online for the DTV. It took three weeks and was granted in an E-visa via email. That kicks in when I decide to use it. So the DTV is granted and dormant until I utilize it.
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