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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I am simply astonished that the American public, who are not dumb, can allow a man publicly called out as a sex pest and, if he had any face at all, humiliated with the outcome of the court case to become President. He has become the first President of the USA that is a felon. He openly lies and just shouts down TV networks when they fact-check and prove he is lying. The guy is a total nutcase and narcissist, and yet the MAGA brigade and co vote for him. Putin will run rings around him. THE GUY IS UNBALANCED AND DANGEROUS.
  2. I am not sure about that at all for the following reasons. 1. The MFA issues these visas, they are independent of the immigration department, so how would immigration know what kind of DTV you have, soft power or digital nomad once the visa is granted by the MFA? 2. My understanding is you get to the immigration desk in Bangkok and your e visa A4 paper is replaced with a 5-year visa stamped into your passport. I can't really see them having all the MFA information, as to why you were granted a visa. My idea is to seek DTV next month as I stated previously, but then my retirement extension doesn't expire until the middle of July, so in the event of anything untoward, I can keep my retirement extension. A belt and braces approach and worst case scenario is I lose the cost of 300 GBP for a DTV if I decide against it.
  3. It tends to happen when you exit a car at 120 km/h You die or get seriously injured.
  4. Thailand always pushes the boat out to look after its children and elderly.
  5. Who wants to Deny that Joe Biden was a Corrupt Liar? Who wants to doubt he will be replaced by one?
  6. And we really need a thread and a poll to get a sensible answer to the question?
  7. Hardly an accident, the clown obviously gets off on creating fear and panic.
  8. Ridiculous mumbo jumbo, and idiots still fall for it.
  9. Is there a financial reason for this altercation? I thought all these guys were volunteers?
  10. or accept a ' lift ' Don't get into cars with strangers, non relatives or people you don't know well!!
  11. I remember when I was in Pattaya many years ago, around the early 2000s, and met the boss of the Tourist police, He is now a General. I was with a Thai lady, she was a friend who worked both as liaison for the BBC in Thailand, and in the office of HM the King, The Head of the Tourist Police in Pattaya couldn't speak English, (their offices used to be located near the offices of the Pattaya Mail on second road), and they rarely answered incoming calls to their hotline. They would make a photo op out of reuniting a foreigner with a lost passport etc, I found them useless. Shortly after that was when they started recruiting foreigners into their silly Foreign police volunteer service, It had plenty of wannabe gangsters behaving like the Gestapo on walking street, and miscreants from a failed life in the West. I hope things have got better.
  12. It would be justice, but unfortunately it won't happen, Thai authorities seem to have a mental block on punishing kids like this until they turn 18.
  13. They will probably go to the young offenders' prison. Mummy will be up weekly with snacks for them, as it was all a ' misunderstanding '
  14. Let's just wait for the do-gooders excuses on here to get going. How does it go, yeah, that's right:- 'The foreigners must have said something or spoken badly to them, Thais wouldn't do that for no reason, it never happened to me in all my years in Thailand, he must have been drunk showing off, BS' etc Young thugs and wannabe gangsters, that left unchecked, will turn into young adult thugs.
  15. The ones who seem to suffer an imbalance in the rules, with these different income streams, such as monthly income or marriage, are those unmarried guys with the 800K in the bank. They keep 800K locked for five months, and then only 400K is available to them. It is precisely why DTV looks more and more attractive.
  16. You want to talk about national statistics as opposed to a vicious incident that has occurred against an 80-year-old defenceless man. The thread is about a cowardly attack by young THAI thugs, another point you did not wish to accept, as though the culprits flew in from Timbuktu.
  17. Dream on with your nonsense. It just shows the sheer rubbish you like to spout on here. Here's your link, by the way.
  18. And there's my filthy mind, I thought the 6 and 10 in the headline, the OP was referring to inches!
  19. And the problem you have is downplaying such behaviour and defending locals, when their behaviour doesn't warrant defending.
  20. Drum roll....... Let's wait for the ' I've been here 30 years, and it's never happened to me brigade ' to start saying he must have asked for it, as he was walking home late, or Thais never do this kind of thing, or he must have said something to them. Oh, that's right, it's already started further up the thread by idiots on here that can't and won't accept any alternative vision other than theirs looking through their rose-tinted glasses. The feral youth of Thailand in the 2020s are a different breed to those in the 90s and 2000s, and that's all there is to it.
  21. They told me, if I get a refund it will be to Lazada wallet. I paid COD, and to my knowledge, although I am not 100%, I believed foreigners couldn't get refunds via Lazada wallet? I don't have Lazada wallet. Furthermore, I'm done with Lazada now.
  22. Another one to tell you guys on here, and it has just happened to me, but it won't again, as I am done with Lazada ordering. I ordered a Xiaomi tablet, read the reviews etc and the price was 2,800 baht. It all looked rosy. I paid last week COD, I knew as soon as I opened it, something was amiss, it wasn't emblazoned with Xiaomi logos. It had only android tablet, I unpacked and checked it out, it works, but definitely a cheapo copy. I contacted the supplier, and was treated to all the bull<deleted>, that it comes from the same factory, give it a chance, blah blah. My other half says keep it, and if I get 18 months out of it, forget it and put it down to experience. I'll show a picture, and I don't believe the bull<deleted> about 1 TB memory, either. See enclosed.
  23. They did that to me with some free weights and sent me my gift of teeth whiteners, we know the score, so it gets registered as delivered.
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