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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 34 minutes ago, Drumbuie said:

    Sorry, I haven't had my morning coffee yet - could you explain that more clearly?


    To obtain a driving licence you must provide proof such as previous licence, birth certificate, passports etc.


    Having a ready-made fake driving licence with fake name, means where a driving licence is accepted as proof of ID, (most places) is that you have already done the above process.


    It can enable the crook to get further IDs, open bank accounts under the new name etc, then you can move on to other false documents, and create a new persona.










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  2. 10 hours ago, impulse said:


    My concern with that arrangement would be the local plod coming by for their tribute.  But it sure sounds like fun, even though I took the oath in 1988 and haven't had a drop since.  Great way to stay active in the community, even if I'd be that slug in the corner sipping iced tea.  Compare that the the tragic guys who die lonely...




    Why not just join the Bridge club, play snooker, or go walking?


    Cheaper and no stress.

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  3. 1 hour ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Yeah I suspect it's someone bleeding her. Family member(s) most likely. I asked her not to give anyone other than her mom and daughters money but I'm sure she does anyway. I asked her to prepare a list of her expenses so I can understand how it's possible, we'll see how far that goes...

    A bit late for that, lol. She doesn't need a sob story - she's already bleeding me dry. Can't get pregnant so that angle's covered.

    That's what I'm thinking. They know she has a walking ATM and they're taking advantage of it.


    Yeah, I don't really want a girlfriend at this point and don't need anyone to take care of me, so next one will definitely be the non-paid kind (at least not directly, you always pay in some way lol).



    Family and extended family are the worst for busybodies, and also for coming up with get rich quick schemes that they want somebody else to fund.


    In this case......YOU!


    You have to be tough as old boots to take on the piranha pack!........ Fortunately, mine is!

  4. Thousands of bars in Pattaya, and they change hands every year or so, after owners crash and burn with leases they cannot afford.


    The guy is making a YouTube video and trying to say that the 200K might get some mug a sixth of his bar that is already facing big problems. By the look of it, he's basing it on the money he has spent and dividing it by six to get roughly 200K THB.


    A sixth of a bar for 200K, they may as well wait until it goes bust. How much does he think he will get for second hand fixtures and fittings?


    He goes on to say he doesn't want to discuss his personal stuff, as though nobody on YouTube who is a regular in Pattaya could possibly guess.


    His best bet is to call it a day, get back to OZ and get working.









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  5. 30 minutes ago, kingkenny said:


    I worked directly for 3rd generation for one of the wealthiest families here. one sister and 3 brothers. All are wonderful and caring, very generous and helpful.


    It does seem a rarity with all the self entitled arrogance we see, witness and hear about.


    Sure, all people are not the same and unfair to tar all with the same brush.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Older and Wiser said:

    Really, you do surprise me. Filipinos are every bit as superstitious as Thais. I rented out a house to a Korean family in Manila. The father and family went to Korea, leaving his brother behind. The brother hung himself from the railings on the upper floor hallway. I couldn't rent it out till I had a priest hold a blessing/party inviting any neighbours who may gossip to prospective tenants.



    This Filipina lady is active, strong-minded and doesn't go in for superstition.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Older and Wiser said:

    That would imply there are no immigration facilities at the new terminal; that you still have to clear immigration at the main terminal. 

    Immigration time varies with your arrival time. I usually arrive from the Philippines around 5pm; no sweat. But last year my flight on PAL, needless to say, was delayed 5 hours, meaning we arrived along with many flights from Europe. It took one and a half hours just to clear immigration. Incidentally, as a 77 year old, standing around for that length of time is no joke. 




    There were definitely no immigration facilities there as the building is not completed. We arrived early evening.


    You are aware that there is a designated lane for the elderly, monks, disabled in the main terminal for you, and me as it happens, as I have a registered disability.

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  8. 1 hour ago, thesetat said:

    Smart lady. No Thai wants to buy a home or condo where someone has died in it. Prices get reduced to find a buyer for it. So she gets to buy them at a cheap price. Then she can call in the monk squad to perform rituals to make sure no apparitions appear and use that also to increase the price to sell it again. Superstition is really too dominate in this country. 



    We had the same problem with a European style house we built and put for rent on our land.


    My other half's father had died, not in that house, but on the terrace. He never stayed nor slept in the house.


    Stories by Thais in the village and gossip to any Thais seeking to rent from us, even those who had stopped in the village to ask for directions to our place, saw a few people walk away, no matter how much we reassured them it wasn't true.


    We have now rented it to a Filipina teacher here, the problem and silly superstitions..... SOLVED!








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  9. 12 hours ago, ThailandGuy said:

    The third runway, located to the east of the current runways, will come with its own passenger terminal and other airport facilities.


    We came in on a flight with Qatar last week, on the evening of February 5th and must have been dropped off there, as we then had to get the new subway to the main terminal building to clear immigration and collect our bags.


    We couldn't see very much except the subway train due to giant hoardings around the place.


    Immigration was quite easy, we arrived at this terminal, took the subway to main terminal, collected bags, cleared immigration and were sat in the taxi from Suvarnabhumi to DMK within 55 minutes.






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  10. 50K in Isaarn is way over the top for a normal Thai family.


    Simple as that.


    It's gambling, drugs, or she has someone on the side bleeding her.


    My other half gets 15K pocket money and I take care of all bills and expenses, it's enough, otherwise they find uses for your money that gets them into silly situations and trouble.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

    No need for that, just show them you pension statement and health insurance, pay the 50k and off you go. 


    I don't get a state pension fore another six years. I've always been self-employed, even when I had property and businesses in Thailand.


    Other cash and monies, except for a decent sized lump in a Cambodia bank, are wrapped up in building projects in the UK at the moment.


    I can show the properties and projects in my sole name, but they are in the UK.


    So, I don't think that would satisfy them, would it?



  12. 2 hours ago, JimGant said:


    Lemme see..... Yeah, I had to pay 50,000 baht for my LTR visa -- but I saved 10 trips to the Imm office for annual extensions, thus saving 57,000 in fees (1900+3800) x 10, for a profit of 7000 baht, plus savings in time, effort, and gasoline. And saved myself 10 trips to the bank for those required statements. Plus, no more opportunity cost for that mandatory 800k parked in a low interest bank account. Saved 35,000 per year by no longer needing a worthless health insurance policy required for O-A extensions (BoI gladly accepted my Tricare policy, which the O-A folks wouldn't). No more 90 day reports (no big deal, except when the online system crashes). And no investment required -- just needed to flash last year's 1099s to show I earned the required amount of income. And, of course, no worries about Thai taxation, courtesy of a Royal Decree. Thus, I can sit back, have a beer, and chuckle at all the hand wringing on these tax threads. So, I don't believe the LTR visa I got was a "poor value for money scheme."



    We are all in different positions.


    If the situation suits you, good for you.


    Without getting into it, I am still developing and reinvesting cash and capital in properties as well as building them with my sons in the UK, I am only just back here to Thailand, February 6th.


    These LTR arrangements don't suit me, and definitely not anything that involves investing in Thai bonds and securities.


    The 800K method suits me, and once a year for a new extension to an immigration office 1 hour away is fine.


    Private health insurance, I have as a matter of common sense.

  13. I won't be signing up for any LTR or any other poor value for money scheme, nor offers from the Thai government, including their poor return bonds.


    The income tax, I will just do the wait and see approach, I am in no rush as it appears nor is the Thai government, as they have failed to expand on anything since the announcement.


    Whatever, It's the beginning of 2024, so anything possibly due, won't be until 2025, and I see no reason for a stampede to accountants, who will try to scare us to death to use their services, nor will I join the chorus of ' I'm leaving, that is the final straw ' brigade, who are, like me, are not in possession of the facts nor implications at this stage.


    A question for the ' experts ' though, if these rules come to pass, what about all those importing large amounts of funds to purchase condominiums and businesses?


    Surely, one would think that the government will be shooting themselves in the foot?


    A friend of mine, who is a long term resident and former UK tax inspector, seems to be of the opinion that this was initially aimed at people who are wealthy, such as Thais, avoiding tax and also aimed at those in the cryptocurrency industries, those working remotely in the Far East with online businesses and those involved in large stocks and share transfers.


     It's possible retirees are at the moment, until clarification, getting swept up with the sandstorm.


    I moved monies a long time ago, but I still do such things as new cars and trucks etc, however, I will closely monitor expenditure in this country until I know the full implications.

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  14. 10 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    Yes I have used the word "eradication" but it means to finish cull kill the stray dogs in places like Isaan 


    Obviously I suffer from PTSD from these dog attacks and this morning I'm at the bus stop (Australia) waiting to go to work when I start thinking of the mutts back in Thailand that tried to attack me on the street in Isaan 


    The bus starts to arrive and I just start thinking of those dogs and I just shout out *Fxck them !!!


    And people at the bus stop let me on the bus first and I tell them I am shouting at the nasty dogs not them ! 


    Back in 2017 I went to a remote village with a Thai lady ,I decided to walk by myself to a temple to look at the memorial graves statues 


    I could hear barking dogs in the distance but never took much notice


    Soon a whole pack arrived barking mutts with spit hanging off their mouths 

    Threatened me with words of threats 

    Luckily a monk who what was going on .

    Later I'm in the back of a motorcycle trailer in the side seat only to have another passing mutt try to attack me 

    Your thoughts on culling of these dogs that are angry 



    Cull the feral dogs and the original irresponsible owners who wanted them as puppies but not as grown dogs.

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