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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 10 hours ago, ripstanley said:

    If it is land it will not be in your name unless you are Thai. If it will be in your wife's name you will have to sign a document saying that no money has come from you  



    Why is that?


    Foreigners are allowed to gift money to Thai partners, besides, if her income doesn't support the transaction, she is wide open in the event of a check, to be accused of obtaining monies by nefarious purposes.







    • Sad 1
  2. 13 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Cashiers cheque sounds good but check carefully how quickly it would clear. 


    From my actual experience selling a townhouse in Pattaya:  Buyer (Thai lady) insisted she pay whole amount by local cashiers cheque issued by her bank (not same bank as the bank I use).


    At Land Office she handed over the cashiers cheque. My Thai adult son took the cashiers cheque quickly to our local K Bank, after some inspection of the cheque and a long phone call to the issuing bank, our K Bank manager said:


    - We will accept the cheque and it appears to in order and the issuing bank confirmed (in the phone call the details, cheque number etc.), for deposit to your account but we will not cash the cheque instantly.


    - It will take about 5 to 7 days to clear then we will give you the cash. At the same time it became clear that the cheque had been issued by another bank (not the bank indicated earlier by the buyer) and the other bank branch was in the upper corner of Essan on the border. 


    My son had by this stage, at the lands title office indicated he would not hand over the original chanue or the keys to the property until he had full payment in cash in his hands. B


    Buyer lady went into a hissy screaming fit and insisted 'you can't tell me what to do, I want the chanut today / now.'


    Son had also called an old police buddy and a snr police office from Pattaya station appeared at the LTO. Police guy was quick to get the full story and suggested we all move to the local big branch, in Pattaya, of the bank that had issued the cashiers cheque upcounty.


    Local Pattaya manager of the bank which had issued the cheque upcountry said, I have one possible solution and he then spoke to my Thai son and myself and the snr. cop: "if you open a new account at my branch (in Pattaya) right now (take 10 minutes of less) then I can accept the cashiers cheque into your new account, clear if instantly and give you cash immediately. 


    10 minutes later my son had the full payment in cash in his hands.


    Them the snr Pattaya cop said to my son, I will go with you to K Bank now to ensure the cash gets into your K Bank quickly (now) and with no issues.


    Then the snr Pattaya cop said to to buyer lady 'Why did you change the agreed bank details, I don't trust you and I will have an officer immediately check your name for any previous issues with you.  By 5.00 pm tomorrow I will call the seller to inform him of the result of our check'. 


    Buyer lady then gave snr. cop a mouthful of abuse.


    Cop responded by asking my son 'do you have all the documents needed to change the name on the electricity, telephone and water bills?


    Son responded 'Yes I have them all ready'. Snr cop replied 'one of my men will go with you and the buyer tomorrow morning to the 3 utility offices to ensure the name change is smooth and fully completed'. 


    Son whispered to me and the snr cop 'but her name is not yet on the chanut'.


    Snr cop whispered "I understand, I will take care of that as needed.'


    Next morning about 10.00 am name change on all utilities completed.


    Then back to the LTO and smooth sailing to get the name change on the chanut completed.  






    And for this service, the Police asked for how much?


    I do not believe it was free for friendship, it never is.

    • Sad 1
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  3. Corruption in this country starts right at the very top and filters right down to the noodle sellers.


    It's rampant, it's embedded, and I can't see it ever ending.


    All members of the RTP must go on a week-long course to learn out to keep and straight face, they must not go red in the cheeks nor stutter whilst talking to journalists, it's part of their induction programme.












    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    If everyone had your opinions about 15-17 year olds the planet would be done. Your post is complete garbage. The kid is a mess stealing 26k and 5 ounces of gold!! 


    We have already established that he's a mess.


    And your way of resolving this is how?


    Instead of berating and criticism, what's your solution genius??











  5. 17 hours ago, WhatMeWorry said:

    I find it interesting that some posters never even consider that there are other means of transportation than a motorbike in Thailand. How about buying a car where you can sit in comfort and out of the pollution and that are relatively safe. But I guess many posters here are either so poor or cheap that they cannot even think that far. 



    Totally agree.


    I had a bike accident five years ago, I was hurt but not what you would consider seriously, although it felt like it to me.


    I now always take my car or walk.


    Not only that, but I will never get on a bike again, either as a rider or a pillion passenger.

  6. 17 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Why on earth do you did you leave your 15 years old alone in another country?

    Now you are paying the price of emotional neglecting him. Can't go till April because of work? One of you should go anyhow and sort this out personally.



    He's 17 for god’s sake, he can grow up. He has a house, he has an apprenticeship and food on the bloody table and no worries with gas and electric. Obviously, has a smartphone and transportation as well, which puts him a long way in front of many Thais his age.


    Emotional neglect. I suppose you are one of these that believes in sitting them on naughty steps, and taking their Xbox away for an hour instead of proper punishment. I'd be throwing the Xbox away, and grounding the <deleted>e for two months.


    This is the pathetic world we live in of molly coddling and not letting them find their way in life, nor allowing them to grow up and face the realities of the world and tough choices in life.


    The little basket case, is thieving, stealing and lying.


    He KNOWS what he is doing is wrong.


    A natural progression down the slippery slope, because he's getting away with it.


    Thai mothers don't help, so why take a delinquent to the USA to make problems there? What's she going to do? " Give him another stern talking to " 


    Thai mothers are known for being less than useless with sons.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Chongalulu said:

    It's very expensive and disrupts hundreds of passengers. If he can be restrained and subdued continue to the destination. This sort of incident is rightly considered very serious by UK authorities and he can expect to do some time and be banned by a host of airlines. Scum.


    Money would not be an issue with any other airline, where the overall safety of passengers and crew comes first.


    This outburst falls into this category.


    The plane should have returned, and he should have been hauled off, the passengers would have understood instead of a nerve wracking 11-hour journey wondering what he was going to do next.

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