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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. He lives on the island with his family as a family unit. He comes from Virginia in the USA. This was not the young boy's first rodeo, he'd done it before. They took him to his father and showed the father the footage. There was to be a meeting yesterday to sort out compensation SURPRISE, SURPRISE! and to get a promise that he won't do it again and seek help. He looked like a normal teen when I saw the unedited version in a UK newspaper video. But there again, so do most. I would have died with shame and embarrassment.
  2. Seem to recall in days gone by, Afghanistan was peaceful and Buddhist, Lebanon was Christian and tolerant. Iran was another, then we have the Horn of Africa, etc These countries and vast areas seemed to thrive until Muslims got a foothold. Then, of course, we have Christian persecution in Muslim states, but little seems to get said about that as it doesn't fit the narrative. I bet the indigenous populations of those countries and locations wished they hadn't been subjected to repression and having their customs ignored and trampled to make way for a stoneage, violent, religion with their forced FGM, beheadings, Apostasy laws, Anti Gay, misogynistic laws and practices.
  3. I bet many countries that Islamists and Muslims have taken over by force or out-breeding the native inhabitants, and promoting, under threat, their 7th-century religion, wish the Muslims and their ilk would go back to their countries of origin. Then nearly all could live in peace!
  4. I bet he really wishes he'd kept his mouth firmly shut now. I can't see Phuket being a place for him to hang around in even if he manages to come out of this mess.
  5. You see, these are exactly the types of stupid responses a story like this generates. You are part of the problem, not the remedy. As soon as this kind of ploy starts to work, every woman chasing money will start claiming to have been indecently assaulted to extract money. The Police will join in as they have found a new money-making scheme to extort money, and the assault on the women will be low down on the list of priorities of the local plod. Fine and deport and ban for 10 years for a stupid, childish probably drunken bit of clowning? What next? five years in jail for driving without a crash helmet?
  6. This makes me seethe when they all start jumping on this bandwagon. This has all been media-inspired and generated. And this won't help either, with 99.99% seeking compensation of 200K instead of a fine. If the guys were behaving like jerks, there are ample Police in the area or available by phone, to be on the spot quickly to deal with the matter there and then if they were so outraged. If that were to happen to women in the wider world, the perpetrators would have had a tongue-lashing from the women and been made to look foolish. It certainly wouldn't have entered people's heads to start talking about revoking visas and blacklists, as I said, this has all been stirred up by the media, in reaction to previous infractions of the law and widely publicised knee-jerk reactions from Police on TV.
  7. I was told by a Bangkok reseller that they were made in India. He could have been just throwing me off the scent. When I went to the shop not far from Nana Plaza, no signage, it was unmarked per se, and security was outside, they quiz you if they don't know you or if a taxi driver hasn't brought you. In the shop, quite a few Muslim Indians and Chinese Thais are working there. The store is divided into different areas. There is a luggage area, a replica watches area, a designer handbag area, and everything from Rolex to Louis Vuitton. I then found an online seller, who does the same for watches, Breitling, Rolex, all the big names etc. However, this guy online goes a stage further, he gives you fake boxes, papers, and carry bags, all designer and stamped. They look good. The watches have sweep movement and are heavy. None of the old lightweight, or sharp burrs or corners found on the cheap imitations. Both were selling, after some bartering, at 3000 baht per watch. Around 70 GBP, people happily pay 140 GBP in the UK, so people are doubling their money. The danger, of course, is at customs at the airport. Chances of being pulled are low, but if they do, you are sorely out of pocket if you are carrying a few.
  8. What is she modelling anyway? Gloves? And what does that have to do with a taxi fare?
  9. It's a bit of a non-story that must happen hundreds of times per day. I don't see the necessity for all the photos for a ridiculous little problem like this. It's simply daft. The argument has to be the time difference between booking and cancellation, if he's already set off and is underway ( which is trackable) then he should get something. If it was cancelled before he started the engine, then I would think, No. When I was in Ho Chi Minh a few months ago, I booked through the hotel at $20 as I didn't know the city. He wasn't there to collect me. I phoned the hotel, they said he was on his way. Another fifteen/twenty minutes went by. I booked through the airport kiosk, and they asked me for $12!!!!. He arrived after I paid the Kiosk, and he started raising his voice, I walked away on the Kiosk's advice, and let them sort it out with him.
  10. Thai prostitutes certainly do! ....... More money! It won't happen and shouldn't happen, there will be a surge in the wrong type of Thais heading for Europe adding to the existing problems the EU and UK are facing.
  11. When have the RTP ever cared about evidence when a witchhunt is underway?
  12. I read the full story and it's just totally bizarre to me. And the Police saying he looked ' suspicious ' is simply ridiculous. I just brought a good few packets of Ibuprofen from the UK, for the MIL. I wonder if I would have had problems if stopped, and I always carry sleepers for long aeroplane journeys. He may have looked nervous, not suspicious, nobody wants to be stopped by these gangsters. Footnote on that story says 33 foreigners have been arrested in Phuket on various misdemeanours including 3 Chinese working on a building site, since this Swiss story hit the headlines.
  13. Chill out, Not the end of the world. Stop getting the urge to bounce around proving unimportant stuff. My choice comes in at number 3, Hamad International and I rate it better than Heathrow. That's all that matters to me.
  14. I find it the same, as long as it caters for your needs and is relatively easy to negotiate, that's all that matters, and of course nice clean toilets whilst you are making your way through the said airport. My favourite is Doha because I get free, meet and greet and am taken to the lounge by a knowledgeable friendly hostess. No stress.
  15. And I am one of them. You can't beat being a Gold member and met off the airbridge on a flight, taken by the hand into a waiting vehicle, and whisked off to the VIP lounge in Doha by a lovely, attentive, friendly Kenyan hostess.
  16. There are plenty of complaints at Police stations of LBs accosting, throwing their arms around and kissing foreigners and being rejected, only for the foreigner to find moments later he has been relieved of a gold chain, telephone or wallet.
  17. And you couldn't work that one out by yourself? It doesn't take much to push the buttons and set the ladyboys off on a tantrum. They are a nuisance in all high-profile tourist areas and not much good comes from them, plenty of thieving and fighting, that's for sure. They also, just the same as their Male motorbike taxi counterparts like to fight in packs. Sure, there are loudmouthed tourists, fuelled by alcohol and showing off, but it's just as easy to walk away, LBs never take that option.
  18. He meant you, because of your comment regarding curtain twitchers.
  19. Thailand has more than enough Snitchers. Plenty of foreigners do it because they think it puts them in good stead with the police and plenty of Thais do it. After all, it's in their nature.
  20. Not a cardboard cut out of a pregnant elephant is it? Another one getting in on the act.
  21. Hahahahaha, They've rushed out and had another ' convenient ' poll done! They are a sad bunch.
  22. All you AN posters jumping to conclusions already. We haven't even got the horse's side of the story yet.
  23. Seriously? The mind boggles, it does, if this turns out to be true. An 18-year-old interfering with a pregnant horse, then the boy is seriously disturbed.
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