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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Thais are always reactive and never proactive in everything they do.
  2. I see they are already ' divvying up ' where the cash is going. Ridiculous.
  3. It should be double for Thais, it was they themselves who got stuck in there and foreigners that got them out. I wouldn't pay 200 baht for this ' gouging of cash from the public '
  4. You can't beat a good old-fashioned 'Immigration crackdown ' It must have been days since the last one. And apart from the above he was a great guy I should imagine. Mmmm, do you think so?
  5. Big deal, I said I missed it. Do you want me to write out 100 times that I should pay more attention, headmaster?
  6. I breezed past it and went straight to the video. No big deal, I corrected myself.
  7. Yeah, that changes things somewhat, I watched the video, but it was grainy, and distant, so I didn't see the knife. No, I agree with you, I missed the bit in the editorial about a knife, and I didn't see one in the grainy video. It isn't worth for what few possessions she probably had in her bag. It's a shame it has come to this on streets around the world these days. And to cap it off, first thing on the morning when people are making their way to work.
  8. No, I know what he is talking about. It is all over, getting advertised on Facebook at the moment that you don't need to attend the driving test centre. They do the lot for that flat fee. No test, no exam, no attendance. Personally, I prefer the legal way, it's simple anyway.
  9. He didn't have a knife. Did he?
  10. It really is an obsession with them all to continuously talk about money, even other peoples. It consumes them. You can never capture their attention for more than 10 seconds, but you start looking at lottery tickets from a vendor, you'll have a crowd around you in seconds giving advice and helping you choose your numbers. As soon as they see a new phone or car, the first thing out of their mouths isn't 'That's a nice car or phone '................. It is 'How much? ' Not only that, but it's as bad as their fascination with uniforms, everybody from the car park attendant to the neighbour's cat are dressed up like Admirals-of-the-Fleet. What is it all about. They are weird.
  11. I was waiting for the GoFundMe for the resort and hospital bills. After all, who would buy that crap in the namer of Art.
  12. He forgot to put his phone number after his name..... Well done the Super Sleuth Thai police for zooming in with very little clues to catch these villains.
  13. More like scum that refuse to work and pick on easy prey, and the public were no better, totally ignoring her plight.
  14. Wow, Christmas comes early! Fill your boots.
  15. Well, that was a waste of 90 minutes of my life last night. If Man Utd had put in any more to the defensive line, they would have needed supporters in there as well. José Mourinho, a big fan of 'parking the bus 'in the goalmouth, would have been proud. Liverpool were not on sparkling form, but it takes two teams to make an exciting game of football, and this was one of the dullest I have seen of late. They came for a draw, and they got one, at the expense of the supporters hopes and expectations. Never mind, Man U can now focus on the Champions League......... Oh no, that’s right, they can't!…
  16. And so now a young Lao national going about his trade gets killed because a Ghanaian national gets plastered and gets behind the wheel. Taxis are so available and cheap, no excuse for this. The book needs to be thrown at him. RIP to the Lao young man. No consolation, but I hope your family receives substantial compensation from this reckless individual.
  17. So you are using one accident to justify not having 4am closing? What about all the deaths every day on Thai roads through drink-driving and driving at speed? There has been no 4am closing the last 20/30 years, but the accident and crime figures are appalling. If the Police followed and used the existing laws, we might reduce drink-driving, driving at speed and driving through the influence of drugs. However, they won't, they never do.
  18. And why should the Cambodian government do any favours for Thailand regarding that site? Thailand contested and pontificated and caused disruption and loss of revenue to its impoverished neighbour, Cambodia, whilst they were disputing this land border for years. Once the international court came down and ruled firmly on the side of Cambodia, the Thais now want to 'talk 'and get open access for tourism from the Thai side, which is on Cambodian soil. Typical 'self-interest 'which is of no benefit to the Cambodians.
  19. They could have borrowed against the pickup at far cheaper rates.
  20. They'll probably give the poor Burmese girl one or two thousand baht and steal the rest.
  21. So, A thread about 'nothing happened 'at Immigration at Bangkok airport.
  22. Well, An apologist like you would, wouldn't they. What is there to delight and be so smug about when a country starts losing its values, belief system and direction, due to Lefties and Liberals that live in Cuckoo land? Amazing, you are calling half the board Bigots, there's definitely something bigoted about that. Ageist comment there? The Only Bigot in this thread, is you. Contribute nothing, but pretend to be offended by everything.
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