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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. On your bike you clown
  2. Might slow them down at the buffets in the hotels.
  3. No more squid or similar for me! Prawns, mussels, and cockles from now on. Scary! And a hell of a painful death.
  4. I made that same mistake many years ago in Pattaya. I bought off plan. One of the partners died, the project went bust and I lost 500,000 baht what I had put down. Letting you in on a trade secret here, for those that don't know or are simply honest people wanting to make a purchase for their later years. A lot of the agents bid and reserve (without putting funds down as deposits) the best units in the building. When you arrive as 'Joe customer 'you are told x, y and z condos have already been sold, these are usually higher floor and corner unit condos with the best unimpeded views. You then automatically presume that this is a very popular development. Furthermore, it makes you speed up with your deposit, and you put pressure on yourself, as you are eager for it not to sell out. The truth being, if the development proceeds, the agents have the best units to resell again at an inflated profit before completion of the project on the secondary market. Because they are the best units, they will profit very quickly on this 'secondary selling', as well as their standard commissions as agents for the project. You are given the usual reasons why these sudden deals come back unexpectedly on the market, death in the family, change of personal circumstances, cancer, etc when in fact, it is just the agent cashing in. If the project doesn't go ahead, they have lost nothing, as they didn't put any money down. This is also why they pressure you by offering the best deals right at the start per square metre. You think you are getting the best deal, in fact, you are taking huge risks. Directors change, Directors resign, Banks foreclose, deposits seldom, if ever, get returned. Many times, they have clubbed together with others to buy the land, then await selling off plan to start the project as they don't have the funds in cash. It's been going on for donkeys years, with many agents and developers working hand in glove. I bet the above rings a few bells with some of your condo buyers!
  5. And was he wrong? When the Lefties prefer to look after illegal boat people and put them in four-star hotels whilst veterans sleep on the streets and pensioners freeze in their own homes because their pensions don't support their bills? When council budgets are depleted and councils going bankrupt because of the surge of immigrants, and the fallout of people still in the UK on benefits that came from the EU before Brexit. The ridiculous strain on resources supporting people who should not even be in the country is untenable. If you are caught entering Thailand illegally, you would be in immigration cells until somebody finds the funds to get you home. You would not be smirking whilst throwing your passports from illegal boats into the water in Thailand. And before it gets mentioned that I am an Immigrant in Thailand, Yes I am. I also have ample funds in Thai banks to support myself, support a Thai family, bought five or six new cars here, built four houses. I have private health insurance and entered this country through the proper channels and with the correct visa, and I am no strain on Thai resources. And why should an 18% minority decide policy and receive preferential treatment in the UK and make it appear to be more or less shameful to belong to, or come from, white British families? Why can Eid and Diwali be celebrated, but Christmas cannot because they say it isn't all-inclusive? No morning prayers in a Christian country any more, but you can build mosques anywhere, regardless of planning regulations. Why does British society promote people of colour to senior positions in local and national government that many do not have the qualifications for, just to be seen to be 'all-inclusive? ' To the detriment of white people? It has just been identified and the RAF, just one of many institutions, recently caught and fined and punished for doing just that. It has nothing to do with racism, and if that is how you choose to interpret it, up to you, but in my book it has plenty to do with a 'level playing field based on skill sets and abilities '
  6. What an ill thought out, stupid knee-jerk response. We are talking about a specific crime here that occurred in the province next to the one I live in. No more, no less. What's the crime committed by a Westerner? , No!! Was it an unprovoked double murder committed by a disgruntled Thai noodle seller, to which my comment was applied, yes! So, what are you talking about?
  7. It's all about being 'all-inclusive 'to Minorites and being seen to be 'ever so in vogue 'but as usual, it;'s gone way over the top. You hardly see a white face in UK TV advertising these days. However, 82% of people in England and Wales are white and 18% are Black, Asian, mixed or another ethnic group, that's how far they have taken their extreme ideas on inclusivity. Adverts must feature smiling Pakistanis wearing the Hijab, Chinese doctors, or Black people having a dancing ball, and the obligatory two men kissing each other.(either two whites or one white and one black) all in the name of inclusivity. So if you are a disabled, Hijab wearing, vegan transexual with a Chinese doctor friend who is gay and a lesbian white butch girl as your best mate in 2025,.............. it's your year!
  8. He's had all the information from members and now messing about stating this 'senior member says this, and that senior member says that 'and then going into percentages for and against immediate passport renewal like some poll. Just make a bloody decision. It isn't difficult. My God, I would never go shopping with you.
  9. Yes, they can be confused with one another, I have made that mistake a few times.
  10. Me too and owned bars, restaurants, a hotel etc. You deduct the float money, because that is a constant, then count the monies left plus credits for card payments. You would notice very quickly if there was a shortage. When I had bars, each bartender had their own personal button before the cash register accepted the payment. This way, if there was a vast difference in cash/takings of what one bartender took each evening compared to their colleague working alongside them, questions were asked.
  11. If they did that, the till will not balance at the end of the day with the sales made.
  12. It's irrelevant how much alcohol he consumed. Too easy a copout and an excuse, I was drunk and can't remember, I took drugs and can't remember, I was depressed etc. Normal human beings just do not behave in this way. The biggest shame of it all is, even if he gets twenty years, life in a Thai prison is no hardship for these people. The way they live outside is exactly the same as the way they live in jail, except no water or electric bills or fuel for the motorbike to worry about. They sleep on the floor, get meals provided, told when to shower, when to sleep and get up, watch TV early evening with stupid Thai soap operas, and don't have to do anything to help themselves. The best part for them is they don't have the slightest bit of responsibility, which suits them. SCUM, people like this noodle seller.
  13. Have you been on the mulled wine early?
  14. A lot of Thais have no work ethics
  15. I really hope the guy recovers for the sake of himself and his elderly parents. Moving on, it is the sole responsibility of the traveller to make sure they are adequately insured for the complete trip, even if it means seeking additional cover for two days before departure to two days after return. Never mind asking strangers to Go fund me, because you didn't look after your affairs or put your own house in order. Insurance should be top of every traveller's list. It isn't there as a chosen 'add on 'if you can be bothered, or contemplating 'Can I afford it, is it necessary' etc. You can't 'not afford it '! Some on here are no better, shuffling between visa options because they don't want to pay health insurance. If you can't afford long absences from your home country by paying travel insurance or expats residing here but not wanting to pay for health insurance, you shouldn't be in SE Asia or travelling anywhere. I have seen plenty saying they self insure and then trying like hell to get a flight back to Blighty when they have a medical emergency, because they had no funds or had spent them on something else.
  16. Yeah, he's had this in his system, lying dormant for a few days. He was probably feeling rough before his taxi ride. Either way, I hope the guy pulls through.
  17. Well, the first seven words of your sentence were OK, before it descended into drivel.
  18. A weird one, either incredibly dumb or very crafty. It could be either.
  19. I think it's all huff, puff and sound bytes by the Thai government as well as being incredibly ill thought out. It's December 14th already and not a word. I have no intention of paying tax on money I have already paid tax on in the UK.
  20. They were up the creek without a paddle way before COVID-19. I get them up here, trying to approach me at the house to borrow money against their land. The problem here is they have no Chanote as they have already borrowed against it from moneylenders or the bank. So, therefore, they have nothing to offer in security, and usually, they know this, they are hoping we are gullible enough to fall for it. Sometimes just because they don't have an education doesn't prevent them from being crafty and sneaky as their survival mechanism kicks in. The mafias tend to be of Chinese heritage and know full well that the 'country bumpkins' won't be able to keep up the ridiculous interest payments. They use this as a method of acquiring the land cheap. It's a dog-eat-dog world.
  21. What the government says they are going to do and what they actually do are two different things. Same with the Police, they don't go after anybody unless they see a potential payday.
  22. Thai law as defined by 'Liverpool Lou? ' Oh, I get it now. My mistake.
  23. If you are going to quote Thai law, It's illegal to pay anybody for sexual services, as prostitution itself is illegal.
  24. He has nothing to do except jump on his keyboard all day, dissect posts and find something to disagree on. It must be awful being him and trying so hard to stay relevant. He rarely has any reason for disagreeing, he puts in one-liners, that seldom have substance, and disagrees for disagreeing sake. Sad really.
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