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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I accept that may be the case but I no longer live in a tourist area for many years and nor will I ever use agents. I go the 800K method and always have. I have been messed about on occasions by immigration but they get nothing out of me except the standard fees for re-entry and extension of stays.
  2. Pattaya news it may be, I am just saying that type of theft happens anywhere and everywhere and is not unique to Pattaya.
  3. Where have you got your information? Speak for yourself. You've chosen the wrong one to get into a debate about the Thai language pal, I speak both Thai and Lao, and no they are not the same. I have been in a relationship with a Thai national for 27 years. I am 30 years in this country, I also have a command of Spanish which it would take me three or four months to get acquainted with again having not used it for so long and schoolboy French as well as my native English. So I suggest you check your facts before spouting on here.
  4. There were no white farmer Aussies until you white fellas pinched it of the Aboriginal natives!
  5. Yeah, it's a Thai thing, ' out of sight, out of mind '
  6. You don't think Thailand is going to allow that COVID nonsense back into the media just when tourism is bouncing back? Far more interesting stories like tourist forecasts, the Ukraine war and the Israel-Gaza conflict to occupy the media. Leave Covid on the back burner.
  7. I once went for an Australian visa and they asked if I had a criminal record, I said I didn't know you still needed one!
  8. Long-term tourists with financial capital in the bank so as not to be a burden to the state because that is all an extension of stay is.
  9. I will moan as much as I want, where I want and when I want. The fact that nobody listens is a separate issue
  10. Who cares what a blogger/vlogger has to say to grab a soundbite and earn cash from views? Why doesn't Loudmouth get a proper job? and who died and made you the ' Boss ' to tell people to return to their own countries? I'll moan wherever I want.
  11. This would have occurred in any town or city in the world. If you are going to ' flash the cash ' in a prostitute-ridden area pis*ed as <deleted>, then you are asking for what you get.
  12. He will get to the bottom of nothing. His focus will be on limiting damage to the filthy RTP by attempting to place ' another spin ' on what occurred. Then we will hear it is being investigated, a committee set up, yada yada yada until it disappears from the headlines. It was only recently they wey were raiding his house for ' graft ' and wasn't it him as well who had his car shot up whilst he was in a massage parlour when under suspension? Yes, it was! Big Joke by name, Bigger joke by nature.
  13. They are only cheating the sick, poor and needy AS USUAL so nothing new here. And they make these statements without so much as a red face .
  14. With a good helping of free flies and bugs, in unrefrigerated conditions, no doubt
  15. So what was the point of your post except to give further indecipherable cryptic nonsense?
  16. What an ill-informed and ill-thought-out dopey comment. Have you any idea what went on leading up to the murder? You need to go on a refresher course regarding your humanitarian and social skills.
  17. Before all the Thai apologists start again about the ' We are guests in their country,' blah blah blah If a foreigner is legally here and obeys the laws regarding visas or extensions and many are here due to having Thai connections and families, they are equally allowed to be protected by the laws of the country just as much as Thais. We have large numbers of Thais in the UK, you never hear British people shouting ' If you don't like it, go home ' at them for the slightest infraction. A great many foreigners contribute far more to the tax system than these village yokels, and also to the economy itself by buying cars, condos, and houses, educating Thai mixed-race kids or even Thai kids they adopt and put through international schools. That helps Thailand a lot more and contributes more to the GDP than some Thai filthy scroat that sits in his hammock all day in the village, living in squalor, sponging and getting sloshed on Lao Khao all day and night long. I see far less of this bone idleness in Cambodia and Vietnam than the out-and-out sheer entitlement of some of these people in Isaarn, who are simply oxygen thieves who contribute zero.
  18. I get the fact he was down on his luck but I think the neighbours, both father and son, equally antagonised him knowingly or not. Still no justification for the murder of the man.
  19. I've stayed in Samut Prakan many times and it's not a place where tourists go in numbers. It's very much a Thai-style place, or it is where I have been including bars and eateries.
  20. Where he belongs. He will know now what smelly garbage is and overflowing toilets that have excrement piled up high and blocked toilets as well as water rationing for showers in the hot season.
  21. I can't see it being any problem at all but better he knows in advance to bring that amount in cash as it is an unusual rule and not widely advertised. Many people, including me, don't often walk around with 20,000 baht cash in this age of Scan and Pay. He has credit cards etc
  22. I have a young man in his mid to late twenties, I know him from Ho Chi Minh. He is self-employed in Vietnam and has a successful business. I have just returned from South Vietnam and he was acquiring a new passport intending to visit Thailand in the New Year 2024. He will fly into Don Muang from Ho Chi Minh and will be here for less than a week. My question is does he need to be carrying the equivalent of 20,000 baht with him in cash? I am unsure if it is just Suvarnabhumi who is strong with that rule or uses it as an excuse to refuse. There were many Vietnamese on my return flight from Ho Chi Minh last week (obviously), I should have asked them as some appeared to know Thailand as if they were frequent flyers.
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