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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. I have a ten dollar Timex glued to a one kilo ingot of 99.9% gold worth more than her crummy Patek Phillipe. 😀
  2. As confirmed by her intention to sue her maid. A wonderful example of an employer/employee relationship. 😋
  3. Yes, it's commonly referred to a 'the beach'.
  4. With the same inner strength which allowed him to talk on the phone with his mouth coveted in duct tape?
  5. When is the funeral of the strangled win?
  6. Striving for net zero by scattering carbon dioxide......😋
  7. Driver: "Where to Boss?" Passenger: " The nearest street paved with cobblestones"
  8. Reminds me of the time a drunken Irishman came at me with a razor. Thank God it wasn't switched on.
  9. It's obvious that the driver lost on aggregate. 😋
  10. Just how does one perform a political U-turn in a submarine?😋
  11. But do they enjoy playing with balls?
  12. And illegal to post pornographic images online. "Book 'em Danno!"
  13. This spat must be why Elon Musk was not on Keir Starmer's New Year Honours list😀
  14. The most effective law in Thailand......Gravity.....
  15. OMG! These men are either very foolish or very brave. Did those pots contain triffids. 😀
  16. Delete the word 'Red' and I would agree with you. 😀
  17. False eyelashes cunningly concealed by the vehicle's cooling system. The swine!😋
  18. Never trust a policeman who wears lipstick......
  19. Note that the ambulance driver is reported as saying the motorcycle collided with his vehicle.😋
  20. 120kph but only in the RH lane. The rules were revised a couple of years and speed limits increased, it was considered safer for drivers who wished to travel at or near the limit to be in one lane. On the Phetchakasem Road in that area the limits for each lane are painted at intervals.
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