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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. 120kph but only in the RH lane. The rules were revised a couple of years and speed limits increased, it was considered safer for drivers who wished to travel at or near the limit to be in one lane. On the Phetchakasem Road in that area the limits for each lane are painted at intervals.
  2. The RTP will, I trust, uphold the law against the distribution of pornographic material😋....
  3. He wasn't bald when he lit the firework..........😀
  4. The sign states 'Face mask required to entry' Judging from what's on offer I think a blindfold is more appropriate!😋
  5. I don't understand this. Brain dead but all other body functions normal. A coma? What are the legalities of removing organs before true death?
  6. Yes, he had to hire a qualified accountant to manage his Income Tax returns.😋
  7. And the only solid evidence of any of this are teethmards on Marjorie's left buttock?😀
  8. I It's heatwarming to see a Major General leading from the front in these assaults. They're not all desk jockeys in the RTP. Good not know that her boyfriend owns the 'ladies gun' found in her handbag.
  9. Why would the driver negotiate an agreement and make a compensation payment? The driver should have involved the bus company management to decide a course of action using the video recording. Why was the passenger not wearing the seat belt fitted under the Government mandate issued a few years ago?😋 Did other passengers ask for compensation due to time wasted while the negotiation and payment was made? Who signed as witnessing the signatures on the legal document? Volunteer bus passengers? Can the registration plate number of the bus be revealed for lottery purposes? So many questions, so few answers.😀
  10. A '22 wheeler' articulated vehicle (semi in US parlance) difficult to negotiate twisting bends due to the overall length.
  11. They were all arrested on suspicion and all admitted they were available to sell sexual services. There is no evidence of laws being broken therefore no court appearance, sentencing and conviction?
  12. The situation will change when Mighty Joe Young comes along to pick up his baby.😋
  13. Thanks, my mistake. Considering I just paid 150 quid for new prescription spectacles, I got a bad deal! Now wearing a pair of standard reading specs for £7.50 and they are better.🙄
  14. A 350 kg block of heroin! What were the dimensions? Clearly for personal use.
  15. How is it 'heavily armed'? Does if conceal a 105mm howitzer?
  16. Don't forget, he was also playing loud music😀
  17. The attacker should heve heeded the victim's tattoo: Caution, may contain nuts
  18. The driver of the pickup truck sustained an arm injury caused by the activation of the vehicle’s airbag a Probably the arm with the hand holding a mobile phone.......😋
  19. At least one of them is not singng from the same hymen sheet.😀
  20. Bring back the Hello Kitty armbands, I say!
  21. David Thomas is Deputy Head of Mission not Charge d'Affaires. Mark Gooding is Ambassador.
  22. I recommend both arms and both legs.
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