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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. The 'smart' camel has been kept secret by the RTP.
  2. The family should have demanded an autopsy to determine cause of death in order to have hard evidence to prosecute the landowner. Instead they chose cremation the day after death.
  3. So, standing on a box to get at the camels was not a problem?.........????
  4. Incorrect translation from original. Confusing 'kilt' with 'killed'?
  5. To elect a General. You no unnerstan?
  6. Dawn strike. Spoons position. Out of control
  7. That wont hide you. This is Operation X-Ray. I have a lead-lined jacket for sale......????
  8. Looks as if sales of fertiliser has been brisk this Autumn.
  9. The ambulance should have crashed through and run over the body of the unyielding driver if only to hear his dying breath "Ugh....do you know who I was....?"
  10. Perhaps this means he is a Colonel RTP but appointment is captain of??????
  11. A threesome in which she was an unwlling participant?
  12. By heavy-lift helicopter?
  13. And they are 'one time' so you will have to draw them every year.......????
  14. The number of deaths annually from rabies is small but uneccessary and I hope this programme is sustained and the process shared with the Minister for Transport to reduce the much larger number of annual traffic deaths.
  15. Just wait 'til the second parallel track is laid as part of the upgrade. That'll show 'em!
  16. If Prawit was tipped would he not roll?
  17. No. The Danish (European) connection means the house would be screaming "Come burgle me, please".......????
  18. Police are looking for two men on a mototcycle carrying three leather sofas worth 360,000 baht.......????
  19. Photographs of the PM and Minister of Horology in running kit and leading from the front would show sincerity. Ripoff Nike footwear optional.
  20. Contractors often buy in ready mix concrete from local companies who deliver to site and pump as directed. The cost of a truckload varies according to the 'mix' ratio of cement to sand to aggregate. Different mixes for different applications. Suppliers will provide a certification of individual loads based on a mix sample. Bottom line. Building contractor buys the cheapest mix which, when cured, does not have adequate strength. Add to that inadequate rebar and safety limits are compromised.
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