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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Well, it wasn't a head-on impact as reported but a side impact so I'm going with ninety (degrees)
  2. I note the subject group of MDs are masked in their belief that this will defeat COVID. Or is it to prevent involuntary inalation of cannabis smoke?
  3. Thank goodness no water melons were hit.
  4. So instead of coming you went.......
  5. It's all the fault of UK and the price of their bloody British Thermal Units!
  6. Then HE could not have been hanging out.
  7. Quote: Those three left Thailand on a private jet after the raid at Jin Ling in Yannawa. …......There is no evidence as yet that state employees aided their flight. Then they must have evaded Thai Immigration at their point of departure.......which was,,,,,,,,,????
  8. Mai kap. Hab extension many metre.
  9. A man named Fawkes (name transliterated) , thought to be British and on overstay was reported fleeing the scene.
  10. Surely, as an ex RTP Lt Colonel, unusually rich, he would know the answer to that?
  11. Of course he isn't.'Good guys in, bad guys out' rules!
  12. What is the difference between a 'gun' and a 'war weapon'.
  13. It is reports like this which are seen as incredulous to any right thinking person. The driver of the school vehicle is responsible to ensure that all children have vacated by physically checking inside the passenger compartment especially under the seats. The driver should be required to sign a certificate to acknowledge that. I accept substitute drivers will often turn up unannounced but that's another potential problem.
  14. Don’t Eat Bats, Panda Lab Doctor Warns RatThanke this topic Thank you Doctor. Can I ask, is it safe to eat pandas?
  15. The Black Flag. So much pollution that any colour disappears under a coating of gunge.
  16. If he wants to go to another party there's an all night pixx up at a house around the corner from me. Bring a bottle.
  17. Take a life jacket. The launch platforms are poorly lit and multi-stepped......
  18. If he re-offends in the stated time period he will be jailed (in theory)
  19. Thanks to the DPM playing a 'decisive role'.........????
  20. To ensure inaccurate reporting for AN Forum members to feed on..........????
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