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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. The OP picture is miscaptioned. It's a before and after of the Watchman. One in a fetching gold lame outfit and much later in his Newcastle United football team strip.
  2. Those who hot-footed it to the scene?
  3. I trust that the misalgned slogan on the door of the car in the OP is not an indicator of quality. Once Somchai and his mate have done their early hours tour of charging stations and removed the cables for safe keeping our leader wont be so smug.
  4. See what happens when the PM skips wearing his Angry Bird mask as soon as he crosses a border?
  5. They're stick-on. Now you can see why his subordinates call him 'Bling'
  6. And still our Burmese and Cambodian brothers are out in the cold.......
  7. Snip, snip and Bob's your Auntie.......????
  8. It's just a new brown envelope with a gold coloured label......
  9. Judging by the photo that would be a single use plastic bag marked YAK. Why not BUFFALO?
  10. I hope that is an arrest warrant ine SWAT mans hand........
  11. Yes. The quicker we can get that stinking mess down to the sea the better.????
  12. Net set to widen on Chinese money gangs, Bigger mesh permits bigger fish to swim through........????
  13. Yes, fifty percent. Due to late application, an Administration charge of fifty percent of the orginal quote is payable. Please note that International bank transfers must be coded as FTT or your application will be rejected.
  14. If the article is to be believed Aussie churches are packed with elderly men, on their knees, praying they be granted 30 year year visas to live in LOS.
  15. Next question please.......????
  16. TAT boss to minion: The tourist numbers are falling. Go and switch on the bridge lights.
  17. Jang, a Taiwanese was found using a Cambodian passport and following contact with the Taiwanese embassy he was found to be another person Split personality or a Siamese twin?
  18. What do they expect? The MoH has been too busy promoting his ganja program to worry about Covid. It doesn't help that the PM goes maskless at the APEC conference in the midst of all those dirty foreigners.......????
  19. I was in a shop in UK yesterday. They had a display of Christmas Crackers with cards displaying the contents one of which was 'Gingerbread persons'.....????
  20. Thank goodness this could never happen in Bangkok.......
  21. But no Thais have been charged with issuing the ID? How was the secret compartment found if it was.......a secret? ????
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