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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. For heavens sake don't string this into the Pattaya News. Citizens there are still reeling fron an incident involving two Aussies in a drunken brawl!
  2. How can this be? Big Joke sorted this specific problem out when he was in charge of Immigration. Next, you will be telling me that the signs 'No tips accepted' displayed in Immigration Offices have been taken down. 😋
  3. I did. Duplication by citizens already registered for 'Social Security' registerating again via the phone App. Failure of the responsible goverment departments to realise this possibility is inexcusable.
  4. A great deal of puffing about payment but no explanation as to the actual method of payout. Older citizens already recieving the meagre monthly social security payment are already registered and payment is made into their bank account. Therefore, it is to be expected that 'digital wallet' payments would be in the same way. But, the PM mentioned 'tranches' also the previous government blustered about vouchers, Q Codes on smart phones etc. Now they say payments to 'vulnerable' starting end or September yet no mention of how.
  5. Miss Lada should be limited to driving a Lada.
  6. Well, it was 'a personnel development activity.'
  7. You still do but it's now hidden in ticket costs. 😀
  8. The 'unique character' being lunatic driving on the roads,,,,,
  9. Yes, and only USD in cash.
  10. He gave two strangers his wallet? 😀
  11. Praise be to King Canute aka as a DPM in a rubber boat.
  12. The project generates so much (wasted) heat it has to be aircondioned? I don't understand much of the article, it's just buzzwords.🙄
  13. I never put gravy on my McVities digestive biscuits.
  14. Is this a euphemism for a threesone?
  15. I think it was one of these;
  16. Drivers, not vehicles......
  17. A hundred villagers with buckets will have it empty in no time.
  18. I say old chap. That's a trifle strong don't you think? 😀
  19. You may recall the aftermath of the tsunami down south when scores of foreign tourists reacted proving humanitarien assistance at their own risk. Within only a few days they were required to apply for work permits.
  20. But that's no reason to send him ohm. He didn't resist arrest.😋
  21. Cafe 13. Unlucky for some......
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