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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  2. Unattributed post and replies removed
  3. Gave up being one of those fifty years ago....
  4. Troll post and replies removed, topic is about a Turkish man
  5. Some off topic bickering and baiting posts removed, also replies
  6. Rimmer

    Teak wood molding

    Large shop with lots of teak moldings across and before the bus station on North Road, on the left as you turn into North Road from Sukhumvit Road
  7. An off topic troll post has been removed Can we stop bickering about this rail spur please, it was known as the Hungarian Ramp and is the one leading into the camp. More than enough people took their last journey on it into Birkenau so it should be treated with respect. The spur trace can still be seen today on Google earth. When they filmed Shindlers List, Auschwitz authorities would not allow filming inside the camp and the rail shots were taken outside the camp on these rails in front of the guard house main entrance. This from The unloading ramps and selections The third ramp was built from 1943 inside the Birkenau camp, and went into operation in May 1944 in connection with the anticipated arrival of transports of Hungarian Jews. The railroad spur along this ramp ran as far as gas chambers and crematoria II and III. Aside from the 430 thousand Hungarian Jews, 67 thousand Jews from the Łódź ghetto and some of the transports from the ghetto in Terezin and from Slovakia were unloaded at this ramp. From this point on, mass selections of Jews took place inside the camp, before the eyes of thousands of prisoners. Transports of Poles from Warsaw during the Uprising there, sent to Auschwitz by way of the transit camp in Pruszków, were also unloaded here. All three ramps also served as embarkation points for prisoners transferred from Auschwitz to sub-camps and other concentration camps.
  8. The OP requested this topic be removed because of all the nasty troll comments, I have now removed them and locked the topic. If you are interested in taking one of these kittens then suggest PM the OP OP I can still remove this topic if you wish ????
  9. Let her spend one night locked in the only remaining Gaskammer at Auschwitz Stammlager I, maybe then she will not treat this terrible place with such disdain
  10. A misleading/troll post has been removed please take note of the following forum rule: 5. You will not use ASEAN NOW to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Topics or posts deemed to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or which deliberately distort information will be removed. In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source.
  11. A post has been removed 14. You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, Thai people, Thai culture, Thai institutions such as the military, judicial or law enforcement system or specific locations within Thailand.
  12. An off topic post has been removed
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