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Everything posted by candide

  1. The fact that you've been ripped off is not really an argument! 😃
  2. What a coincidence! Life was better pre-covid in most countries! Could it be that there is something like global inflation and global energy prices? As countries are subject to the same global trends, the only way to assess performance is to compare between comparable countries. Well, Let's compare the current inflation with 2019, the last 'normal' year under Trump before the pandemic started.. USA currently -0,5% compared to the average of advanced economies, + 0.4% In 2019. 2023 United States 4.1 Advanced economies 4.6 World 6.9 2019 Advanced economies 1.4 World 3.5 United States 1.8
  3. It's possible. However, under current seats distribution, There's no possible coalition without at least MF or PT in it, and MF is seen as too critical of what you know to attract allies. Practically, the only option is a coalition with PT. It may ally again with MF, but it is highly likely that Thaksin's pardon has strings attached. After the recent debacle, it is also unlikely that parties linked to the former Junta in one way or another, would be eager to take the risk of triggering anticipated elections.
  4. It summarises it well “What’s amazing to me is that you’ve got an overwhelming number of people in their caucus who voted against impeaching Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against our own House, against the Congress, against the vice president,” Raskin told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Thursday. He added, “Now, they want to go ahead and launch an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden for a crime unknown. No one can identify what the alleged offense is.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/jamie-raskin-nails-house-gop-170614606.html
  5. Well, we will keep at least a few good memories of him! 😆 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/rudy-giuliani-caught-compromising-position-new-borat-film-n1244187
  6. And he's even able to create more inflation abroad than in the US. 😅 United States 4.1 Advanced economies 4.6 World 6.9 https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/USA/ADVEC/WEOWORLD
  7. Total failed presidency!😅 - record GDP growth among G7 countries, - unemployment rate close to historic low, - all time high Dow Jones level, - highest level of energy independence over 70 years, - now lower inflation that the average of advanced economies. - increased industrial sovereignty in strategic sectors such as semi-conductors, EV, or green energy. A total failure! 😆
  8. Meanwhile....Trump rages! 😅 “Now they’re saying, ‘Let’s rush it to the Supreme– we gotta rush it, rush it, rush it,” Trump complained at a rally in Iowa on Wednesday. “They could have started three years ago. Everything– nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap.” Trump claimed that “they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court,” https://www.yahoo.com/news/very-sick-thing-trump-rages-140403763.html
  9. And the reason why they have no money stashed is Biden? Not because they failed to spare enough over many years, or made wrong choices?
  10. So what? If Hunter is arrested for not complying, he'll make the news claiming he's been arrested because the GOP committee doesn't want the public to hear his testimony. 😁
  11. Actually, It's not fully accurate. There has been a GOP-led Senate investigation about Hunter during Trump's mandate. Of course, they found nothing. Edited: I guess you know it already as you mention "6 years"
  12. The usual lame attempt at false equivalence! There was clear evidence when Trump was investigated and impeached: recordings, documents, messages and testimonies (mainly GOP witnesses). What evidence is there against Biden? Nothing except "Comer says". Even their witnesses have declared there is no ground to impeach JB. Actually, the GOP is not even able to state for which crime JB should be impeached. 😃
  13. Complaining about Hunter "playing politics" on the topic of the GOP committee so-called investigation! That's rich! 😃
  14. The fact that GOP Committee have been distorting the content of previous testimonies and even lied about it (see my link) has all to do with Hunter requiring a public hearing, and all to do with the GOP chair refusing it, as it may prevent them to do it again.
  15. That's the current paradox. People tend to be unhappy with the state of the economy, yet they behave in a different way: shops and restaurants are full, business are going on investing and recruiting people, etc...
  16. Who can trust Comer (or Jordan) to provide an unbiased (at best) or rather untrue accpunt from a closed door testimony. As soon as the hearing would be finished, misleading tweets will be diffused. There have been precedents, for ex. JIM JORDAN JUST GOT BUSTED WITH EVIDENCE OF HIS HUNTER BIDEN LIES https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html#google_vignette And It's not like this committee member would have rejected a congressional subpoena! Oh wait! 😃
  17. Hunter was clear about it. He wants a public testimony because he knows the GOP committee members will distort his testimony, as they did before for other testimonies. And guess what? The Committee chair refuses it (of course). Let's organise a public hearing and show to the world the crooked Committee's m.o. About the rest of your post, that 's the usual baseless 'Comer says' allegations. You have nothing on JB.
  18. Actually, they are certainly not "wetting themselves in anticipation", as they perfectly know they have no ground for impeachment. Only their gullible fans do. This is just a propaganda exercise and they know it
  19. Repeating the same B.S. over and over will not make it true. There is no evidence of JB money gritting and corruption. Oh wait! I forgot! There's 'Comer says'! 🤣
  20. I was talking about the right-wing propaganda about Biden and other subjects (ex. Elections have been stolen, etc...). I think that when Trump started to claim elections have been stolen, the Republicans have initially been surprised to see how the obvious big lie was accepted by their electorate. Since then, it's "no limit".
  21. They just repeat the right-wing propaganda over and over. The m.o. (from Bannon, and earlier from Goebbels) is to repeat lies so often that people will start to believe them. Actually, this m.o. seems to currently work rather well for the right-wing.
  22. Meanwhile, Trump goes on harvesting his fan base! Donald Trump says he'll sell you a piece of the 'priceless' suit he wore in his mugshot — but make sure to read the fine print https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/donald-trump-says-hell-sell-205756826.html Of course, he perfectly knows the suckers are too stupid to read the fine print! 😅 "In the event the Bonus Physical Card cannot be fulfilled due to an issue in the manufacturing, production, or delivery on the Bonus Physical Cards, individuals who qualified for the Bonus Physical Card will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion," the terms and conditions say. "In the event President Trump is unable to attend the Bonus Gala Dinner," or the dinner cannot happen for any other reason, "then we may reschedule the Bonus Gala Dinner or individuals who qualified for the Bonus Gala Dinner will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion," according to the terms.
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