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Everything posted by candide

  1. It was surely chaotic. One reason being that there was no particular project apart from leaving. There was a wide range of options and it seems that May tried something 'in the middle', but even in the middle there were different possible variants.
  2. It is far from obvious that a "tougher stance" would have led to a better deal.
  3. Yet, Giuliani claimed he brought this information. https://www.salon.com/2023/06/16/suspicious-circumstances-giuliani-now-claims-witness-behind-biden-bribery-allegation-is/ Who should be believe? Comer or Giuliani? Difficult to decide about it, as they are both proven liar!
  4. You may be right, as it would obviously not be the first time Trump talked B.S. However, it has nothing to do with the fact that the investigation may be political or not.
  5. Sure! Have you noticed the trend since 2016? https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=USD&view=10Y
  6. Exactly! It's ridiculous to think that one can corrupt a VP with a few miserable million dollars. Even for a plain envoy like Kushner, the price is already by billion!
  7. This will be interpreted as a significant sign by some Thai people.
  8. So, as usual, when Brexiters complain about EU laws, they are not able to cite any to substantiate their came.
  9. Bad news for anyone, including for a country making 40% of its trade with the EU, not to mention the fact that the three main European trade partners of UK (Germany, Netherlands and Ireland), are the most affected by recession.
  10. Fantasy again, - Clinton did not motivate the Mueller investigation (and before you start claiming again the usual debunked B.S., the IG report and the Durham report have confirmed that the investigation on Russian interference was not caused by the Steele report) - Also read: https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/548794-there-was-trump-russia-collusion-and-trump-pardoned-the-colluder/
  11. PT may lose some voters and the establishment parties may also lose part of what is left of the 'virtuous' voters, formerly called the "good people".
  12. There is no President of the EU. It's not a federal state and It's not a presidential regime.
  13. If confirmed, it would show how desperate the yellow-green establishment is. They conspired and made two coups to get rid of Thaksin and PT, and now they would conspire to put PT back into power? What a loss of face!
  14. That's all you have? It's a quote from the linked Axios article, which is using the Federal Reserve economic data.
  15. It seems you missed this part from the quote! "The pre-pandemic all-time low was also significantly higher than this, at 5.3% in August 2019."
  16. Keep updated! By the numbers: The rate peaked at 16.8% in May 2020, and since then has fallen by an astonishing 12.1 percentage points to 4.7% now (though the decline was driven, in part, by a drop in labor force participation among Black workers). The pre-pandemic all-time low was also significantly higher than this, at 5.3% in August 2019. Another all-time low: the gap between Black and white unemployment. It's now 1.6 percentage points, down from 5.4 points in August 2020 and 12.1 points in January 1983. https://www.axios.com/2023/05/05/unemployment-rate-milestone-black-americans NB the graph also shows the origin of the trend which led to the previous growth in 2019.
  17. More fun! Donald Trump has found another enemy, and this one might be his most mysterious choice of villain yet.The former president fired off an all-caps post on his flailing Truth Social website attacking many of his usual suspects, including “the radical left” and “marxists & communists.” But this rant also included a new target: Mutants ???? https://news.yahoo.com/trump-names-baffling-enemy-latest-060256283.html
  18. As far as I understand, the new Senators will be selected by selection committees, committees which will be selected by the EC. Coming full circle as usual.
  19. It applies quite well to Fox News, including this article which is trying to divert attention from the real news.
  20. It's more significant than it seems. These people have legal advisors. They would be more cautious if their advisors hadn't told them that Trump is very likely going to be convicted.
  21. Exactly. Same for the MAL warrant. However, the level of classification marking for each document is quite relevant as it designates how sensitive certain information is.
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