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Everything posted by candide

  1. Ukraine's tactic may be to exhaust Russians by keeping them on alert, not knowing where and when Ukraine will make a strike or launch an offensive.
  2. There's a big difference in policies between China and India. The Chinese have been trying to control the size of the population, in order to make it manageable and avoid the chaos of over-population. India's stance is different. The more Indian people on the planet, the more powerfully India will be. They don't really care if it generates inneficiences and it's difficult to manage it.
  3. The beauty of this case is that the little piece of proto-fascist ranted many times about "woke Dysney", so that he himself provided the evidence that the change of policy was indeed a punishment for Disney’s protected speech. https://www.reuters.com/legal/desantis-tough-words-may-come-back-haunt-him-disney-lawsuit-experts-2023-04-28/
  4. Do you mean that Comer's claims should be taken seriously?
  5. It's not really shocking considering the context, which was also diplomatic. In this context, it makes sense to safeguard the reply to this particular question.
  6. Actually, it was quite a relevant question considering the context of the conference: “Your top economic priority has been to build up US domestic manufacturing in competition with China, but your rules against expanding chip manufacturing in China is hurting South Korean companies that rely heavily on Beijing,” she asked. “Are you damaging a key ally in the competition with China to help your domestic politics ahead of the election?” https://www.aol.com/news/newspaper-denies-submitting-advance-questions-191146305.html
  7. Was there ever any true "loving"? I tend to make a different assumption about the reason why she married him.
  8. Well, I certainly hope it will be an alarm for anyone intending to rape another person, adult or kid (I mention kids because they often dare to bring it up only after they become adults).
  9. Spot on! In countries relying on in person voting, elections are usually held on Sunday. It also facilitates finding volunteers and thetefore having more, closer, voting spots.
  10. Not sure at all. The war is not good for business and China makes most of its foreign trade with NATO countries and their allies. Of course, they are happy to annoy the U.S. but there is a cost to it.
  11. Experts are divided "on the extent", but several experts cited in the article support the claim that is is at least partly linked to the rollback. BTW, how is Biden responsible for the bank's risky behaviour?
  12. It's a pity that there are not enough safeguards imposed to banks to avoid this kind of problems. Oh, wait! "In short, the 2018 rollback freed some banks from policies put in place in the wake of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 to try to stop these banks and the financial system from crumbling." The facts on Trump’s 2018 loosening of regulations on banks like SVB https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/14/politics/facts-on-trump-2018-banking-deregulation/index.html Luckily, Biden is pushing to reverse this unfortunate deregulation. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/30/fact-sheet-president-biden-urges-regulators-to-reverse-trump-administration-weakening-of-common-sense-safeguards-and-supervision-for-large-regional-banks/
  13. Just a reminder ???? 'This is private enterprise at its finest': Donald Trump Jr praises 'amazing' fundraising efforts of We Build The Wall in 2019 and shows off customized gun he received from the group he now claims 'deceived' him https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8649179/Donald-Trump-Jr-praises-Brian-Kolfage-amazing-fundraising-efforts-Build-Wall-event.html
  14. I am surely not supporting Russia, but according to the article, even imprecise hits making random craters would be a significant impediment.
  15. The right-wing, is usually keen to evoke the first amendment in favour of spreading lies, threats, calls to violence, defamation, treason, etc.... They sing a different tune when the laws they enact are just criticised and opposed. Sue the little piece of proto-fascist!
  16. Energy independence has been mainly achieved by Democrats. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/03/08/surprise-the-us-is-still-energy-independent/?sh=5be975ed30b6
  17. It's ridiculous to execute someone because of something as harmless as weed. I may (so to say) understand if it were for trafficking crack or heroin, which are destroying the lives of drug addicts, but weed?
  18. Please stop deflecting. I claimed that energy production and exports have increased under Biden. You opposed this claim. I have shown statistics confirming that energy production and exports have increased under Biden.
  19. I wasn't addressing the issue of long-term trends. The numbers confirm my claim that production and exports of energy HAVE increased under Biden.
  20. It's never easy to recover after a major crisis. GDP growth was quite good compared to other G7 countries, and unemployment is at historic low. Reply about energy in my other post.
  21. Nothing's better than numbers! Reference first graph https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/narrative/index.php#InternationalDemandfor Reference other graphs (exports) https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-poised-become-net-exporter-crude-oil-2023-2022-12-19/
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