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Everything posted by candide

  1. I think the U.S. system produces the opposite of what a S.C. should be: - it should be composed of politically neutral judges, yet they have been chosen for their known political stance, -it should be composed of old wise guys, yet judges have nominated at a rather young age, in order to stack the S.C. for as long as possible.
  2. I can imagine the cross-examination! ???? J. Jordan: Mr. Barr, do you think former BLM protests actually induced protesters to storm the Capitol? W. Barr: No, it is B.S.!
  3. He never fails to deliver...???? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-demands-hearing-proof-nonexistent-rigged-election_n_62b4e9a6e4b0c77098b9946b
  4. That makes it easy to know who should be further investigated!????
  5. It's a pity! As usual It's the poor worker -the people who have been "left behind", and who have been lured by the enticement of the Brexiter siren's song- who will pay the price. While others will fill their pockets by speculating.
  6. I guess he will become apoplectic after today's hearings! ????
  7. Well, I guess he would be welcomed to testify! ???? Same as his allies!
  8. More to it! ???? "Trump is hate-watching every Jan. 6 hearing and almost screams at the TV because he feels nobody is defending him, report says" https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-avidly-watching-jan-6-hearings-almost-screaming-tv-report-2022-6?r=US&IR=T
  9. Two priceless quotes from the OP: "It said Britain has experienced a decline of 8% in trade openness - trade as a portion of economic output - since 2019, losing market share across three of its largest non-EU goods import markets in 2021, the US, Canada and Japan." "The report added the North East is expected to be hit hardest by Brexit as its firms are particularly reliant on exports to the EU". Basically, North-East voters shot themselves in the foot
  10. I wonder what the collection protocol is? ????
  11. And in particular why the National Guard was sent so late to the Capitol! ???? "Reports: Trump Resisted Sending National Guard To Quell Violent Mob At U.S. Capitol" https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/01/06/reports-trump-resisted-sending-national-guard-to-quell-violent-mob-at-us-capitol/
  12. Who are the people who could show a different side? People close to Trump? In case you did not notice most of Trump's allies refused to testify or took the 5th. Well, there was Ivanka and Jared though! ????
  13. In order to show they are neutral, they also authorised women to be topless. I wonder (not really) which way Muslim men will be looking! ????
  14. People like Carson have no morals. They are able to tell any B.S. if they think it can help them to be elected. They would even be ready to put feathers in their ass in order to attract voters! ????
  15. By definition international laws are above national laws. Mind you, why do you think sovereign UK cancelled the flight?
  16. They applied the EHR Convention. And they did not "think they have authority", they do have authority as international law (the convention UK actively contributed to design, and signed) is above national law.
  17. Maybe. But she was not unpopular.
  18. Well, Hillary lost but it cannot be said she was bad, as she at least won the popular vote. It has no impact on the final outcome, but gives a clear indication of the popularity of a candidate. Actually, Trump was quite angry about it.
  19. https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=court/judges&c
  20. You may disagree as much ss you want , but there is never an instant implementation of policies. Plus deaths occur around one month after first symptoms. There is an excuse. The anti-vaccine and anti-mask propaganda and actions from a significant number of Trumpers, lead to a higher death rate among people who voted for Trump. Basically, Biden has been prevented from getting the full effect of his Covid-19 policies by his inconsequential political opponents.
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