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Everything posted by candide

  1. B.S. again. The campaign was not fined for conspiracy. Not tired of trolling?
  2. B.S. Her campaign was fined, not Hillary, as you already know.
  3. The condition attached was to support the Big Lie, which he did! From the full article: Johnson appeared alongside Trump for a press conference in Palm Beach, Fla., where the GOP leaders unveiled a bill that would ban non-U.S. citizens from voting, which is already illegal. Trump is currently claiming that Biden won because millions of foreigners voted for him in 2020 GOP, the party of liars!
  4. They have settled there illegally and their presence has been imposed by force. Additionally, they will never accept to be ruled by Palestinians. Be realistic, there is no practical way it can work on short-term or even middle-term. Both Israeli settlers remaining inside a Palestinian State, and Palestinian refugees returning to Israel are completely illusory options It could be that on a longer term (like 50 years) the two States may make a reciprocal agreement, but not on short-term. Of course, there will be some border adjustments in case of a two-State solution, to include some settlements located near the border.
  5. And as I already replied, it's a false equivalence. Palestinian people living in Israel were already living there before the creation of Israel. They are not settlers imposed by force like Israeli settlers in the West Bank. If Israel refuses that Palestinians can settle in Israel (for understandable reasons from their side), there is no reason to accept that Israelis may have a right to settle in the West Bank. One of the basic principle of fair international law is reciprocity.
  6. Anyone understands what he's trying to say?
  7. Disputes between France, UK, etc... have been solved by international arbitration. China is refusing to accept any international arbitration and is using fait accompli, threat, and use of force instead.
  8. No need to "arrange" anything when instructions come from a stratospheric institutional level.....
  9. Cheap food may not be good in China (I would never buy anything from Beijing night market after I saw how they prepared it + the smell of old oil). However, seafood in restaurants or supermarkets is very fresh. They usually only sell live seafood from aquariums (it could be polluted thought).
  10. What nonsense? Everybody knows it doesn't make sense to compare China with other countries if you don't take into account the population number. It's been also known for decades that the US has one of the highest emissions rates per capita. If you want a source here it is! https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/
  11. Ever heard of China's population number? The US emission rate per capita is twice as high as in China
  12. The real reason we don't hear about Illisdean any more! 😃 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls PS. Having said that, there will likely be more trend changes until November.
  13. No. There were there before. They are not settlers. No Palestinian currently outside Israel is allowed to settle in Israel, even if he was born there. That's a false equivalence.
  14. And it's not like it would have been a global trend affecting all countries... Oh wait! https://www.statista.com/statistics/256598/global-inflation-rate-compared-to-previous-year/
  15. Right! It's been a miserable fail! Who's surprised about it, except the MAGA gullible (including the ones pretending not to be MAGA)?
  16. The Eurovision is an abuse to TV viewers. Most of the music is ridiculous garbage.
  17. Lol! Nice try! 1. Not Clinton or Obama! Their campaign and DNC. A lame false equivalence again. No falsified business records by Clinton or Obama. The RNC or Republican campaign also got "only" fined for finance violation several times. It's peanuts! 2. McCabe - the settlement was not about a perjury charge, but about a wrongful termination lawsuit - a Grand Jury previously refused to indict him, - what was he lying about? The fact that he disclosed information that the DOJ was investigating the Clinton Foundation. It was no a pro-Dem leak, but an anti-Dem leak!
  18. That's why the Conald became Republican. A lot more opportunities to scam supporters! 😀 My bet is that they will blame the Libs for that! 😀
  19. In Thailand, policemen catch bad guys with with spoon-shaped hands! 😃
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