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Everything posted by candide

  1. You are assuming that what was shown on the website was the authentic and unaltered diary. There is no confirmation of it.
  2. Trump is becoming completely nuts! After comparing himself to Jesus Christ, It's now with Nelson Mandela! 🤣 Trump Says He’ll Become ‘Modern Day Nelson Mandela’ Over Right to Attack Judge’s Daughter https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-ll-become-modern-204752129.html
  3. Interesting question: Why has Illisdean stopped overflowing this thread with Biden vs Trump election polls' results? 🤣
  4. Back to topic. Comer claims an IRS whistleblower said the CIA prevented Morris from being interviewed by the IRS, while another IRS whistleblower already testified he actually interviewed Morris. Of course, Comer refuses to communicate the elements he's supposed to have to the Dem Committee members. Hmmm.....
  5. So the GOP fake committee chairman lied, as usual, and is trying to hide it! 😀 Morris which the CIA allegedly prevented from being interviewed, was actually interviewed! Pathetic! 😀
  6. May I correct you? From an unauthenticated stolen diary.
  7. It's you who absolutely want something unproven to be true. I don't want anything. I just recall to your attention that It's unproven and unauthenticated. But as I wrote before, in the MAGA alternate universe, unproven often means true.
  8. Ridiculous, he was caught hiding documents and lying about it!
  9. She did not state this second option is valid, she just asked the two parties to provide alternative arguments. I also doubt she knows better than the NARA, who's job is to apply the PRA, among others. (Source provided before) There's nothing written in the PRA that says that an outgoing President has the authority to convert Presidential records (as defined precisely in the PRA. Source provided before) into personal records. It also specifies that sorting the documents must happen before the outgoing President goes.
  10. Not at all! As I wrote before in another post, if Trump had given back the documents when asked, there would have been no prosecution. One reason being, as the Republican prosecutor made clear, that it is very difficult to prove intent beyond reasonable doubt. The other reason is the the NARA would probably not even have notified the DOJ if it had got the documents back. The NARA notified the DOJ, after waiting for one year, only because Trump did not give back the documents. And Trump got indicted only after he was caught hiding documents and lying about it. This not only added new "crimes" to the initial one, but also proved beyond any reasonable doubt that that there was an "intent" for the "initial crime"
  11. Has its authenticity been confirmed? Has the authenticity of every page been confirmed? 😃
  12. Not grasping at straws at all. Facts+ basic economic reasoning. Now, as you seem to be keen on challenging my assertions based on facts, why don't you bring up facts to contradict my assertions?
  13. I know. In the MAGA universe, "unproven" is equivalent to "It's true". 😆
  14. Should I explain the law of supply and demand in global markets? Here's an explanation of how it works in oil markets. https://wiki.aapg.org/Economics:_global_supply_and_demand
  15. Correlation + explanation=causation. The explanation is the globalisation of the economy and in particular of oil markets.
  16. My sources Are showing that U.S. inflation and global inflation are correlated, and in particular between advanced economies. If you want more details you can check by year, country, type of economy, etc...here https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA/FJI I have also shown that the U.S. WTI oil index has been always correlated with Brent and OPEC over time. Now if you are not able to understand how a globalised economy works, and if you are also not able to understand how wholesale crude oil markets work, there's not much I can do for you! 😃 About the Putin's war part, please show me the post where I mentioned it. I did not.
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html
  18. Inflation rates of western countries are correlated, as are oil prices (the source I put comparing the 3 main oil index. (Actually, WTI was a bit cheaper than Brent and OPEC) Should I link an economics text book for you? Are you having hallucinations again? I did not mention Putin's war.
  19. You don't know there is have been a global inflation phenomenon and that oil prices are correlated WW? https://www.statista.com/statistics/256598/global-inflation-rate-compared-to-previous-year/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/326017/weekly-crude-oil-prices/
  20. Nice try! Most of the U.S. inflation was due to the global inflation trend, in particular global oil prices.
  21. I did not ask you anything! I replied to another poster (Morgandave)! 😀 Are you having hallucinations now ? 😀
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