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Everything posted by candide

  1. Lame deflection. Even according to Fox News, you were wrong! 😀
  2. Lo!. Fox News recently publicised a testimony showing that: - Trump asked for National Guard not to protect the Capitol, but to protect the protest (already disclosed in wmiley's testimony- - Pelosi was not involved in the decision. Check here! 😀 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jan-6-committee-allegedly-suppressed-testimony-showing-trump-admin-pushed-national-guard-presence-report
  3. Remind us which party is curently blocking funding? 😀
  4. Another fact-free statement... https://www.cato.org/blog/fentanyl-smuggled-us-citizens-us-citizens-not-asylum-seekers
  5. The other alternative MAGA tactic when confronted with facts (apart from conspiracy theories): false equivalence.
  6. No one is neutral. However, some people rely on facts to express opinions (such as evidence shown in court), other people rely on conspiracy theories. It's blatantly obvious that when you have no real argument, you stick to conspiracy theories.
  7. It's always been the same guy claiming elections have been rigged by voter fraud. Trump did it when Obama was reelected, before the 2016 elections, after the 2016 elections, and again in 2020. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926
  8. The usual "politically motivated" conspiracy theory. About your hopes of Trump "switching everything back on the Dems", I can ensure that the Dems don't intend to overturn the result of a free and fair elections, to plot fake electors lists, to ask a person in charge of supervising elections to find them 11,800 votes, and to assault the Capitol! 😀
  9. I did not try to say anything else than the fact that the SC did not express any opinion on that matter. They have left the question of whether he was guilty of insurrection unresolved.
  10. Trump is Putin's bitch and Putin is Xi's bitch! So by transitivity.... 😀
  11. It was actually quite a good decision by the SC. And also a good news for the Dems as trump being banned would have allowed Nikki Haley to be nominated for the election. You will also note that it did not rule on the reason Trump was initially banned for.
  12. Large quantities have been smuggled during both Trump's and Biden's mandates. Why?
  13. No. Stop making up what I implied. I uploaded the graph for all to see, and it is quite explicit about when it started and when it was growing. A rather big graph! Sorry if "all I came up with" were facts! 😁
  14. I guess it was Obama. How is your question relevant to the discussion I had with another poster?
  15. No. It's you who is claiming It's rigged. As usual, when you don't like facts, you come up with a conspiracy theory. My point is that you did not come up with this conspiracy theory, when it was about "Trump's" inflation numbers, which have been calculated with the same method. And if you had been able to phrase a precise question regarding the way the index is CPI is calculated, you would have got your reply.
  16. No, I am showing that smuggling large quantities of drugs through the border did not start under Biden's mandate.
  17. Statistically, it's very likely there are intelligent beings somewhere in the quasi-infinite universe. However, not in our solar system, which means too far fir them to be able to travel to our planet. It's not like in science fiction books, there's no jumping through the hyperspace.
  18. We absolutely agree it's not new. Large quantities of drugs have been smuggled through the border before Biden became President, as the graph shows. That was the point I was making
  19. You got no answer because your question was not precise. Another ridiculous conspiracy theory? So when "Trump's" inflation was low, It was also a rigged index? Then why doo MAGAs constantly Bragg about it?
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