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Everything posted by candide

  1. Trump is raving again ....😅 If Mr. Biden is re-elected for a second four-year term, Mr. Trump warned in his speech, Medicare will “collapse.” Social Security will “collapse.” Health care in general will “collapse.” So, too, will public education. Millions of manufacturing jobs will be “choked off into extinction.” The U.S. economy will be “starved of energy” and there will be “constant blackouts.” The Islamist militant group Hamas will “terrorize our streets.” There will be a third world war and America will lose it. America itself will face “obliteration.” On the other hand, Mr. Trump promised on Saturday that if he is elected America will be “richer and safer and stronger and prouder and more beautiful than ever before.” Crime in major cities? A thing of the past. “Chicago could be solved in one day,” Mr. Trump said. “New York could be solved in a half a day there.” 😅 Trump's CPAC speech showed clear signs of major cognitive decline — yet MAGA cheered https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-cpac-speech-showed-clear-110924840.html
  2. Are you really expecting to discuss scientific theories with Dolf/Bignok?
  3. That's what I also understand! I doubt cheaper Sangsom will attract more tourists! 😀
  4. The topic is about Trump! https://lincolnproject.us/feeble/
  5. Trump will soon start his speeches with: "my dear brothers..." 😀
  6. A useless article claiming that political parties had a say in Thaksin's return and pardon, and is completely ignoring the main factor.
  7. Which Dem panic? Everybody knows from the start that Trump will win the primaries. You are making stuff up. The only one who gets excited about Trump beating Haley is you! 😀 It is a non-event. On top of it, Haley losing primaries is a good news for Dems.
  8. Well, in a way, it was useful! Visitors could read one or two documents when they went to bathroom, instead of just boring. And let's imagine what could have happened in case of toilet paper's shortage! 😀
  9. I guess that will be the next step of Christian nationalism: reintroduce creationism in schools' curriculum!
  10. He made the same B.S. claim when his name was Bignok, and will come up with the same ridiculous arguments.
  11. There wasn't much suspense anyway. It was obvious that Trump would win the primaries. Haley probably knew it too. She has longer-term objectives.
  12. Good news. It's better for the Dems to have Trump against Biden, rather than Haley against Biden.
  13. You forgot to add that the Justice system is independent in Russia! 😃
  14. And Trump has his own explanation about it! 😃 “I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. They were doing it because it’s election interference and then I got indicted a second time, and a third time and a fourth time. And a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against,” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/23/politics/trump-biden-racist/index.html
  15. Deflection. There are no fair elections in Russia, and Russian opponents (who are not children) are jailed. The media are controlled by the government, as well as the Justice system.
  16. He has not received any instruction on how to reply. I just had a look at RT website, and it doesn't provide any reply. 😀
  17. Sorry, I was not clear. Let's rephrase it. I guess our MAGA posters, who claimed the 2020 U.S. election was rigged, will certainly not make the same claim about the next elections in Russia.
  18. Obviously they have not received instructions about this topic yet! 😀
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