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Everything posted by candide

  1. The 2020 election is an old story, but Trump and his supporters are still whining about it! 😀
  2. Lol. The snowflakes are the ones who have been claiming for three years that Trump won the 2020 elections, because they are unable to stand the fact that Trump was a (sore) loser. 😀
  3. Not sure Putin would agree that Russia is a small country! Ok, I know It's GDP is around the same level as Italy. 😁
  4. Stephen Cohen is considered as being one-sided on this matter. If I remember well, he even acknowledged it.
  5. Gag! SWALWELL: Any time your father was in government, prior to the Presidency or before, did he ever operate a hotel? BIDEN: No, he has never operated a hotel. SWALWELL: So he’s never operated a hotel where foreign nationals spent millions at that hotel while he was in office? BIDEN: No, he has not. SWALWELL: Did your father ever employ in the Oval Office any direct family member to also work in the Oval Office? BIDEN: My father has never employed any direct family members, to my knowledge. SWALWELL: While your father was President, did anyone in the family receive 41 trademarks from China? BIDEN: No. SWALWELL: As President and the leader of the party, has your father ever tried to install as the chairperson of the party a daughter-in-law or anyone else in the family? BIDEN: No. And I don’t think that anyone in my family would be crazy enough to want to be the chairperson of the DNC. SWALWELL: Has your father ever in his time as an adult been fined $355 million by any State that he worked in? BIDEN: No, he has not, thank God. SWALWELL: Anyone in your family ever strike a multibillion dollar deal with the Saudi Government while your father was in office? BIDEN: No. SWALWELL: That’s all I’ve got. https://www.yahoo.com/news/eric-swalwell-expertly-roasts-donald-121214188.html
  6. No, you did not prove anything, it was just anedoctical evidence, that is, peanuts.
  7. Trolling again? I did not say that a greater percentage of straight people are involved in grooming than there are LGBT people involved in grooming, as you can read in my post.
  8. As usual, you distort what I wrote. Your fav trolling technique, it seems.
  9. What are you talking about? Grooming mostly happens outside school, and there is much more grooming by straight people than by LGBT. Excluding Catholic priest, of course. 😀
  10. Are you claiming that Putin invaded Ukraine because Ukraine is Nazi? 😆
  11. No problem! 😀 During the Cold War, defence spending for NATO Allies (even putting the United States aside) routinely averaged more than 3% of GDP, with some significant variation over time, but rarely falling below 2%. In the post-Cold War era, there was a first significant drop in the early 1990s and a further 20% decrease roughly 20 years later (including a reduction of the NATO command structure) following the global financial crisis of 2008. https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2023/07/03/defence-spending-sustaining-the-effort-in-the-long-term/index.html
  12. Is Ukraine governed by nazis? (That's Putin's claim) 😀
  13. That's obvious. They cannot grant him immunity, so the only way to help is to delay.
  14. Of course, he has likely no other source than memes on the Internet! 😀
  15. And as usual: Fact check: Trump makes false and unsubstantiated claims in border speech https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/politics/fact-check-trump-biden-border-speech/index.html It seems he forgot to claim he won the 2020 election! 😀
  16. Sure. That's why the US had downsized its presence in Europe since the end of the cold was, and European NATO countries had reduced their defense budget below 2% of GDP! 😀
  17. Ooops! I didn't know there was a straight pride flag. Straight people have been so discriminated and harassed.... 😀
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