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Everything posted by candide

  1. Ooops! I didn't know there was a straight pride flag. Straight people have been so discriminated and harassed.... 😀
  2. And? Anyway, I guess you also trust the other things Hunter said! 😅
  3. Don't these lawmakers have more important issues to waste their time on?
  4. Lol! It's you who made a claim, It's you who needs to find a bipartisan research, etc.... 😆
  5. Are you really ignorant if the basic facts? - it may be possible that Trump was initially unaware or lazy. But during around one year, the NARA recalled him he has no right to keep them and that he must give them back, - when finally agreed to give them back, he hid some documents and lied about it. He was certainly not lazy to select the documents he wanted to keep, ask his aides to hide them, and instruct his lawyer to lie about it.
  6. A soft version of the big lie? 😀 What you are missing is that: - there has been no massive voter fraud in 2020, so there is no need for a massive regulation change, - evidence has surfaced that Trump knew he had lost.
  7. Hunter could also have cited Trump getting millions from a CCP controlled Chinese firm, by the "enemies of the nation", as it has been a popular smear thrown at him by the GOP committee members! https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=e8f0820ed11e
  8. "Billions of Americans taxes where wasted on the left’s experiment to legitimize religious arab extremist" What's that B.S.? Or is it a lie? Which Arab extremists have been funded by the U.S. taxpayer?
  9. "Stormy Daniels' testimony in court will make Trump look foolish and he will have a melt down." In particular if she evokes his masculinity! Too bad for the MAGA Alpha male wet dream! 😀
  10. Exactly! All FBI directors have been Republican! There's a clear political bias!
  11. On top of it he was ridiculous. He was dressed like a butler! 😀 https://usatoday.com/story/life/people/2019/06/03/queen-elizabeth-greets-donald-trump-and-melania-trump-state-visit/1302600001/
  12. From you post: "Billions of Americans taxes where wasted on the left’s experiment to legitimize religious arab extremist" Which Arab religious extremist have received U.S. taxpayer money?
  13. They were laughing at Trump's lengthy conference, which was the reason he was late.
  14. Sure (again)! 🤣 Note that It's quite related to the topic... HELSINKI (AP) — In an extraordinary embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump on Monday openly questioned his own intelligence agencies’ firm finding that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election to his benefit, seeming to accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s insistence that Moscow’s hands were clean. https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-ap-top-news-elections-moscow-2d4866bea9f243419ac216f68a858704 https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-admiration-putin-has-made-him-stunningly-easy-manipulate-ncna893436
  15. Sure! 😆 "A furious Donald Trump cut short his attendance at the Nato summit in London after a group of leaders, including Boris Johnson, was caught on video ridiculing the US president at Buckingham Palace for staging lengthy press conferences. The notoriously thin-skinned Trump cancelled a planned press conference and branded the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, “two-faced” after he was revealed on video leading the laughter at Trump’s expense together with other US allies." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/04/trump-describes-trudeau-as-two-faced-over-nato-hot-mic-video
  16. Mike Pompeo. Wait a minute! Pompeo, It's Trump's deep state! 🤣
  17. When Trump's 10 months (rather eleven, actually) started begin of March, there were 2-3 Covid deaths. The day of Biden's inauguration, there were 4 409 Covid deaths, as it was during the peak of the second wave. .https://covidtracking.com/data/national/deaths
  18. Lol! The FBI stated at that time that the information was unverified! It's even written on the FD-1023 form that Smirnov had not been able to corroborate the information. Whoever was the source, the GOP built a case on unverified information. Wasn't Giuliani also involved?
  19. - Russian oil and gas; - Orban trying to be important on the international scene, - possibly corruption too.
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