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Everything posted by candide

  1. Biden and Pence are certainly not guilty of obstruction, which is Trump's main issue.
  2. If I remember well the interview, he was rather alluding to Prem. Not sure 'someone' cares to preserve his memory....
  3. He's been clear about it since 2014 "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that "the rest of Ukraine will fall ... fairly quickly." Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people "would rather be with Russia," a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that "Russia did not seize Crimea." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html
  4. I have posted a graph showing the pandemic really started in March in the U.S., and it is also a fact that Trump was President in January 2021. The graph also shows that the second wave in Winter was Trump's wave.
  5. Which facts? The pandemic started in 2019 in the U.S?
  6. So your reference is bars and restaurants? 🤣
  7. The pandemic did not start before February/ March (you understand what pandemic means?) And Trump was still President during most of January. The big and deadly second and wave started under Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/15/us/coronavirus-briefing-what-happened-today-us-cases-rise-israel-boosters.html
  8. The 'pandemic' barely started in February. Check the stats. BTW, if I remember well, Trump was claiming around that time that it was just a flu.
  9. Ridiculous. There was no Covid in the US in 2019. It barely started in February 2020. And Trump was still President for most of January 2021. I could also add that the delay between contamination and deaths is 2-8 weeks, but that would be too complicated for you to grasp.
  10. It did not start in 2019 in the U.S.! 😀
  11. Trump was president in January, and the pandemic started in February. So less deaths under the first 11 months of Biden than under the 11 months of Covid under Trump (and I'm nice to count February 2920 for Trump). Trump's legacy was the biggest and deadliest covid wave.
  12. Really? Trump was still President in December 2020 and most of January 2021. 😃
  13. The pandemic started end of February in the U.S. and deaths barely started in March. Biden started its mandate end of January, so January is on Trump. In January, it was the peak of the second wave (the worst in terms of deaths). 80k deaths. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/us-reports-record-number-of-covid-deaths-in-january.html
  14. You're not going to compare 8 months of Covid deaths under Trump with 3 years under Biden, are you?
  15. It wasn't the same person "upwards" before.
  16. I had a look at the Russia gdp/capita charts. It's interesting to note that the strong GDP/capita growth stopped after 2013. Actually it was lower in 2022 than in 2013.
  17. Thaksin has his own communications channel upwards. He doesn't need the elite's mediation.
  18. Trump-branded properties are selling for far less than buildings that removed his name, report says 😃 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-branded-properties-selling-far-111003446.html
  19. As I wrote in my post it's irrelevant. The relevant question is: for which reason dud Trump got trialed and not Pence or Biden? Trump got trialed because he refused to give documents back, hid documents, and lied about it. The NARA waited one year to contact the DOJ, and only did so because they had some clues Trump did not give back all documents.
  20. This is quite an interesting debate, but it is obscuring the real issue (I know, that was the objective) The reason Trump is on trial and Biden or Pence are not, is that he refused to give all documents back when asked to, hid some, and lied about it.
  21. Did he really have a choice? Was the U.S. public opinion ready to support an extension of the war in Afghanistan? Wouldn't have Biden called a war-mongerer for that?
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