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Everything posted by candide

  1. Was this person, whose pedigree was not known at this occasion, a member of the Ukrainian government? Who are the Nazis allegedly governing Ukraine? Zelinski?
  2. Your source has no relation to your claim.
  3. In general, religion is not in itself the problem. The problem is people using religion to have some power and exert it on others (here and in most cases in the world and in history). And it's often mean and incompetent people who do that.
  4. It's pale compared to his pal Kim who has a 100% approval rate! 😃
  5. It's funny how some posters are trying to hide the economic failure of Putin's Russia behind the success of other BRICS countries, in particular China. Russia’s Negligible GDP Growth Contrasts Sharply with China’s Massive Advance China’s GDP has risen by over 624% in the last 25 years, compared with an increase of 127% in Russia. https://www.worldeconomics.com/Thoughts/Chinas-GDP-Growth-Leaves-Other-BRICs-Member-Russia-Standing.aspx
  6. Directly fed from the Russian propaganda.... You forgot to mention the Nazi Ukrainians! 😄
  7. Biden's FB? It's ridiculous. Most of the events evoked by the IRS so-called whistleblowers actually occurred under Trump! 😆
  8. Is invading a country in order to annex it (or part of it) the same as the examples you give?
  9. At the end of Obama's fiscal year (Sept. 2017), it was 4.2. Trump inherited a decreasing trend from Obama and it went on under Trump. It's not like the trend was flat and suddenly decreased under Trump. Trump was surfing on Obama's waves from his last mandate, doing a bit better on growth, a bit worse on inflation, a bit worse on debt, and a bit worse on unemployment reduction rate (which as you noticed, is not unusual, curves usually get more flat as they approach the minimum or maximum values).
  10. I agree with you about the war in Irak. However I don't know about "Brandon" having started a war. Could the sanctions be considered as illegal? That can be discussed. However, it's certainly a pale sin compared to a country coercing another country by invading it and bombing its population. If one cannot even invade another country without being sanctioned.... 😀
  11. "Illegal sanctions"? What about the illegal war started by Putin?
  12. There's powder spilled on a carpenter's workbench and on the floor around it. Is it logical to think it's brown cocaine?
  13. You think it won't be confirmed by the doctor and the carpenter?
  14. More precisely, "officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story” to him about Hunter Biden. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nvd.167064/gov.uscourts.nvd.167064.15.0.pdf
  15. Right, it has been quite resilient so far. It doesn't change the fact that Russia's GDP is only at around Italy's level and did not grow between 2013 and 2022. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/RUS/russia/gdp-gross-domestic-product
  16. Right. Putin only failed to grow his country's GDP per capita between 2013 and 2022. Russia is an economic dwarf, Putin failed to develop the Russian economy.
  17. It seems you are at least a bit informed about drugs. You never joked with flour or sugar lines? From the OP: Further unraveling the narrative, it was revealed that the photo was taken by a master carpenter, who, himself a former cocaine addict, orchestrated the shot as a symbolic message of overcoming addiction. The image was sent to Biden by his psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, as a source of inspiration, highlighting the power of redemption and personal transformation.
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