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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Looking at photos of many of these countries in the 60’s... Tehran, Kabul etc... they looked amazing... modern, developed, places of education... The hardliners have destroyed generations and pushed their countries back into the moral dark-ages. It still shocks me that such thinking exists today.... ‘morality police’ of any form are an abhorrent blight on any society. For such behaviour I really would like to see the rest of the world cut off all Thai’s to these hard line theocratic governments that perform and allow such atrocity, that goes for Saudi too... Unfortunately, our own governments are hypocritical and weak.
  2. He asked if he could be added into the Blue Tabien Baan house book - he can’t because he is not Thai. He was provided with the alternative option that many foreigners go with when they want to be registered at their address... The yellow Tabien Baan house book. Holding a Yellow Tabien Baan house book has its advantages, there are no disadvantages other than the process it takes to get acquire it. For some this process is too much effort, for others they don’t mind going through the process. Obtaining the Pink ID is a 15 min process after receive the Yellow Tabien Baan house book. Some people get more use out of both than others. Others claim they are useless. Mileage clearly varies... I have personally found having both to be more useful for the simple reason of an added layer of convenience for things.
  3. I just threw one out !!... In the past I also cut down sim’s with scissors. As others have mentioned - any shop will cut down your SIM for you. But, the ‘cut down’ SIM may not work with a new phone because of the ‘tech’ loaded in the SIM itself. Thus - the best option would be to get a new SIM from the operator / phone company.
  4. It was a question which was obviously leading to the response... ... "So its all dogs you want eradicated from the planet” !!!... so I chose to ignore. Its an interesting debate - but the reality is, just like gun owners, Pitbull owners see things so differently - ultimately (my thoughts is) they have Pitbulls because they want want, for whatever reasons... people may allude to inner attitude etc and wanting to look tough etc, but I don’t agree... it may be they just like the breed and thats that... But... Pitbulls are more dangerous than any other dog - they are banned in the UK (American Pitbull, as are some others such as the Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro etc)... They are banned for a reason... just like guns !... Soi dogs - a different matter, they are a pest, they are annoying, they cause accidents etc and yes, they also become territorial and attack children - they should be removed from the streets. Other dogs - Should all have an owner, a collar identifying the owner who is accountable for those dogs. I also support the licensing of dogs above a certain size - I see far too many owners not looking after their dogs properly, keeping large dogs in tiny apartments or townhouses... thats just not on. People should respect their animals, train them well, look after them properly in an environment with the necessary space etc if they can’t do that, don’t have a dog - too many people give into their want rather than think what’s best for the animal. I see so much cruelty to animals here because people will not make the right choices so the government should legislate. One of those legislations really should be controlling who can have these highly energetic and powerful breeds. But we are in Thailand and they can’t even enforce helmet wearing - so enforcement of who can have a powerful animal ????.... no, everyone is safer if we have a blanket rule... its disappointing for those who would be excellent owners of such breeds, those people can thank the selfish ayholes who have these dogs, fail to train them properly and let the side down. They shouldn’t up upset at people like me with a strong opinion about these dogs - they should be upset at those who provide me with the reasons to have developed this opinion.
  5. Indeed... There is also a delay between one light turning red and another turning green.. I think its 3 seconds.... The ambulance went through the ‘red light’ approximately 5 seconds after it would have changed red..... utterly reckless - I hope the driver faces serious charges. In this case being the driver of an ambulance is not a mitigating circumstance by any measure.
  6. On par with Thai drivers Pit Bulls are insignificant with regards to being a danger to others. Do we ban all Thais off of the roads because of statistics? Of course not. We implement a stricter training regime where by Thais hopefully conform. The same could apply to dogs that fall into a danger category. My belief it'll be easier to get the Pit Bulls to conform. I've mentioned it many times on this thread alone - licensing and training. But look at where we are... A ban is just easier. The comparison between dogs and traffic and anything else other than other pets is ridiculous - there is no valid comparison with anything else. Just because Thai’s kills each other in cars does not lessen the risk these animals pose... Thai drivers do not lessen stats of Pitbull attacks in the rest of the world. The comparison is quite frankly stupid and highlights one again, owners of dangerous breeds clutch at straws to justify their choice. It would be better if you just said you have Pitbulls because you like them and want one and trusted you could train and look after it. But, that does not diminish the risk of someone who cannot look after such animals properly when they like them and want one. I have friends who had a dog and they treated it terribly - they loved it, it lived in the house, but it never received enough exercise and it wasn’t trained, it bit everyone in the house at time (minor bites but enough to draw-blood) - over the years I used to ensure it was locked in a different room when I went there with my family (son who was very young at the time - baby to 6 yrs old). I dread to think what would have happened had they had a Pitbull - I certainly wouldn’t have visited. Meanwhile, I have another friend who has a PitBull, the dog is wonderful, but I won't let my Son go anywhere near it.
  7. No. The video clearly shows a separate left turn lane. ????????????? huh ???? what photo did you think you were looking at & responding to ?
  8. In Jakarta there was this ‘thing’ we called the ‘Jakarata Millisecond’... ... It was the time it took for the lights to turn green and all the cars to start beeping their horns... I’m so glad Thailand is not like this - the incessant noise was exhausting.
  9. Sadly... as much of a Thai-bash as this is, I don’t disagree where roads are concerned and also ’safety in general. Thailand is an amazing place, with lovely people which is why it’s upsetting to see these things occur.
  10. Well in that case... could we simply blame the van driver for ‘being there’.... Or the motorcyclist for ‘being there’.... If they weren’t there this wouldn’t have happened !!!... It’s impossible to predict that ‘papping a horn’ after the light turns green would result in this incident... So, not, not at all, the van driver who papped his horn is not to blame... he simply did what many do when there is an inattentive rider / driver in front who has not noticed the lights changing.
  11. I agree... the driver of the vehicle behind was anticipating the lights, moved early and kind of ‘ hustled’ the motorcyclist into action... all in a fairly non-aggressive manner... The motorcyclist seemed to be in somewhat of a dream-world. In the past I’ve been at lights and had to give my horn a light ‘pap’ as the person on or in the vehicle in-front has not reacted to the lights... (perhaps playing with phone or day-dreaming etc). I’d be deviated if they then got collected by a vehicle running the lights in similar circumstances. All of that said: Self Preservation here is key - the motorcyclist simply didn’t look. Just like the Swedish guy crossing the road earlier this week. Thats aid: Ambulance clearly 100% at fault here... But as a motorcyclist (and pedestrian and driver), I’ll never cross a junction without looking, double checking, triple checking etc...
  12. They already compete with GRAB for Food delivery (and are usually a little cheaper). The RobinHood app doesn’t yet appear to have a ‘transport’ option - but if the article is accurate, this is perhaps in process.
  13. Why more ???.... This is simply the legalisation of an existing service, that all. What’s the difference from standard Taxi’s and Win riders to this ???
  14. Why so selfish to cut out the delivery guy who needs an income ??? There... another sanctimonious perspective !!!.... And... yes... even 7-11 do delivers... what’s the big deal getting you so butt-hurt ???... the convenience is awesome... Either alone with my Son, if I want something I have to go out with my Son and get it or... Bingo - LineMAN delivery ! Enjoying some beers / G&T at home with friends... we run out... someone has to do a beer run, but its too far to walk and we’ve been drinking so can’t drive... Bingo - LineMan delivery !!!
  15. Why should he pay at all if the accident was not his fault. He may have given her 6000 baht and paid 100,000 baht for the eggs simply out of benevolence. I can afford a 2 Million Baht car... but if an idiot on a motorcycle or pickup causes an accident I’m not going to ‘just stump up the dosh for the accident’ because I can afford it.... that ideology is outrageously stupid. Why?.... why would you ‘hope’ someone ends up in a horrific prison over such a minor indiscretion as swapping driver after an accident where there were no severe injuries ? IF the driver was proven drunk and found to have swapped, then fair enough. But....
  16. Nevertheless - statistic and frequent news stories highlight this trait (in some of them). Ah.. so you agree, it is a trait of these dogs. It clearly is in their DNA, more so than any other ‘household canine’ as highlighted by the statistics (dog attacks and deaths caused by dog attack). I agree, humans have caused some horrific atrocities - but PitBulls are still attacking people, disproportionately more so than any other canine. Comparing dog attacks to holocaust was distasteful - it was a desperate but flawed ploy to bolster your position that ‘humans are terrible beings so PitBull attacks are not that serious’.... No there are not... Humans are not the same as dogs. There is no ‘idealogical’ similarity between the Holocaust, Ethnic Clensing and getting rid of a breed of dogs considered dangerous - no similarity whatsoever. For the record - I believe ownership of PitBulls (and any other breed considered dangerous) should be stringently controlled through licensing and after the potential owner has received training and can prove they have the means and space to look after such animals - owners should be legally responsible and accountable for any actions / incident their ‘pet’ is involved in. IMO - every dog should be licenced by a responsible owner. The worse straw-man fallicy I’ve witnessed on this forum - Comparing Pitbulls to Black People. I don’t dislike Pitbulls, friends have them, I think they are a lovely animal when brought up well. But I also see the statistic and read the news - they are dangerous when people are careless, there are too many careless people who can easily become owners of these animals, consequences are tragic. Its the same as guns, I like guns, I thoroughly enjoy firing them, handguns, shotguns, automatic rifles - I get it, I understand why people like them. But I do not believe the public should have access to them for obvious reasons (discussed in other debates). Its the same for dangerous dogs - there are too many people who let the side down such that I believe Pitbulls (and a couple of other breeds) should be stringently controlled and if thats not possible, then banned all-together.
  17. The Ambulance cannot go through red lights without caution. This ambulance speed through the red-light without care or any consideration to other road-users. This is reckless driving resulting in death, ambulance driver or not. The motorcyclist was also careless, not looking properly before entering the junction. Nevertheless, its not his fault.
  18. Its not common for Ambulances, Fire Engines and Police cars to speed through junctions blindly with flagrant disregard for safety. Emergency service can pass through Red Traffic lights when its safe to do so, they have to do so with caution and are responsible for any incident caused. That said, in countries like the UK, this is still the cause of some accidents though.
  19. Definition of a pet ???..... A good start would be: An animal that doesn’t bite the faces of children off at a far greater rate of incidence than any other household pet.
  20. I don’t think he’s making a joke. I think he’s desperately trying to come up with arguments to justify his position that PitBull are ok... This discussion is like the discussions with people who are pro-guns, the same straw-man arguments and flawed logic being applied to justify their position. In both cases the only recognisable arguments is “because I want one”.... People may be attracted to the Pitbull breed because of is power and reputation, they like knowing that their ‘beast’ is under their control and loyal.... thats fine in isolation, but we don’t live in isolation, we live in a world where people are careless and these dogs have statistically been proven to be more dangerous than any other ‘common breed’... there is no denying the facts.
  21. Agreed... Most dogs would be territorial and protect their territory - the differences are that ‘most dogs’ have not evolved through a line of breading targeting their power and aggression. PitBulls were originally bred for Bull Baiting and Dog fighting - Attack and aggression is in their DNA, its not in a Golden retriever. Fundamentally flawed straw-man fallacy again.... comparing humans to dogs is ridiculous. Why do you not compare ‘rabbits to dogs’ instead, or kittens ? Similar arguments to the ‘anti-PitBull' can be said of ’savannah cats’ - they’re dangerous. This line of argument comparing dogs to humans is desperate and pathetic. Dogs are not self aware, sentient or self-conscious in the manner humans are. Comparison of licensing and controlling Dangerous Dog breeds to the Holocaust is a wholly distasteful and extremely desperate argument highlighting that really do not have a valid argument.
  22. Exactly this.... But some people are just so stupid they simply lack the ability to see without their negative bias and imbalance. I know restaurant owners (open shop-houses) doing hundreds of thousands of baht worth of business through the Grab, RobinHood and LineMan Apps.... BUT... this thread is about the legalisation of Motorcycle Taxi’s.... I didn’t know Robinhood provided transport though.
  23. What ever happened to being able to read ??? - the Op is about Grab and Robin hood proving legal taxi services on Motorcycles via their App !!! -------- But on your misunderstanding - Do you want to walk 3 km to your restaurant just to pick up food, or do you prefer delivery ? Spoken like a true boomer unable to cope with modernisation.
  24. It is... but the reading comprehension of so many posters is massively lacking while they trip over themselves to post a whinge...
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