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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. If that’s a rate they can achieve that’s what they get in the end….not nothing as you enviously hope, It’s simply reflecting supply and demand.
  2. That there are retirement, marriage and other visas is exactly that,an invitation.
  3. He’ll survive- this is just some relatively good natured ribbing…and a story to recount to his mates.
  4. While nothing can be ruled out there has been such a huge and surprising swing towards the opposition parties,and very significantly towards the most radical. A message has been sent and more importantly the electorate know how much stronger they are in te rms of seeking reform. At some point a tipping point is reached and I think this may be it. For sure any attempt to thwart it is going to be very costly and messy and things could turn ugly.
  5. I don't. You don’t have doubts about ANY confessions? Or just this one ? You don’t think there’s any need to seek corroboration? And if just this one ,given another suspect was tortured /killed by plastic bag at the hands of Thai police, why are you so credulous on this particular case? I’m not convinced you have thought too deeply about the principles of due legal process. More of an emotional'gut feel' type of guy…?
  6. What authority does the poster have to examine the evidence? Isn’t that the job of the forensic team an£ the police to prove in court ? You are advocating condemning the accused without proper due process. Might you change your tune if you happened to be on the wrong side of the equation in a country where police corruption was endemic… ?
  7. You've already been shown Thailand's corruption ranking has INCREASED since the military rule. Furthermore growth has stagnated Vs ASEAN peers Malaysia, Indonesia. An illusion of calmness produced by a dictatorship is just sitting on the lid of a boiling utensil. You need to look beyond the cosmetics and your subjective stance
  8. So you pay no heed to Global politics, only the one where you vote? A somewhat parochial,insular standpoint. Do you think you haven't been effected by political events in the likes of Russia, China etc.? Of course international opinion is relevant to a country's political standing.
  9. There has been no "taking the country forward ” by any credible metric. Growth has been poor when measured by that of their peers, e.g. Indonesia and Malaysia. Corruption remains visibly endemic. What measure are you using to judge that reduction by. FDI is also not encouraged by psuedo military rule. Move forward has much to do and prove,but at least the stated reforms are where the country needs to be aiming if it is not to stagnate with the status quo of vested interests. That the Thai people have endorsed this objective is a start of their salvation.
  10. You seem to have overlooked that an incompetent military comes with a huge helping of corruption included. A kind of buy one get one free deal .
  11. ” Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face” A VERY hard man ! ????
  12. Yet they all voted for the same party. Surely that’s a good basis for a reconciliation….?… I’m just envisaging that ‘reconciliation' ..and am shamefully aroused ????
  13. Yeah,and if he overcomes them both he goes free..? Don't think the boys 60 year old father is a contender..
  14. Where are you going to draw the line on punishment without trial? Do you not see any advantage to examining the evidence in a fair trial to ensure the correct verdict is reached?
  15. Well you do suffer knowing that your life will be ended. Furthermore, if it's about justice rather than torture, removing a cancer from society with no further expense incurred is very pragmatic
  16. Which includes alcohol and tobacco... But some are far worse than others, especially the two I mentioned statistically.
  17. I think you should allow the effects of last night to wear off before pondering such weighty matters. It'll become clearer and less euphoric in the cold light of day. .. rather like these results.. ????
  18. It's when seeing misinformation like this that reminds us why we miss Ubonjoe... ????
  19. I'd jolly well hope so given the minimum monthly amount you'd have to bring in to meet your retirement visa requirements is 65k bath per month. No expat regards this amount as impressive earnings. It's not an awful lot more than the basic UK state pension
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