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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. In those circumstances having my shorts,"tampered with" is the very least of my expectations!
  2. Ah,do you think she used her expertise in that department to smuggle the watch out... perhaps a Submariner waterproof to 1000 metres!
  3. You can tell they’ve not thought this through. They’ve forgotten to include the dual pricing element… amateurs!
  4. Because seeing the face is a significant aid to communication. You too both lip read as well as hear the voice to obtain the full message.
  5. So you’re quite into supporting the animal abuse side of the equation? ????‍♂️
  6. Ah,so because you started the thread it entitles you to troll…? ????
  7. When you are public school educated you are granted the dispensation of comedic licence . ????
  8. He needs to make a grand entrance for maximum impact. May I suggest arriving with the Red Bull heir in handcuffs?
  9. You might consider following your own advice…
  10. You are sick buddy. Now look in the mirror and repeat that..
  11. Whoosh! ???? "Sick mind"? Perhaps look again at what you posted then look up ‘hypocrisy'.
  12. I did that at 14yo. You got fingered at 14 ?? ???? I'd report that uncle if I were you ! ????
  13. Despite being a confirmed atheist I wouldn’t be entirely surprised to see an Ubon Joe post with guidance on how to obtain that final and everlasting "Retirement visa" . Guessing most here would wisely follow that advice …even me ! Thanks Joe ????
  14. His knowledge of Immigration matters was encyclopaedic . Once you’d encountered his post there really was no need to read any further posts for the right answer. His promptness in responding sometimes made me wonder whether he ever slept ! A huge loss to us all. ????
  15. You do understand that there is a wide ongoing discussion about the merits or otherwise of legalising/decriminalising drugs with some countries,including Thailand,legalising some of them ? So,you are effectively saying that your judgement is primarily influenced by the legal mores of where you happen to be and the vagaries of legality and timing by different countries as your yardstick . Now Thailand has legalised cannabis it’s ok because it’s not illegal? It appears that you simply wish to have a viewpoint and put your fingers in your ears to discussion of a different viewpoint with supporting evidence.
  16. " I don’t like it cos I’ve never tried it" is effectively what you’ve said. So you can’t judge the incremental value of the fun that someone on ecstasy has had. "Need" doesn’t really apply as a definitive decider. You didn’t 'need' that glass of wine along with a whole raft of other indulgences (an expensive meal,a nice car etc.) that makes one’s life more enjoyable . I didn’t "need " to do track days in my high performance BMW,but boy were they worth the cost and the risk. It’s termed a risk/reward ratio. Deaths from ecstasy ,given the numbers taking them , is a relatively low risk ratio. I’ll remind you that cannabis (which was illegal) is now legal here and in many other countries - as was alcohol in prohibition America ,and today in some Muslim countries,so using that as a definitive gauge ,along with the legality of harmful opioids , is rather a flawed metric.
  17. I’ve mostly found that booking via these agencies is cheaper than direct (even directly on their own website) even when I’ve pushed them to beat/match. The other problem with your strategy is that in busy times you may find difficulty getting accommodation you want . Example- Phuket this February when it was full of Russians. best to use a mixture of strategies depending on circumstances
  18. Recreational drugs aren’t a 'crutch' ,they are an enhancer,nor is the feeling of fun " false". By definition the fun aspect is a real feeling experienced at the time,it’s not intended to last beyond the occasion,other than perhaps a memory . It’s really no different in that aspect to having a few glasses of wine at a dinner party which most will agree oils the wheels. Did you not drink at those parties? If you did you took a drug,just a different one…
  19. I doubt her choice was to die- just as hundreds/thousands who also chose to take ecstasy chose not to die…nor did they.
  20. You do understand that alcohol and nicotine equally are drugs ,and often more lethal ? You may argue they are legal but your body doesn’t differentiate,just as in the huge (legal) opioid addiction in USA. "Just the word (drugs) repulses me…" Again,you do understand that pharmaceutical "drugs " are saving countless lives worldwide? Peanuts/strawberries will kill some people. Perhaps a little more differentiation in your assessments?
  21. Don’t knock it. When I returned early to my car parked on a meter in central London I sat in it for the remaining 30 minutes to get my money’s worth ???? I went into the McDonald’s where I told the lad serving me that there are meters outside earning more than him !
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