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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. What’s probably happened is you got an administrative charge (usually £100) for ticket change but got hit by the difference in fare between the 2 dates. What you paid then when booking well in advance vs the price for booking at short notice for the new date which is imminent?
  2. You’ve exposed one of the limitations of ChatGPT. "TOO" refers to Uncle Too ,I believe, the nickname for our esteemed leader .. ????
  3. The article you posted is a good explanation,and I’m repeating the same reply I gave to another poster to which the only addition I’d make is to note that there is a larger incidence of monopolies/cartel allowed in Thailand ( Tesco ,Big C ,7-11 ,Makro all under one ownership) which would be disallowed by MMC (UK) or equivalent in western type economies. The reality is that Thailand’s attempt in certain instances to buck those rules doesn’t in fact work. Product remains unsold/ sells less until a financial crisis dawns on the consciousness of the vendor. However that isn’t how the majority work. I’ve just returned from a stay in Phuket (same time as last year) where the Central owned apartment was double what I paid last year because of the much higher demand. That said , I got a cracking deal (well below normal rates) back then (they responded to poor demand)and this year was closer to normal. In the end no one is ever insulated from economic reality .
  4. The reality is that Thailand’s attempt in certain instances to buck those rules doesn’t in fact work. Product remains unsold/ sells less until a financial crisis dawns on the consciousness of the vendor. However that isn’t how the majority work. I’ve just returned from a stay in Phuket (same time as last year) where the Central owned apartment was double what I paid last year because of the much higher demand. That said , I got a cracking deal (well below normal rates) back then (they responded to poor demand)and this year was closer to normal. In the end no one is ever insulated from economic reality .
  5. That is how supply and demand normally works... Really? So if you put your house on the market and only 1 person is interested you’d expect to sell it for more than in the scenario where 6 people are clamoring to buy it ..?
  6. Why of course, that would be plainly logical, but.....TIT, same same but different lol! So that’s two people not understanding the basic rule of supply and demand…. ????‍♂️
  7. At least you have the benefit of being able to p**s against one of those… ????‍????
  8. Effectively the regurgitation of the same ineffective message ( with the same results) that will be largely ignored as traditionally. Just accept that there’s a Faustian pact between the Government and the population stating that Thais want to carry on with their dangerous practices on the road and that the elite don’t really care that they want to slaughter and maim each other… oh,and it’ll be the same next year with the usual accompanying hand wringing .
  9. Perhaps it is where you come from. Which part of Liverpool/ Humberside is that exactly…? ????
  10. He won't have met his father Could have been any of 6 candidates- probably not even sure who the mother was ! ????
  11. You’ll find the till is programmed not to scan alcohol in restricted hours- nothing staff can do
  12. "Are you standing to attention,or just pleased to see me ,soldier…? " ????
  13. There are a majority of ACTUAL women in USA who don’t look as attractive…!
  14. Fortunately for me that’ll be highly unlikely.. ????‍????
  15. But why do they still believe they’re special when mainly doing menial jobs and can plainly see there are plenty of others (especially farang) including women who are obviously more pecunious and better educated? Are they totally delusional ?
  16. Count the number of comments which include the rather meaningless RIP (can you not ' rest in peace when dead ' ? ) and they are few and far between. So,Bizarre to reprimand someone for not using it especially when this is a news forum . NEWS…not a book of condolences.
  17. Are you only allowed to have a theory if you’re on the investigation? What do you imagine forums are for ? "RIP to victim" … how about an interesting contribution instead of an unoriginal mantra from a book of condolences . I suspect you don’t really have an emotional investment in the victim….
  18. Are you on the police force working the case? I suspect your theory is a lie…
  19. So what you are saying is you have no idea of my insurance policy. Why are you replying with your bull<deleted> The reality is there quite a common range of exclusions with most standard travel policies. Riding without a helmet or over the drink limit/ drugs will be an exclusion for all of them. Most too exclude cover when not having a licence in your own country for the vehicle you’re riding. If scuba diving you’ll need a proper qualification and likely some additional cover for ‘dangerous activities'. I had one of those and it excluded any dive exceeding 30 metres. So you can get a pretty good idea of what most are covered for
  20. Does your country do that or do you just want it for Thais who, you are clearly suggesting, must be less than "mentally agile"? In effect (UK) there is just such a thing. You have to study to be able to pass a much more stringent theory test and you’ll have to display more mental agility to actually pass the practical. My main observation of Thai mentality on the roads is of driving without a scintilla of anticipation. But if you really wanted to focus on mental acuity do a search of average IQ by country and the same with the PISA educational tables . Some might argue that it explains much…
  21. Look up the difference between Duncan Ferguson (powerful Everton footballer) who twice hospitalized intruders in his home (no charges) and Tony Martin who shot two intruders (killing one 16 year old boy) who were actually fleeing the scene (he was jailed). One was deemed proportionate and the latter not.
  22. Google Duncan Ferguson (brawny Everton striker) and how he dealt with home intruders on 2 separate occasions . Both times he hospitalized them but no conviction/charges ensued (he was jailed on a separate wounding charge in unrelated incident ). NO ONE breaks into his house now ! ????
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