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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. The all too common sight of helmetless motorcycle riders all masked up illustrates the amount of critical thinking being employed by ‘lovely' Thais.
  2. The motorcycle rider was not in the wrong,but he was a classic case of being dead right … ☠️
  3. The most disturbing aspect is teaching English while writing "would of" ! Worse than underage sex in my book ! ????
  4. The same with pronunciation. And anyway it’s not difficult- see this : Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
  5. My money is on NOT given description of injuries. Can’t understand that - I put full face helmet and gloves even if going 1 kilometre,it’s 20 seconds of your life …
  6. The cars will be staying here ,not back to U.K. where they will be classified as stolen recovered (diminished value).As you say they are the insurers property and a deal will be done by them with whoever possesses them now for compensation,or they’ll be resold here.
  7. While I concur with your mask wearing observation outside tourist areas and generally I mimic the wearing just to fit in,on the occasions I’ve forgotten my mask I carry on and am not met with any pushback or unsaid disapproval
  8. Don’t fret,you now have 4 options of the same reaction! ????
  9. What’s the essential difference between the new emoticon reaction options? They all appear to be inconsequential variations of the same sentiment. Just have a single "recommend " button if the intention is to disguise the removal of a "disagree" option.
  10. Indeed,a very unusual place vs a typical Thai town and especially on the weekend during the market.Fully concur regarding the drive along the Mekong!
  11. Given it’s brand presence here I’d have thought you’d include Isuzu in your short list? I’ve had one for 7years and not sure when the most recent model was released ,but given advances I’d always incline towards those that have just had a (non cosmetic) revamp.
  12. Diesel here is half the price or less than in U.K./Europe so electric cars ,especially their higher price ,is going to be a tougher sell.
  13. Daughter just booked end of October to come from Manchester and Emirates came up cheaper and better timings than Qatar. Last time I flew with Emirates and she came in June with Qatar. Comparing notes clearly Emirates is better and usually more expensive so I’d go for Emirates on price parity. They had the A380 too which is much nicer !
  14. Thank you. I notice shipped from overseas (China ?) which I presume was the case when you bought? Was there a brand name apparent? OEM stands for own engineered manufacture.
  15. It seems it’s only you manufacturing the racial element here …to suit a prejudiced narrative?
  16. I’m after a decent pair of binoculars. Last time I found some on eBay in U.K. and got them brought over,but are there any options for buying better here?
  17. Test your theory: run as fast as you can (which will still be much slower than around town)face first into a brick wall ,note the impact.. in fact it’s worse than that in a car because just as you’re pivoting into the steering wheel the airbag explodes into your face potentially breaking your neck. The myth about crashing into a river and escaping drowning is just that (a myth) in virtually all cases. Research indicates that the injuries/being incapacitated inside the car as you’re thrown by about not wearing a seat belt is far more common than a seat belt being released by the occupant and being in a better state to then egress the vehicle .
  18. Sounds like the court has found a way around fundamental simple arithmetic. Perhaps they had a consultation with U.K.'s Diane Abbott!
  19. Do you mean because this type of drunken dangerous driving is not associated with the local population? If so I’ve got news for you,look at the road death statistics (25,000 deaths per year). This is not to excuse his behavior,I hope he suffers horribly for it ,but so I do for the similar Thai drivers,something which doesn’t seem to happen. Furthermore I would suggest that any statistical analysis would likely show that proportionately ,resident farang drivers here are less likely to be involved in serious traffic accidents than the norm.
  20. Why are you suggesting a sentence more in line with premeditated murder for a road accident that was related to inattention (careless ) rather than dangerous. A momentary misjudgment with catastrophic consequences that can happen to anyone but no question of malice .
  21. There are much more sophisticated ways to use credit cards to your advantage these days as cheap loans (U.K.) interest free balance transfers . You can do an almost eternal loop with them . I’ve had well over a decade of practically free money which is invested in my SIPP /ISA which have given much greater returns than the tiny amount of occasional fees.
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