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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. I doubt there’s 3-4 million worth of cars there and the MG looks repairable. First class insurance too I suspect.
  2. Except it’s not working out like that for your ???????? comrades,eh? You mean a war (careful you might get called up for using the wrong terminology! ????)that US/NATO provoked by ‘hypnotising' Putin into invading Ukraine? ???? The cannon fodder are your Russian soldiers getting their erse handed to them so unequivocally they’re becoming the biggest supplier of weapons to Ukraine in their haste to retreat ! ???? Putin can’t even engage Ukrainian military so is reduced to wasting his depleted missile stocks at civilian targets,a sure sign of losing.Let me tell you how this plays out. If in desperation he deploys tactical nuclear in Ukraine he runs a severe risk of NATO using conventional weapons to completely destroy all Russian military and logistics in Ukraine-it wouldn’t take long now. He’s then faced with launching a nuclear attack on a NATO country. That writes Russia’s suicide note and the generals know it,so even if he’s tempted he’ll be overruled by those same generals who wish to continue living.
  3. One can only hope this results in a photo opportunity involving lots of pointing at a grim bloodstained cover resulting from an "incident ". ????
  4. I like to walk a mile in another’s shoes. Because then they are a mile away…and I have their shoes..
  5. Haven’t you hear?…there is no hell anymore ..or karma (wishful thinking),he’s just ceased to exist
  6. Now all you have to do is quote those similar institutions where there were arms present and a mass shooting was prevented…
  7. You just have to come to terms with the fact that there will always be psychopaths like this popping up occasionally to wreak murderous havoc. There really are no practical measures to eliminate it,especially involving a legitimately armed policeman/soldier going into a vulnerable institution like a school. Fortunately it is rare here although I understand that comes as no comfort to the victims
  8. You really haven’t understood at all. This is about western companies switching production away from China and looking to manufacture elsewhere. Read the article appended to the post i responded to.
  9. Generals are not the most forward thinking,or even remotely capable when understanding even the basics of economics. This could have been the golden opportunity for Thailand had it properly educated its workforce,reformed its business practices and had some semblance of a strategy to incentivise foreign investment. The switch away from China is going to be huge and Vietnam won’t have enough capacity to cope with even a fraction of that. What a wasted opportunity.
  10. Is there something wrong with you that you don’t expect to live beyond 77 ? Because actuarial tables indicate that at 66 you are likely to live into your 80s. And do you imagine that you will live illness free until you suddenly drop dead ,no heart attack ,strokes ,Alzheimer’s etc? Because I hate to bear bad news ,but your body very likely has different plans for your demise!
  11. Not if it was properly managed with long term conservation in mind. Too often they simply sacrifice any good management for money today attitude.
  12. Somewhat shortsighted. There may be some short term personal benefits surrounding pricing and being less crowded,but ultimately a declining important sector of the economy and its impacts on the population who depend on it will not serve even you better in the long run
  13. It needs a new campaign " Ditch the mask,don a helmet ???? !" Might save more lives..
  14. You’re going to have to work on the subtlety aspect of your irony..
  15. Next time you might find all four tyres flat and the car keyed, what's your next step of retaliation? Easy,you leave the car there for 3 days! That way they’ve messed things up for themselves! ????
  16. The average good looks of Canadians will have been given a nudge upwards ! I guess my offer came second… ????
  17. Didn’t Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear try something like this,only much worse, with a Toyota pickup …and still it wouldn’t die ! ???? My daughter’s 8 year old Yaris in U.K. has only had 3 windscreen wipers and still passes it MOT with no advisories.
  18. It’s actually a fair condition when considering actuarial tables.
  19. Correct. Very many occupational pension trustees pay 50% to a surviving widow,but will reduce this amount proportionately if she is more than 10 years younger. It’s often spelled out in the general terms. Another tip is to advise the pension trustees she is your nominated beneficiary , advising them English isn’t her first language and lodge a copy of her passport and marriage certificate with them to preempt the requirement for her to provide ID when the time comes for her to claim.
  20. Never had any additional fees from Wise to Kasikorn. One of the easiest ever transfers to initiate which even takes you to your banks app to authorize the payment. Fees are clearly spelled out and overall unbeatable rates,certainly better than U.K. banks. Usually arrives in seconds/minutes too.
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