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Posts posted by DM07

  1. hey bluesie, count the number of times u use the word hate and bigot..............


    now go to pakistan, yemen, iraq,

    not your sheltered expat communities,

    wow, bigot, ignorance, hate,

    read your pointless, driveling posts,

    we get it, your an islamic apologist, who abhors any other organized religion,

    now get over it,

    you are a hoot,

    ?get it now???

    WE get it?

    Speak only for yourself, Oby Wan Kenobi...

  2. I do admire the Thais.....they act swiftly about their stolen artifacts.

    Hope the Greeks learn from them and do something about our stolen Parhenon marbles.

    At least we know where they are..............................

    I actually would admire them, if they would act swiftly and correctly on the many deaths in Thailand, especially those, involving foreigners.

    Like girls from Laos, couples from Britain...

  3. Those people in Nan don't want expansion of Islam into their community because they have seen examples of what happens then. Muslims do not assimilate, they take over.

    Except those Moslems are already in their community, and they are assimilated and there is no expansion.

    All they want is a place of worship so they don't have to make a 260 km round trip when they want to attend Friday prayers which is a religious obligation. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

    ...and we are still talking about Muslims and not the Borg!

    The fearmongering, that is going on here is absolutely stunning, as is the taring with one large brush!

    • Like 2
  4. It is good to see PM General Prayut , out having a bit of fun.

    For those who think he committed a big sin riding a short distance without a helmet,

    Look in the mirror, I can bet that all of you did that at one time or other, at least until Thailand

    started enforcing the helmet laws. Lighten up people!, and quit being so high and mighty, you are

    showing off your red necks, and your lack of intelligence! There is enough of that in some of

    the comments, on this topic and a lot of others.

    What kind of a world is this we live in when even the general cannot have a bit of fun!

    Give it a break!


    But you know what?

    It's a funny thing, but WE are not the great leaders of this great nation!

    And WE will not start...in let's say 4 weeks time...to make comical announcements about alcohol and driving on certain festival days during April!

    Bit of a difference, isn't it?!

  5. It never gets old laughing at Pheu-Thai supporters criticising the junta for any small thing when their own cronies were the most dishonest bunch of villains I ever saw. The word 'hypocrite' doesn't even come close.

    Clearly a case of sour grapes because their fringe benefits got cut.

    Yeah, it is so funny!

    Almost as comical, as all the Yellow-supporters, when they were mocking YS endlessly, for wearing Burberry boots during the flood!

    Man, that was so much more justified!



    • Like 1
  6. Ooooooh...you mean the exact same plan they had for the beach vendors and sunbed-rentals on Phuket f.e.?!

    Just ban everybody from one day to the next, with absolutely no alternatives...and start -slowly but surely- not giving a hoot, because you already demonstrated your immense power?

    And you mean a plan, where ...like on Silom...daytime vendors are almost completely gone and asked to put up their stalls only in the late afternoon...where before, they could basically do whatever they want!

    Yeah...great planning, excellent midleground, fantastic moderation!

    All hail to the chief!

    And yes, I can't stand it, but you surely like a strong military leader...like in your home country of....Uganda...?!
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

    Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

    Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

    As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

    No dude, the government (general) is cleaning up the pavements, since some weeks.

    I asked you before to mention what you don't like about the General and then you were too scared to mention anything. Now you do mention something and it is not the case. Cleaning up BKK is the plan.

    Yes, "Dude"...and it is going from "block all sidewalks as much as you want and whenever you want" to "we ban all vendors everywhere" in just a blink!

    That is what I call no moderation, no planning just blind actionism!


    • Like 1
  8. Great to see all the tolerant people on TV out in numbers!


    ....but ...but...but abortion clinic bombers!

    Just because there are some idiotic and dangerous Christians somewhere, doesn't mean all the redneck, backwards, bible thumping, creationists are dangerous lunatics...well...kind of!

    The majority of Muslims is just as peaceful as you and me.

    And yes: I lived at Sathorn for 2 years, 200 meters away from a Mosque and I can tell you: if you wake up from the call to prayer, you maybe should close the window!

    It didn't concern me as much as the "fireworks" (I would rather call it bombs), that went of at the nearby cemetery for Chinese New Year or the constant noise of traffic or the

    vendors with their loudspeaker- heavy pick ups, or the neighbor with his overly loud Tv, or...or...or...

  9. Ahhhh- the tolerant and peaceful Thai- Buddhists!

    Butthurt about punk-singers wearing safron-robes, people doing yoga OUTSIDE of a temple, stuff that happens halfway across the globe..now eager to fight "noise pollution" (in Thailand! What a joke!), a different lifestyles and culture!

    And -of course- a fear of unrest and violence!

    If you learn from the (paranoid) West- why can it not be something useful?!

  10. As usual, this discussion is soooo boring, because...

    Group A: we need all the sidewalks /pavements/walkways cleaned up now, because ME/MYSELF and I don't like it!

    Group B: everything has to stay dirty and congested as it is, because....culture and if you don't like it: go home!

    As usual: there is no moderation, no middle- ground, no decent planning...and that is -of course- how you could also describe the plans of the government.

    • Like 1
  11. Somsak is extreme (within the Thai context) but I think all opinions should be heard.

    I agree with many of his view.

    One thing I don't agree with is the approach he takes for getting to his goal.

    I think he made too many personal sacrifices.

    I follow him on facebook (since several months) and so do 140000 Thais.

    It's a loss for Thailand.

    Wow 140,000 or so Thais follow him on Facebook out of what 30,000,000 or so who can follow him. the 30,000,000 is a guesstimate of the number of mobiles in Thailand and the number of people between about 14 and 50 who use them. I don't think anybody in my Thai family or the Thai friends that I have both here in rural Thailand or the ones in the cities either know much of him or care anything about him.

    Most of the youth in Thailand on Facebook are more interested in selfies and pictures of the meals they are going to eat than politics and following the Facebook pages of a guy who has left the country.


    ...and your last sentence is actually the reason, why 140.000 Thais, following a social and political activist, is NOT a small number!

    • Like 1
  12. By German law, everyone is forced to pay taxes to a "Christian" church, 10pct of your income tax.

    If you are a foreigner (eg from Rome) and don't know that, German tax office might even take your house or any usufruct away.

    Absolute BS!

    You can leave "the church" anytime you like and you will not pay taxes anymore.

    You just have to be pro-active and actually "leave"- that's all!

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