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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

    5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

    He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

    and for sure not with a bicycle !!

    Where People drive like monkeys !!

    No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

    RIP dear poor man;

    your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

    And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

    In case you didn't know - nearly all Thais have an unshakable belief in Karma, as do half the world's population. If you don't know what it is check this link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=karma

    Once you understand this, you might understand why Thailand has a different culture than yours. Not better nor worse but different.

    Someone is killed - they believe this is neither good nor bad but just the way it is.

    Oooooh...I see! That makes it okay, for sure!

    So Thailand can -in your opinion- basically do away with every attempt of driving schools, weapons regulation, banning drinking and driving...it's just Karma, isn't it?!


  2. So the Ministry of Ordered Happiness asked the 600 odd favorite puppies if there should be an election soon and the answer was -very surprisingly- "No"!

    The same 600 odd puppies, who think that Military Junta is the best thing ever invented, Prayut is a beacon of freedom, all 60 Million people in Thailand are bingbonghappyhappy....

    Stop this crab (yes, I know!) already!

  3. Dear casual biker- when you try to put words in my mouth, please be a little more clever, okay?!

    I am not saying they are uneducated bafoons, at all!

    I am saying the education system is flawed beyond believe and "Singha Heiress" is part of the people, who keep it this way, who like it this way and who need it this way.

    But as soon as the discussion comes to democracy and voting, they come up with the talking point of the uneducated masses!

    THAT is the double standard and the gigantic hipocracy!

  4. ..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


    The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

    Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

    I did notice you skirted the question though!

    Yep...because being able to write and read is all you need, to be called "educated"!

    Nothing else matters!


  5. Is she not an ex heiress now,i thought her father disowned her after her contraversial speech.

    Not quite ex. It was her uncle, the real power, who was so angry over the damage she did to the brand when she announced that the poor were uneducated and should not have a vote.

    I expect that there were some NAZI uniforms at the party , in keeping with her political philosophy.

    Sadly, one of the uniforms in the picture is that of a WWII era Japanese soldier.

    Hardly, the brightest move considering the number of slave workers who died building the railway up country.

    It's a shame the Thais do not know their own history.

    I am more scared of the uniforms NOT in the picture, like Prbkk suggested!

  6. Police spokesman denies saying Paragon bombers foreigners

    BANGKOK: -- Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri Tuesday denied that he had said two bomb attackers at Siam Paragon were foreigners.

    Prawut said his instead said the attackers were definitely not foreigners because a taxi driver had testified that the two spoke Thai with central accent.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-spokesman-denies-saying-Paragon-bombers-for-30254261.html


    -- The Nation 2015-02-17

    "Oh..wait...did I just say that out loud? I meant the exact opposite..."


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