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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Okay...a few things, here!

    a ) last week, Thais didn't even know about "imported trash"...but now a poll shows, they are worried sleepless about it?!

    b ) of course, Thais are not worried about their own trash, which they throw left and right, where ever the sit, stand or walk!

    c ) is "trash" the new hip- subject for the next 5 days, before it gets replaced with some other stuff, Thais care deeply about? 

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, ravip said:

    ...legitimizing a madman!
    ...orange idiot look good...and it will fail badly!
    Meanwhile, resident buffoon...
    I actually don't think, he has the capacity to even fully understand, what he is doing!


    Such comments! Obviously the anti-Trump brigade are desperate for the meeting to be a failure and totally incapable of excepting something positive from a person they dont support or like.

    Sitting back, passing rude and sarcastic comments will not achieve anything, except to build up a herd of think alike followers.

    It is a shame that humans still behave like this, albeit boasting the are 'developed' !


    I would not care, if I "liked" him- I judge him by his policies and by the way he acts on the national and international stage!

    His policies are a shame, he is a liar and a braggart and he is (IMHO) dangerous to international policy and diplomacy!

    Nothing to do with my "sympathy" for anybody else!


    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

    "They didn't see the point in legitimizing a madman" ; fair enough.  But my question is, if they thought he was a madman, why did they dither while he developed nuclear weapons and missiles to launch them? That didn't happen on Trump's watch.

    Oh you are right!

    History happened before your great leader took office!

    By the same token: the unemployment numbers have been down since the Obama- years, yet Trump is taking credit for it!

    He is the president NOW, so he has to deal with the situation at hand.

    And my fear is, that after he takes a dump tomorrow morning and tweets some BS, like he alsways does, Kim will be back to testing missiles (or "missils", as Trump calls them)!

    I sure hope I am wrong, but this guy is out of his depth so much, so can almost see, that the emperor has no clothes on!  

  4. Not directly tied to the "plastic"- issue, but to show the environmental thinking...or rather : lack thereof!


    I have been travelling Thailand since the mid- 90's, when the idea of "eco" slowly kicked in.

    In every hotel, you could (and still can) find this neat little notice: put your towel on a shelf and it will not be exchanged/ let it on the floor and we will exchange it!

    In all these years up until today, almost NO hotel EVER followed this policy!

    I once had a conversation with a hotel GM about it and he said, they really order the maids to follow this, but they just don't do it, because they have this believe that "you, the guest" deserve the best and that means a fresh towel every day!


    About plastic: I have x- examples about the idiocy of the cashiers in several convenience stores or supermarkets.

    The best one may be: TOPS had the "I promise to go green"- promotion, a few years ago.

    So I bought a cloth- bag for THB 100 and brought to shopping...just to watch in disbelieve, as the check-out clerks stuffed all my purchased items into plastic bags and stuffed those into my cloth bag!


    As long as there are are no laws, which will be enforced (?) and as long as there is no education with it (?), things will not change!

  5. 33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Is there any point in asking once again why the onus appears to be on Europe taking the migrants, when countries like Saudi would be more culturally appropriate?

    They have vast areas of unoccupied land to set up camps and a lot of money to buy food for them.

    ...and they took in a whole lot of Syrian- refugees, for example!


  6. 1 hour ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    and I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the foreigners that live in thailand. thanks for modeling

    No, you are not!

    You are deflecting, away from the problem at hand, with the "look...over there"- tactic.

    Nice try!


    What hypocrisy, by the way?

    I am not responsible for either incident!

    So I am just looking at what is going on in the country, I live in now and which subjects, we are discussing here...or at least should be, unless the apology & deflecting - brigade comes along!

    By the way: I am not from England, still I found the happenings around that hi- rise fire, very disturbing and discussed it, on the WORLD NEWS FORUM!

    Where is should be discussed!

    End of!

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