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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 7 minutes ago, NoBrainer said:


    Like many things, the goal post keeps moving.


    When they are hell bent to take your rights away, it is better to ease it in slowly, rather than all at once.

    It seems to be now decided along political lines in many countries. In the US the Right wing wants to re-open everything now, and do not want to wear masks or do anything different than they did before, because they have come to realize this is just an epic scam that has been perpetrated on the world, by the American Democratic party, NWO people & the Chinese.

    A recent study was released comparing US death rates (from Jan tp April) over the last 5 years. This year is only 102% of the 5 year average, 2017 being the highest.

    So in other words, Covid Flu has caused hardly any more deaths that we see every year.


    On the other side, are the Left wing people who are mostly hiding in their basements, scream at people that don't wear a mask, and want to keep the worlds economies closed until after the next election. They also refuse to accept that there is a treatment that is about 98% successful if administered early, and costs very little, leading to massive unnecessary deaths.


    So it is really a fight of ideologies, or good VS Evil, in other words. Fortunately the Good side of the equation is getting the message out, and exposing the fraudsters for what they are. So for now it's just sit back and see who will eventually win. As for Thailand, it will take longer than usual for the powers that be to realize the truth, but they are always quite slow and conservative in nature, so this is not surprising.


    Killing vulnerable people willingly to get deaths out of the way faster, achieve herd immunity and to open up the economy is not a battle of 'good versus evil'. It's common sense against eugenics. 

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

    Calling out your dishonesty is merely intended to inform people who have nor seen the video as to how conniving the left wing media and people such as yourself can be.  Understandable you would want to distract  from that with a quote that could only be applied to you in this conversation.

    So what part of what I quoted is 'dishonest'? These are the actual words he spoke. I didn't make them up. The MSM you love to denigrate didn't make them up; they actually came out of his mouth. If you are infering that the 'dishonesty' comes from people judging him when all it was was Trump musing out loud then don't you think the most powerful man in the world, heading up a country with the highest C19 infections and deaths should be a litle bit more circumspect in what he is saying to a room packed full of journalists and the worlds media?
    And I wouldn't even mind if this was his first gaffe but no, this is the latest in a long, long, long list of stupendously stupid utterings that have seen Trump try to minimised this pandemic, politicise it (calling it a Democratic hoax), back false cures (such as this) and generally fly in the face of all reason to deflect from his abismal handling of C19.

    My Mark Twain quote was accurate. The man knows nothing and so should just shut up and stop demonstarting how little he really knows.  

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  3. 8 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    And you DO trust US intelligence agencies?

    Why is it that Trump fans don't trust anyone any more? You don't trust your own intelligence services, the FBI, The Department of Justice, The State Department, The Environmental Protection Agency, the WHO, Congress etc, etc, etc.

    It's almost as if anyone who went against Trump is now not to be trusted. I wonder where that came from?


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  4. 10 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


    Obama an outsider? Groomed for 5 years to do exactly what the neoliberal monied class told him to do. Buttigieg next in line. Electing toadies like this is what makes people risk voting for a person like Trump. 

    When I say 'ousider' I'm obviously talking about his age and skin color (in context to the rest of what I wrote). I think you knew that but are trying to deflect.

  5. On 5/3/2020 at 11:32 AM, lannarebirth said:


    Why can't anyone admit that they are both shtity, and one of them will become the nominee of their party though undemocratic means? There is still time to choose someone else. Doesn't anyone care about what the next generation will have to suffer through, or do you think the World ends when you die?


    Because they are not equally 'shtity'. Trump is far, far worse but America is not ready to again elect a true outsider (like Obama) so an old, white, safe guy like Biden will have to do. I think the Dems are doing the clever thing by not going too 'out there' with a much more progessive candidate as it would just alienate middle-America who essentially won Trump the presidency last time out.

    Biden may have his faults, but the goal is to get rid of Trump and I think he's the ideal candidate to do so; as long as he can dodge the flak that will innevitably come. 

    • Like 1
  6. Trump supporters are absolutely desperate to make something of this whilst conveniently 'forgetting' the 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. 25!! He's known to have paid 'hush' money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and rumours abound of many other pay offs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/18/fbi-tied-donald-trump-michael-cohen-hush-money-payments-stormy-daniels/1757820001/ 


    And you talk of Biden's 'senility' whilst every day we get evidence of Trumps growing insanity. The man can hardly string a coherent sentance together but yeh, Biden has a problem.

    You guys will do anything to deflect from your Beloved Leader and I'm afraid it's just getting old and very worn.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I look forward to a swift, full and transparent investigation and charges being brought against the offender, either for sexual assault or bringing false charges.


    My guess is Biden will vehemently deny the accusations and welcome a swift, full and transparent investigation.


    I have never subscribed to the slogan/#tag ‘Women Must Be Believed’, but absolutely agree accusers must be listened to and that the Police must examine testimony and evidence regardless of who the accused is.


    The allegation must be investigated, and must follow where testimonies and evidence leads it.


    If Biden does not welcome and fully cooperate with the police inquiry, he should immediately step down.


    I very much look forward to his response.





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  8. 2 minutes ago, CaptRon2 said:

    Please provide a reference where President Trump states this was a man made virus.

    if you do provide a credible statement confirming  Trump saying manmade virus congratulations on providing your first credible reference in over 4000 posts.

    In the unlikely event you can not provide the reference please recall your own statement about rumors and division, and start practicing what you preach.


    Er, how about:- 

    'Trump did not mince words at a White House event on Thursday, when asked if he had seen evidence that gave him a "high degree of confidence" the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. "Yes, yes I have," he said, declining to give specifics.'


    It's in this article. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Tanlic said:

    ovid will be all over June?........my advice is keep away from her.


    <deleted> joke but then so was Joker getting an Oscar........sick of hearing about Covid 19 predictions


    It is not Sars this is one evil well organized unit that know the difference between weak and strong hosts.....kills the weak hardly harms the strong and they carry it without knowing.......


    Some Thai saying it will be over is crazy and politically motivated........when there has been very few new cases worldwide for a month then it is over....and everone is vaccined


    Influenza was over (the Spanish Flu) everything went back to normal then it came back like a Tornado and killed millions


    There are a lot of comparisons that can be made with Spanish Flu and the C19 pandemic but Spanish Flu was much more deadly because mistakes were made that are being mirrored by many governments (noteably the UK and US) to include governments initially playing down the pandemic whilst they focused almost entirely on the last big push to end the war and telling the public it's not a big problem, or, as the name suggests, that it was a foreign disease that only affects 'others,'". In the US there was no federal response so this left cities and states to go off on their own and make decisions for themselves, creating inconsistancies in response and effectivenes (who and what does that remind you of?).


    And the cure? Yes, you guessed it, self-isolation and social distancing. 'Cities that acted earliest and most forcefully -- like St. Louis, which imposed a near total lockdown within two days of its first Spanish flu case -- had much lower peak death rates than cities that hedged their bets -- like New Orleans, Boston and Philadelphia.


    Covid 19 is not the worlds first rodeo. We've been through this before and we know what to do and so do the experts, so if we just stop arguing against the professionals (yes, i know there's a lot of conflicting advice but generally most experts agree on self-isolation, social distancing etc) stay the course and stop listening to people who recommend ingesting disinfectant for example, we should be good. 




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  10. 5 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    You can be upset by large bailouts and there's likely some justification. 


    There are also millions of very small businesses that got PPP loans and Nancy held up funding for over a week to add in trash.


    Facts matter, and it was the republicans that got people the $1200 (small as it is) and it was Republicans that stood on capital hill trying to keep PPP funded. 


    And Republicans are STILL on capital hill trying to govern while pelosi craps on everyone. 


    And the first stimulus bill was passed completely bipartisan, so its hard to blame trump. 


    If people would just open their eyes and have a look at the timelines and what is actually happening they would see the facts. But people don't. They have their corner and dig in no matter how dumb of a position it is. 

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    And how many of those had underlying conditions?

    It is a fact that younger people are far less at risk of developing serious symptoms than older.

    I agree the young are far less at risk but it's also becoming increasingly apparent that although C19 mostly affects the old and individuuals with underlying conditions, it is not exclusive to this group. Daily we are hearing of young and fit people surcoming to the virus. It's not of pandemic proportions but it's a worringly upward trend. 




  12. 7 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Uk is doing fine, they are on target to relax controls end of May - clearly the targets to achieve this must  be met, until that situation is confirmed at the correct time, predictions are pure guesswork


    So for now we are on track - good enough for most seeking a resolution - not for those that seek to make political gain - nothing unusual in that

    You have got to be kidding.

    The WHO declares C19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (the highest alert it can issue) on the 30th January which in turn has procedures and recommendations that should be adhered to (https://www.who.int/ihr/procedures/pheic/en/). Boris and co. completely ignored this with the 'herd immunity' debacle.

    All through February, numbers kept climbing with Italy closing towns by the end of February. What was Boris doing? Well Boris went to England v Wales rugby match at Twickenham on 7 March.

    The WHO declared Covid a pandemic on the 11th March but it still took Boris and the Tories until the 18 March to announce the closure of all schools until further noticed, with pubs and restaurants ordered to shut on 20 March. Everything since then has just been one bad judgement and phony excuse after the other. The lack of PPE for essential workers (despite having supposedly stockpiled this from 2009), the lack of testing (they are still nowhere near the magic 100k per day tests), the lack of ventilators (letting someone like Dyson - who has never made a ventilator, but has given plenty of money to Brexit a chance over others), not sourcing essential equipment through the EU when they had a chance and generally just mishandling everything possible. They even now still haven't closed the UK's borders like almost every other country in the world. It's an absolute debacle which in normal/better times would should have ensured Boris's resignation.

    I know it's difficult for Brexit fans to criticise their beloved leader but these are 2 very seperate things and should be viewed very differently to each other; because you like him for Brexit does not mean you should like him for the C19 crisis. He and his government have benn simply shocking and have directly contributed to the huge numbers of deaths. Heads need to roll once this all dies down and Boris should be first.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Drink drivers kill other people. It would be unreasonable to expect those afraid of drunk drivers to never go anywhere. Not wear seatbelts- absolutely. No free health care if it all goes wrong though, and if a child is injured because responsible adult does not strap them in arrested and charged with endangering a child. Don't wear m'bike helmet if don't want to, but again no free health care. BTW I use seat belts and m'bike helmet.

    Far as I know people do have a choice with health care.

    Children are not capable of making informed decisions so have to be required to go to school. At 16 they can decide if they want to continue.

    Not pay taxes- wish that were true.

    Not obey the law- many laws are unnecessary IMO. Only need one criminal law- if one hurts another by any means at all they should be prosecuted and if convicted receive punishment that fits the crime.


    Yes, IMO treat adults as responsible for themselves- eg if they want to use any sort of drugs let them do so, but if they hurt anyone else while under influence see previous paragraph.


    PS Thailand in effect does what I like. Can do most things unless it all goes wrong. Eg can speed even if law says a limit, but if one has an accident while speeding and kills someone, one is in the real doodoo.


    Wow. You are all in with this 'all power to the people' thing aren't you?

    The whole idea of laws and regulations is that people aren't responsible enough to govern themselves so need laws to keep them straight. But yes, if it was only themselves that were affected then off you go BUT the main issue is their actions DON'T just affect them personally. People don't purposely go out and get in a car crash, but it happens and it can affect other people so laws are in place to minimise this. 

    Yes 'it would be unreasonable to expect those afraid of drunk drivers to never go anywhere.' so we put restrictions on the drink driver. Yes 'if they want to use any sort of drugs let them do so, but if they hurt anyone else while under influence see previous', is mitigated by laws and restrictions on the one potentially doing the harm. 

    So lets just extrapolate your theory out using the same logic. Instead of self-isolating, you decide to not, going about your day like any other normal day. On your daily walk you bump into an elderly lady (who also doesn't believe in self-isolation) and inadvertantly give her Covid (as unbeknowst to you, you are a carrier). Said lady then dies. It's obvious you are responsible so are you happy to get charged with manslaughter? You did after all cause her death when you clearly had a choice not to.  

    Your whole posts advocating 'those that wish to isolate are entirely able to do so on their own, without the nanny state treating us like we are all incompetents that have to be locked up whether it is necessary or not' is just not true. I would counter that there are a lot of 'incompetents' out there and though you may not fall into that category yourself, there are too many of them to just let everyone do whatever the hell they want. The good of the whole has to superced the needs of the few, until such a time when the needs of the few can be accommodated again.     

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