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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Thailand seeks Japanese 'who stole firm's 49 million yen'

    BANGKOK--Thai police have obtained an arrest warrant for a 55-year-old Japanese man on suspicion he stole operating funds worth about 49 million yen from a Japanese building material company in November, it has been learned.

    The police determined Hideki Sugawara, an executive of the manufacturing company Siam TKM in Rayong Province, Thailand, and a native of Iwate Prefecture, had left for Cambodia by land, sources said. The police have placed him on international wanted lists via Interpol.

    According to the police, Sugawara allegedly removed a company bank passbook under the name of its president and withdrew 19.15 million baht, worth about 49.2 million yen, from a bank in an industrial park in the province.

    -The Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan) / Jan. 16, 2009

    i wonder if the bank employee who accepted this small withdrawl is in on it? you would need three fortuners to carry this much in 1000 baht notes i would guess.

  2. She might have been behind the planned tour to an impoverished village followed by a slap up meal that was attracting bad press recently.


    On a different note, if were her, I would dip into my severance pay and run an equally damning ad.

    something like.

    I, such and such no longer am employed by xyz company and shall not be resposible for any future business dealings the company undertakes, or the quality of service expressed towards its customers.....

  3. Finished our new Snack Menu and had my arm twisted by the local British residents .... anyone living near or being close by, come on in and enjoy - here are some British favorites and others available as of tomorrow at the Bistro: This is the Snack menu and not our main menu!

    109) Scotch Egg B 80.00

    110) Sausage Roll B 80.00

    111) Egg Salad Sandwich B 50.00

    112) Egg Salad & Ham Sandwich B 55.00

    114) Cheese & Tomato Sandwich B 55.00

    115) Bacon Butty B 55.00

    116) Chip Butty B 40.00

    Yea I know its not haute cuisine especially 115 and 116 but .........

    also available in our new snack menu:

    Toasty's- Made with 2 slices of white or whole-wheat toast and the following fillings :

    100) Ham & Cheese B 60.00

    101) Cheese & Tomato B 55.00

    102) Cheese, Ham & Jalepeno B 70.00

    103) Tuna melt (Tuna with Cheese) B 85.00

    Monjet's- Puff Pastry’s filled with the following::

    104) Mushroom B 75.00

    105) Cheese & Ham B 75.00

    post-30681-1231410406_thumb.jpg post-30681-1231410300_thumb.jpg

    Toasty's ---------------------------------------------------------Monjet's

    and here it is, the culinary high, the Chip Butty :o


    french fries inside of bread, what's next, rice inside of pasta? :D

  4. His younger brother couldn't pronounce Ricardo

    I remember one of my nieces who loved the fizzy drink "Dandelion and Burdock". Some of the ways she tried to pronounce that when ever she went to het nan's was histerical.

    top knowledge there mrbj.

    i liked my answer better "kaaaa-kaaaa". Anyways, BJ can probably tell you what he eats for breakfast too :o

  5. Foodland on Soi 4(?) Sukamavit is where all the cheap charlies(like me) go to have a

    so-so but cheap breakfast. I noticed that the New Zealand Lamb Chops were 350 Baht (small ones!).

    I seem to remember even two years ago they were about 175 Baht

    Wow! Any insight as to why Lamb would go up by THAT MUCH over two years?

    Is it just the foreign food?

    considering the area which this foodland is located (soi 5), the price increase is probably attibutable to greater numbers of lamb eaters in the vacinity?

  6. exactly - it's as risky as any other transfer, not least because great south american playmakers don't always adjust to english football's pace and physicality.

    incidentally, top trivia time, who knows how he got his nickname of 'kaka'?

    does it have anything to do with "in the kaka"?

  7. Thailand is still cheap but it seems that many business prefer the high cost and lower volume business strategy as to lower price and higher volume.

    How is that different than anywhere else in the world? You expect international multi-nationals to blindly subscribe to the chinese model of high volume - low margin? :o

    Ever since Henry Ford, American business has revolved around the principle of high volume at low price.

    and hence all the bail-outs.

  8. tevez better that rooney, surely you are taking the piss. or is it that rooney was all blue before and you feel slighted that he picked United over your team?

    rooney wouldn't have moved to liverpool in a thousand years. surely you understand that?

    i do think tevez is better than rooney, yeah. that's not me saying rooney is crap or anything as he's clearly not. i just think tevez is a more dynamic and dangerous player.

    i am glad SAF doesnt have the same opinion as you then.


    tevez was excellent last season and given a run in the side he'll score more goals than rooney.

    hmmm, tevez was given a run last year full-time, played very well and scored key goals for us but face it, running around the pitch like a chicken with your head cut off while admirable from an effort point of view, doesnt match what WR brings as whole to our team.

    BTW, tevez had 80+ mins last night and did nothing much.

  9. So in the end Dave, you come on here to moan that bkk is a dump and you would rather be in SG or HK. Ok we get, now what are you prepared to do about it?

    Or is there anything else you feel the need to gripe about?

    Its a two sided coin. Perhaps, those who do not have the means to live elsewhere now, or later, have just as much motivation to justify the pollution and rubble and lack of infrastructure as necessary evils. Perhaps these things bother you as well, thus you are filled with such venom and anger whenever they are brought up?

    no Dave ( i feel like I am in the movie 2001 space odyssey), potholes and traffic are part and parcel of living here I am afraid. However, instead of getting all depressed about how things could be - I accept them for what they are. Yes, the grass is sometimes greener on the other side of the fence but even this grass still requires watering.

  10. Not counting real estate? that's the biggest difference in cost between the two places.

    Yeah, but if you can afford to buy what does it matter either way, its an appreciating asset.

    tell that to the people in the UK. :o

    yeah and the people who owned gold or oil or an index fund. long term, its an appreciating investment just like everything else. isolating a few years is just silly. you can look at it as losing 40% in a year or having gained 20% over 5 years (or whatever).

    So in the end Dave, you come on here to moan that bkk is a dump and you would rather be in SG or HK. Ok we get, now what are you prepared to do about it?

    Or is there anything else you feel the need to gripe about?

  11. I think bkkjames has a secret love for liverpool, after all he spends more time in this thread than the scum thread. it seems he has the same fascination as his gin soaked purple nosed manager, always wanting to talk about us. in fact i think he gets more pleasure out of us dropping points than he does about the scum getting points :o

    Yes it appears bkkjames is a Liverpool fan, he really does spend more time on our thread than the Man Poo one. Come on James you still have a chance to admit and declare your love for Liverpool FC.

    amazing what two points behind and game in hand will do to some people. :D

  12. tevez better that rooney, surely you are taking the piss. or is it that rooney was all blue before and you feel slighted that he picked United over your team?

    rooney wouldn't have moved to liverpool in a thousand years. surely you understand that?

    i do think tevez is better than rooney, yeah. that's not me saying rooney is crap or anything as he's clearly not. i just think tevez is a more dynamic and dangerous player.

    i am glad SAF doesnt have the same opinion as you then.

  13. Mickey Dee's use only sustainable beef.

    Lib losers.

    I am not trying to be trite or argumentative here, but what is "sustainable beef?"

    I did my Ph.D. on the environmental aspects of doing business, and the sustainable aspect of many industries was part and parcel to that. But isn't all beef "sustainable?" 

    coffee is, sorry different topic.

  14. Dave , why don't you live in Geneva, Monte Carlo, Annecy, St Tropez, Beverly Hills, 5th Avenue NYC, Pall Mall London ?

    Cos you can't afford to, that's why.

    <deleted>, I want a Bentley Continental GT, but I have to make do with a poxy Fortuner, why ?

    Cos I cam't afford the Bentley, that's why !

    But I am not gonna compare one against the other as it's totally pointless as there is no comparison, rich people have Bentley Continental GT's, 99.9999999999% of the rest of the human race don't, simple as that.

    Dave are you 12 years old ?

    I don't feel that these other cities are that much more expensive than Bangkok (as to your comparison of a Bentley to a Fortuner). Real Estate, yes, but in that case, once you own it, it is an investment that appreciates. So, if the cost of living to you living on Singapore's Orchard Road is $6k USD a month (not counting real estate), and the same life style costs you $3K USD in Bangkok, that is not that big of a difference. I think a better analogy would be a BMW to a Honda Civic.

    Not counting real estate? that's the biggest difference in cost between the two places. Anyways mate, sell your 3 bedroom unit at Pres Park and move into a one bedroom studio next to gelang and right back to us how wonderful life is, actually I don't really care.

  15. with WR out for the next while, someone else had better start scoring. sadly, i woke up to watch the game, turned it on, went to the washroom and missed the only goal of the game.

    wigan played ok but we were definately suffering a hangover from the chelsea match. one more game without a goal against and its a new record I believe.

    can't really see bolton scoring against you or troubling you much.

    rooney should have warmed up properly. that said i actually rate tevez a better player than rooney, so if he gets a run of games he'll score goals. he's probably the type of player to work better with berbatov too.

    tevez better that rooney, surely you are taking the piss. or is it that rooney was all blue before and you feel slighted that he picked United over your team?

  16. Thailand is still cheap but it seems that many business prefer the high cost and lower volume business strategy as to lower price and higher volume.

    How is that different than anywhere else in the world? You expect international multi-nationals to blindly subscribe to the chinese model of high volume - low margin? :o

  17. Well BKKJAMES you seem to have wound up a few on the Liverpool thread with you one liners !!

    he, really, really hasn't. honestly.

    someone needs to start scoring against you lot, that's nine in the league without conceding.

    with WR out for the next while, someone else had better start scoring. sadly, i woke up to watch the game, turned it on, went to the washroom and missed the only goal of the game.

    wigan played ok but we were definately suffering a hangover from the chelsea match. one more game without a goal against and its a new record I believe.

  18. This topic should be fun :D

    As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

    Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

    yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

    James, it's not something I'd even want to think about, MR Boj wearing a spaghetti bikini :o

    well he is a city fan, they do anything for money i hear.

  19. I wonder if she insists on wearing the captains armband as well?

    What's her (his) position, center back or center forward? does she like to push forward or lay back and take it as it comes? how is she with her head, does use it to go after the high balls? How is does she cross? and her marking ... xxy?

    tricky forward. more skilful and more tricks than most of the blokes who play in the premiership. one of the few women players who probably wouldn't look totally out of place in a men's team. the adam's apple would help of course.

    she could line up beside Torres and you would have your dream team - chris deburgh would be so happy - two ladies in red, prancing next to me, cheek to cheek, nobody score, nobody cares...

  20. ..... I was punched, once by a lady boy and then a couple of weeks later by one of the older lads ...

    So, were you chained to a lamp-post or summin?


    Good one! :D

    (Did passers-by give him some food and water during his ordeal?)

    Sorry, touche as they say. I wasnt chained to the lampost, but I did have to walk past them 14 times before they tried to mug me....

    No, to clarify after my appauling use of the Queens very own vernacular, I was mobbed by lady boys, and then in a completely seperate incident a couple of weeks later some young lads had a go too. Probably doesnt sound any less perverse, nor really needed saying but hey, thought I would clear the air.

    In answer to a previous question, both incidents happened at about 10pm. Reading the posts on here it doesnt sound like I am the only one.

    mobbed by ladyboys you say, and here I thought it was only ex ferrari chief jean todt that had the pleasure on soi 12. count yourself lucky, usually the ladyboys don't ask autographs, they just steal your pen (aka, mugged)

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