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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. So when they post something you agree with, it's ok.

    if someone posts something that's clearly stupid then i'll generally say so. there's a legitimate case to be made that we don't always need mascherano to start in home games, particularly against teams outside the top four or five who will sit deep with ten and eleven men behind the ball against us, but to say that he's not a top, top class player and arguably the best in the world in his very specialist position is just idiotic. his performances against united and chelsea this season were outstanding and one of the main reasons we won both games.

    I won't argue that your midfield outplayed us on the day but one lucky deflection and a Giggsy giveaway should hardly have you jumping over the moon. Wasn't it Mascherano that left his man on our first goal?

    Anyways, I would be more worried about Torres' 5 hamstring in a year and a half.

  2. good gods james, the echo website is second only to the official club site for attracting muppets and blerts. i wouldn't trust the majority of posters on there if they told me rain is wet.

    So when they post something you agree with, it's ok.

  3. I don't rate him, too many times in big games he doesn't show up and when he does his big mouth and 'latino' bravado gets him into hot water. Best defensive mid-fielder in the world? Sorry wrong again. Give me old Paul Scholes any day of the week.

    absolute rubbish james. one example of losing his head against you lot last season does not a habit make.

    scholes isn't a defensive midfielder by the way. i know you haven't been watching united that long like, but check out his goalscoring record.

    Haha, funny their stevie - the guy didn't even want the Argentine captaincy. BTW, I guess you think Javier rates over Essien too?

    Sorry what's that, Essien scores goals so he can't be a defensive midfielder either? Ah ok.

  4. Keane - after only 4 months here we are asking for his head? whats with that? beyond me really... Same mentality as some fans asking to replace Raffa? I would of expected at least a season to see how he does... If he comes good before then...well that would be great. And I thought he has performed well when given the chance and look at his work rate and passion.

    I also noticed the media haven't said a thing about his old strike partner 'Berbatov' , same amount of goals since leaving Spurs, I think? Only reason I can think of is because we are top of the League now! oh and Keane cost 10 Mil less than Berb...

    Anyone remember Crouch took until this part of the season to even get his first goal.

    I for one know to get behind players!!! WHO WEAR OUR RED if they show heart and passion on the pitch. And let the boss get on with it after all I wouldn't change a thing if we stay top come May!

    Alonso, Kuyt, Arbeloa were other players being called not worthy and expected to go last season!



    keane's too talented a player not to come good, i just don't really see where he fits in in the formation. our squad is best suited to a lone front man with gerrard off him, and keane's no alternative to torres, just not remotely the same type of player. i hope and think he will stay, in fact there's no doubt that he'll stay, but can see him becoming a bench player when everyone is fit.

    FWIW i don't agree with kneejerk calling for new signings to be sold, but i can still see dossena being shipped or loaned in january. insua starting ahead of him on saturday and looking far more comfortable could be a big pointed.

    I actually don't mind Keano and suspect he will be going nowhere soon. Kuyt and Alonso are keepers but Macho-rano for me doesn't make the grade.

    you don't rate the best defensive midfielder in the world and newly-appointed captain of argentina? you really should stop embarrassing yourself in this way, james.

    I don't rate him, too many times in big games he doesn't show up and when he does his big mouth and 'latino' bravado gets him into hot water. Best defensive mid-fielder in the world? Sorry wrong again. Give me old Paul Scholes any day of the week.

  5. Looking at things from a tourism (lack there of) point of view, I was in a local watering hole the other day and was surprised by the following.

    Not related to ocean world per say, but thought I would rant about raising prices in a dead economy.

    If you sit outside and order a beer after happy hour it is 95 baht. If you go inside it's 120. (Happy hour is 70 baht for a beer)

    But if you order a coffee outside or inside at anytime it is 100 baht.

    Now I understand that the bar owners don't want people to come inside and order a bottle of water or a coffee at cheap prices and sit there for two hours watching but not drinking/ but I don't understand how a cup of coffee outside is more expesive than a beer.

    Heini beer wholesale is 30ish baht, one coffee is 10 baht (not nescafe, a real coffee). So in other words it makes more sense to drink a coffee outside at 100 baht, then when you go inside have a beer at 120.

    When I quired the management they gave me a blank look.

    Also, I said in terms of less tourists visiting why are you raising your prices again? It appears the only people in the watering holes are expats living here - keep it up and you will be sitting here alone.

    Maybe Siam Ocean World will double their prices (only for farangs) to make up for the lack of tourists as well.

    Rant done.

  6. The New York Deli at Ploenchit center, close to Nana, closed quite a while back. I can confirm that the Reuben at the Landmark Terrace Cafe is excellent. It's one of the things we try to eat every trip to Bangkok.

    As a longtime fan of the Terrace Cafe, I must report since new chefs / f&b manager took over, it aint was it used to be.

    Not only do things take forever now to get, they have changed the daily lunch set menus to include many breaded / fried type dishes including a pork chop, chicken kiev and other cheapish alternatives to the fish.

    The chicken kiev I ordered last week looked and tasted like it came from Chernobyl - totally un-edible. Couldn't it even cut through it - it was that overfried.

    Have not tried the reuben under the new management but not hopeful at this point.

  7. all we can do is keep on winning. one game at a time thanks very much.

    thought sami was great, xabi was as good as ever and insua looked really comfortable. got high hopes for that lad.

    And lets hope we get a good price for Keane (Man City?) in the January window then we can buy a real striker!

    Keane - after only 4 months here we are asking for his head? whats with that? beyond me really... Same mentality as some fans asking to replace Raffa? I would of expected at least a season to see how he does... If he comes good before then...well that would be great. And I thought he has performed well when given the chance and look at his work rate and passion.

    I also noticed the media haven't said a thing about his old strike partner 'Berbatov' , same amount of goals since leaving Spurs, I think? Only reason I can think of is because we are top of the League now! oh and Keane cost 10 Mil less than Berb...

    Anyone remember Crouch took until this part of the season to even get his first goal.

    I for one know to get behind players!!! WHO WEAR OUR RED if they show heart and passion on the pitch. And let the boss get on with it after all I wouldn't change a thing if we stay top come May!

    Alonso, Kuyt, Arbeloa were other players being called not worthy and expected to go last season!



    I actually don't mind Keano and suspect he will be going nowhere soon. Kuyt and Alonso are keepers but Macho-rano for me doesn't make the grade.

  8. Evans and Sturridge are definately for the future, but we need a big name proven goalscorer.

    In short....sell Vassell, Garrido, Ball, Gelson, Ben Haim,

    Buy.Bridge, Kaka, Van Buyton,Toure, Gattuso, Owen, Ibrahimovic.

    In short i agree with that Jack. Except for Owen, unless we got him for a free, i wouldn't spend money on him.

    Without checking the relevant stats / information, I doubt people like Kaka Gattuso, Ibra will give up Champions League / Uefa Cup football to join city in Jan. Maybe in the summer.

    You might be able to pick up a needed defensive midfielder / fb though.

  9. Haha, no, but I do believe the one about CR committing his future to MU. :D

    he looked committed on saturday alright when he decided to substitute himself.

    unlike others from that part of the world, he plays hurt all the time. :o

  10. I'm coming to the end of my UK T-Mobile contract through which I have a Blackberry.

    I'm also coming to the end of my tenure in the UK and shall be based in the Far East (Thailand and Taiwan) from January.

    Rather than renewing my T-Mobile contract, might it be a better option to have DTAC or AIS on contract and can they provide the Blackberry service?


    Hi there: AIS and True Move both offer packages. I use AIS, unlimited EDGE GPRS and basic call package for 1200 Baht a month.

  11. And lets hope we get a good price for Keane (Man City?) in the January window then we can buy a real striker!

    more and more i don't understand why we signed keane. gerrard's best position, whatever he or the media might say, is off the front man. he's devastating there, teams don't know how to handle him. signing keane buggered up that which was working so well last season.

    i wouldn't object to signing heskey in january. he'd be a better alternative as a lone front man than owen would.

    So Harry will take him off your hands for only a 15 million Pound loss :o

  12. I agree (yes it does happen stevie). It works in the US / Canada and who knows with the global economy going the way it is, perhaps football.

    But as long as you have multi billionaires as owners of the big clubs, it will be a tough sell.

    i know it happens james, i said that it's never going to happen in english football.

    I meant we agree stevie from time to time not about the salary cap :o

  13. Why bother having views on thai politics when fact is we can make no difference whatsoever whatever your views,.(unless you are one of the farang elite with a thai passport ) its a joke and a waste of breath i my opinion,.

    I dont have a thai passport but I have a Thai wife with a baby on the way. Elite no, but giving a crap about what happens in this country - and any affect on my family - yes.

  14. i'd implement a salary cap in english football in a heartbeat. no player to earn above say 30k a week. would bring down match ticket prices, reduce the cost of satellite tv subscriptions, increase competition for trophies and impact positively on the game at grass roots level. never going to happen though.

    I agree (yes it does happen stevie). It works in the US / Canada and who knows with the global economy going the way it is, perhaps football.

    But as long as you have multi billionaires as owners of the big clubs, it will be a tough sell.

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