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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Junk. It's you that should be thinking about it not me.

    "If I slow down, there's a greater chance that it might go red when I'm in the "middle""

    This bit i really do not understand. If it goes Red under these circumstances then you have effectively ran an Amber light. Thus YOU are very much at fault for not paying attention or slowing down.

    "On the other hand, if I slow down too much, it would be awkward... especially if the light stayed green"

    And then this. WHAT would be awkward... The fact that you didn't just run a red or amber light or that your actions didn't cause some one to ram into the back of you. The fact is if you had been paying attention the motorcyclist would NOT have had to try and emergency stop.

    It's no biggy, because this time you were lucky. But reflect on the accident so that it does not happen again. THAT'S all i'm trying to say.

    Hold fire the Amber light is a warning light NOT a signal light. If the motorist is in the intersection when the amber light is shown he has every right to proceed. If however the motorist has not entered the intersection when the amber shows then he must stop. I know of no ruling which says that any motorist who tail ends another vehicle in front is not guilty !!!! It doesnt matter the situation in this case, the fact of the matter is the MC rider was to blame for driving with undue care and attention

  2. After moving from BKK to Kunming, I registered with the China agency for the Dream network, sadly after the first month, they dropped the Star Sports and ESPN which has resulted in me digging a bit deeper into the systems available here.

    I have come across a Shanghai based company that is doing a roaring trade by offering the IPTV systems, they call it multichoice and they have 21 sports channels as well as the usual BBC, CNN etc etc.

    Now, is anyone out there using the IPTV systems and how does the quality compare with the usual satellite/cable systems.

    All feed back appreciated

  3. I'm watching this on a Portuguese stream.

    I don't know much of what they are saying but the commentators are brilliant: "Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    "Emmy Hisky"

    Very entertaining, oh and we are winning.

    Please enlighten me how you could pick up this stream. I tried to google live England soccer etc last night, many sites cropped up but all needed payment

  4. Camerata your closing of my ntopic has left me wondering now two things 1. What is Auto erotic and 2. How you see fit to close a topic saying it was not Thai related yet it happened in Thailand.

    I was seriously asking questions to enlarge my knowledge and not talking about the sad death of Mr Carradine.

    Is it time to moderate the moderators I wonder

  5. Can you eat sharks fin soup, or tuck into the meat of other similarly endangered species? Say "ai yah" a lot? Or do you consider spending a disproportionate amount of money on skin-whitening products as necessary?

    If you said "yes" to 2/3 of the above, you're probably off 1st base already. Good luck. :)

    Sorry to say your are describing the Honkies or the Cantonese, they are the worst of the Chinese in my humble opinion and i lived in HK for 20 years. China is such a diverse country, the Northerners are tall and generally slim and dont east rice as much as breads or meats as much as vegetables.

    The days of the stereotype Chinese girls are long over and living in China now i can assure you first hand that the girls are far more approachable than the Thai girls and better at it, if you get my drift.

    I think no holds barred would describe it

  6. At the risk that this is a valid question and the thread is in compliance with TV rules, autoerotic asphyxiation is when people cut off their oxygen supply in the belief that a lack of oxygen heightens the orgasmic sensation.  People typically put a noose around their necks and masturbate.  Sometimes, the strangulation goes too far and the person accidently dies.

    For men under 50, this is actually a significant cause of death as far as pure numbers go.

    I have no idea if this is the case with Mr. Carradine, and I would rather not speculate on this. 

    Yes its very much a valid question and I agree with Bigsnake - very kinky, but trying to understand your response, how does masturbation involve tying a cord around your willy ? that I cannot fathom at all :)

  7. The western media are reporting that David Carradine died from asphyxiation following a Auto Erotic Sex act ! Now I am no prude but can some one enlighten me how by tying a cord round your neck and willy results in sexual gratification ?

    Am totally mystified here

  8. I did this visit last weekend.

    As previously stated, Australian/Thai passport holders do not need visas for HK, however you certainly do for China, I would also point out again that you will be entering China twice so you need a multi entry Chinese Visa. these are available at the Chinese Consulate in Bangkok.

    I hope for your sake that the swine Flu scare has eased when you cross the land border at Lo Wu as the checks and form filling on both the HK and Chinese side is a little time consuming. On a bright note, the usually very crowded border crossing was relatively quiet last weekend.

    I dont know your flight plans but I would suggest that you have a look at Shenzhen Airlines who have recently taken up the Shenzhen - BKK route. A good Airline, new Aircraft and 75% of the flights I have taken with them had farang flight crew.

    Also there are some cracking hotel deals in Shenzhen.

    Hope this helps

  9. Being in Kunming and having Dream TV take away the ESPN and Star Sports package I was resigned to missing the FA Cup on Saturday night. My Chinese staff understood my frustrations and I was amazed at 2205 to have a knock on my door to find one of my staff members there with his laptop. He rushed into the house fired up his computer and there it was live on the internet.

    The picture was fantastic, the sound great but the sound track was in Chinese - which was not a problem.

    One happy Chappie and a grateful boss

  10. For the last three days I have been trying to download free software, after a number of attempts of downloading what turned out not to be free software I found Nero. I downloaded that but before I could install it asked me for a ID or Code number, which of course I didnt have.

    Any recommendations please

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