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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Having been a UBC user for nearly 8 years, I have sort have come to accept their many weak points, the worst propbably being their total lack of customer service.

    As I am relocating to China on the 1st April, I spent the whole of last week in Kunming, my future home city. This period was spent house hunting and the usual Newbie things. After finding a suitable apartment, I surfed the web looking for satellite TV providers in China (yes it is legal if you are a non Chinese) I found a company based in Beijing, the opposite side of the country to Kunming, who said they were able to install dishes anywhere in China, OK great.

    Last Friday afternoon at around 5pm I gave them a call in Beijing, gave them my address (it was strange not mentioning the words Mooban and Soi). They only asked three questions (1) did my apartment have the line of sight to the South East (yes) (2) was the number I was calling from available diuring the day (yes) and (3) which package did I want to subscribe to ? (Dream). After answering the questions I was told OK thanks we will be in touch !!!!! Oh yea I thought.

    An hour later they called me back telling me the installation engineer would be at my apartment at noon the next day (Saturday)

    Smack on the stroke of mid day there was a knock on my door and there was a guy with a satellite dish and the works. Twenty minutes later all was installed and working well. BUT there was a problem and that was he did not have any Sim cards for my decoder as business was rather brisk and he had run out of stock, but not to worry he would lend me his set up sim card until he could produce an original for me.

    So Saturday night there I was, with a tin or six of the very nice Harbin Beer watching Liverpool destroy Manure with original UK sound track.

    Sunday morning at 9am there was another knock on the door and a guy from a courier company handed me an envelope which was sent from Beijing overnight containing my original sim card.

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant eat your heart out UBC

    And the price ? well it worked out at about 11,000 Baht which included installation and a years fee. The second year would work out at about 6,000 Baht

  2. What's "street wise" got to do with it? They are only asking if it's possible to get some things.

    Is there any obvious thinking in these questions, for the love of god if you expat yourselves to foreign shores then accept you will not get what you are used to at home. OR does it mean they are not able to adapt.

  3. This is funny, Wen I worked in Africa, then China, then Brazil, then Manila and Taiwan before coming to Thailand (oops fogot India and Nepal) i soon realised that I was actually in foreign countries and then accepted when in Rome etc. Amazing with my attitude now I accept what comes, after all it was my/your decision to come here so stop bleating and get street wise

  4. Ok polecat I had expected some PC blurb to say that but the facts are facts they are coloured and i really do not know any other way to describe apart from saying black, which in my opinion is even worse.

    must be the wrong time of the month for more than a few people posting on here . OH <deleted> now thats sexist - I give in

  5. Did he sing "Maggie May?" I must admit I rather like that song...

    I respect anybody who can perform on stage like that, for 10-20 songs. It's not easy, by any measure. And Rod is about the age of my father, which makes it rather exceptional to perform AND engage the crowd. I suspect your average TV member couldn't make it through 2-3 consecutive songs on stage - probably not even 1 if they had to engage a crowd.

    +1 to Mr. Stewart.

    jcon, i liked this post very much . Yes he did sing Maggie May and all of his well known songs which had everyone singing along

  6. Nonthaburial, may we know what nationality you are?

    Yes rixalex you may know. I am a BRIT and I do understand English when its being spewed out, even in a semi comatose fashion. My realisation that this moron was a Brit was not from his dress (or lack of) but his Midlands accent. Enuff said !

  7. Redscouse in my humble opnion its about manners and breeding, which to be honest appears to be lacking in the likes of yourself if you condone this moronic behaviour. Did you see in my post where I stated he almost had a confrontation with the Security. This was all in front of a very large and well behaved, and I would guess, middle to upper class Thai audience as well as behaved westerners. And in answer to a previous response, this moron - yes Redscouse MORON was not seated in the VIP section but bullied his way down to the front from the rear end of the theatre

    I am sure the Thai security officer was extremely happy after stopping this idiot getting to the front of the stage to be rewarded with being held in a head lock and kissed on his face !!!

  8. Well for those knockers of the "old man" you could not have been more wrong, a fantastic concert of over 2 hours, his great voice the same as usual, his magnetism on stage wonderful, his ability to "play' the almost packed house just unbelievable.

    He showed his professionalism and abilities by performing all his hit songs that you would expect of him as well as a few CCW numbers which he covered very well. his backing group and band were equally amazing. A truly unforgetable evening.

    One of the downsides were the many fat, beer bellied, short and flip flop wearing, shaved headed not so young Brits ( i guess) who could not enjoy the show without spilling their beer everywhere (yup must have been Brits) whilst shouting drunken unfunny comments at the stage. There was one lout in particular who nearly ended up being involved in a confrontation with the Thai security officials. This attiutude leaves a nasty taste

    Anyhow great night and in my opinion well worth the money I paid for the best seats - just a shame about the sad idiots

  9. I decided not to even try this competition as there was always going to be somebody with WAY too much time on their hands, and at 5254 tags I was right.

    Congrats sensei and spend the money wisely (I.E. on beer)

    i decided not to even try this competition as I had no bloody idea what george was on about. :o

    By the way george its priZe not priCe

  10. Hi,

    If you are a westerner you don't need to get a visa from a consulate/embassy. You just arrive, they put two stamps in your passport, one saying when should leave by. Macao is a month. Hong Kong is 90 days unless you are English, then you get six months. You get a new Visa every time you arrive, by stamp. That means every time you go into Macao you get a month, starting again, same in Hong Kong but for 3 mths or the 6 as I said. No fees. Just fill out the form on the plane and ferry that the crew will give you. You can get a free ferry from the Venetican Casino if you go there and spend some money. But if you don't want to stay in Macao and don't want to go to any casinos then you can get a taxi to the Talpa Ferry terminal, it's right next to the airport. I walked but it's a bitch with luggage, but only a 10 min walk.

    How do I know? I left Hong Kong via Macao on 28 December 2008.

    Macao is very polluted and some what expensive. Hong Kong is the same but very interesting.

    Macao and Hong Kong are SARs - Special Administrative Regions. They have their own governments so you get no info from the Chinese embassy about them.

    Need more info just send me a message. I lived in Hong Kong until 28 December 2008.


    ersl, your comments may be helpful however as a number of others have said HK and Macao visas depend on your nationality. Stating "westerners" as you did does not cut it. Your comments on the lack of information from the Chinese Embassies is also a little loose. I assure you, potential workers ie Filipinos who wish to earn in HK certainly have to apply for the Visas through the Chinese Embassy, and I am confident that all other Visas required will also come through the same source

  11. Theft is not nice but when you throw in ABDUCTION also then its a very different ball game ! Glad to see HB that youi are sweating your goolies off in the wonderful, clean, sanitised country of Bangladesh whilst your critics do nothing but polish bar stools in Pattaya

  12. Had a situation once en route from Bangkok to Hua hin, two tyre blow out, stranded just getting dark, a little lovely stopped her motor cycle saw the situation, borrowed my phone, made a call and then rode on (yes she did give the phone back) within minututes a local body snatcher / rescue pick up turned up, jacked my vehicle up, changed the one tyre with the spare, threw the other in their pick up then disappeared. twenty minutes back again, new tyre fitted on rim. Fitted that on, packed their kit up, gave me the tyre shop receipt for the tyre price ands that was it. I had to force them to take 1K in thanks !

  13. I arrived at 1310 yesterday to find the same long lines, decided to move to the next immigration hall which was not much better. I did notice that although the lines were long not every immigration booth was manned. Those that were manned seemed to be used for training purposes. What was frustrating was the fact that the "Thai Passport" booths were manned but not used. I went to a Thai passport booth, showed my work permit and told the little lovely I had a meeting to attend and she let me through. But a real mess thats for sure

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