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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 3 hours ago, John Drake said:


    I think the US and Europe should just write off Thailand. Stop thinking they are friendly, when they're partial to China and Russia. Stop giving them trading and FDI incentives. Just allow Thailand to go the way it wants and become a Chinese satellite and Russian ally. That should go for all of what used to be Indochina. Stop thinking Vietnam will ever do anything meaningful to buck its Russian and Chinese backing. Laos is already China plus. And so is Cambodia. That leaves Myanmar. But whomever it is that holds power there will also require Chinese approval. No, the staging point for American resistance to increasing hostile threats from this region should be the Philippines. Marcos has completely turned the country around from Duterte's lunatic ideas. The US should back him to the hilt, militarily and economically. Every US penny going to Thailand or Vietnam needs to be shifted to the Philippines. No more favorable trade and FDI deals. Let Thailand and the rest follow their own starry eyed Chinese destiny.  

    so basically jump to whatever tune the US of Arse plays!, the US have cheated most of their allies in one way or another, or held them to ransom, Go Thailand, op out of the IMF- US BS, bring on BRICS and bye bye US $!! the world will be a better place!

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  2. 33 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    What can one even say about this, was he stabbed or was his arm hacked off with a machete? It's not an easy thing to cut off an arm, without a machete or a sword! Pretty incredible when you think about it, if the facts are correct. A man simply asks someone to not smoke in front of his store and they react like this? Who are these animals, what are these people, why are they such incomplete men, why are they such ridiculously petty, angry and juvenile souls? Where does this level of moral bankruptcy come from? Who were their parents?


    Hopefully they'll be caught, convicted and imprisoned for a very long time, where it's likely they will make a lot of "close friends".

    it was a machete and it looks like his arm was cut if from the bicep/elbow area, you can see in the video there looks to be only 1 limb against the black of his T-shirt, although its blurry cctv..thankfully!



  3. On 3/30/2024 at 1:07 PM, Mavideol said:

    and that's why the Russians think they can do no wrong, whatever happen there will be no charges, all swept under the rug


    Rabid Russian assaults police team in Phuket after going berserk at a city centre hotel


    A Russian tourist is facing criminal charges ... ROFL

    been quite a few nationalities in the news in recent weeks, not just Russians!

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    America has historically struggled with intolerance - against racial, religious and sexual differences. Over time, these intolerances have been overcome, but the result has been a shrinking but angry core of older white men who see Trump as their leader, but would express their intolerance without him.


    As they die off, their prejudices die with them.


    So, we don't have "colored only" bathrooms any more. But, there remain some diehard snowflakes who still make noise.

    see, still cant let that Trumps bit go can ya.... thread wasnt' even about him yet you 'tolerant' liberals cant help but bring it up!!

    everywhere has intolerances, just some more prevalent than others,

    'coloured bathrooms' what are you 80? jeez, get a grip man, i think a bloke waving his schlong around in a girls bathroom and competing in womens sports is slightly different to that dont you?..perhaps not, maybe you are a .....

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  5. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    It has been decades of celebrating since 2009. Part of the reason for the celebration is to bring awareness of discrimination by people like you. Transgender also contribute to the society.  

     barely 1.5, so hardly decades is it, and please elaborate on this 'Transgender also contribute to the society'? how so? from what i've seen lately they are causing problems in society rather than contributing..womens sport to name one!, please justify that...


    p.s i don't give a <deleted> who or what someone  wants to be, but i don't agree with rules being changed and people being forced to changed their language to go along with something that goes against science and biology for a  0.00001% fraction on the population so as not to offend people...be trans, go for it, don't expect me to play along with you. the vast majority of what we see online is actually mental disorders.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Ive noticed the poor  and  starving  often have a large tv as  well, usually accompanied by chronic back pain so they can claim whatever .  




    thats been going on since i was a kid, the single mums with 4 kids, claiming benefits, all had huge tvs, vhs & satellite dishes. most working parents didn't. but that is a gov problem. i had friends on the dole at 19, got housing benefit, sold weed and no intention to work. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       I do think that we would all prefer peace and no one wants war , apart from Hamas and their supporters .

       The only way for peace is to stop those people who want war , otherwise there will be wars .

    Engaging in a war to fight the people who want a war .

    What else can be done ?

    i prefer peace.....but kill all Hamas and supporters! yeah, very peaceful of you

  8. On 3/27/2024 at 6:12 PM, retarius said:

    I think the fine minds of the UNSC have spoken about this, considered it, debated it and come to the conclusion that the genocide has to stop. 

    More fine minds like mine  would say that Israel should remove itself from all stolen lands and go back into the only lands it (might be) legally entitled to, i.e. the lands shown in the maps used to delineate Arab and jewish areas in the original documents which started this wretched intractable problem.

    The land was in the UN documents was divided into an Arab half and Jewish half. Sadly the Jews wanted more than their fair share of land and have been on a land theft spree ever since. 

    If the jews retreat to their land and stop the land theft for settlements etc I think the problem will ameliorate but never heal. 

    perfectly put

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    The anti Israelis on here are incapable of a debate so after a few nonsense posts they decide they are getting nowhere with right minded posters so they decide to write gibberish monologues and the really off the wall posters reply to their own posts. 😂😂😂

    ah, you mean a difference of opinion..... that thing you don't like. 
    everyone should be on the side of Israel right!!

    i think the 1st post after the OP was the best think written here. look at the map and see how Israel has spread, would you be happy of your home was bulldozed and land taken?

    Israel playing the victim is just like the US doing it. everyone out to get them, and blind to their actions!!

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/28/2024 at 12:47 PM, Nick Carter icp said:


       It seems that way now , Israel was previously content to live with Gaza by its side , but since the Oct 7 terror attack Israel needs to take measures to stop any more terror attacks and the only solution is to move the Palaestians away from Gaza .

       When that land becomes free , Israelis may as well settle on it to stop Hamas coming back 

    pretty sure life for those in Gaza wasn't all hunky dory prior to Oct 7th!

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