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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Aren't you and the rest of the Trump fans just exhausted having to try and defend your man day in, day out? 


    Although your quote is absolutely correct and is in reference to the car industry, don't you think it's just stupidly clumsy to say 'Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it.",


    Bloodbath : (NOUN) indiscriminate slaughter; a massacre

    Words matter when it is coming from possibly the next POTUS and 'bloodbath' has some serious connotations especially after what happened on January 6th. It is this type of continuing incendiary language that has people so worried because we have seen how some of his supporters take his words in a VERY literal fashion and are prone to violence when given what they believe is justification. Trump knows this but still refuses to tone it down and in the run up to the election, I can only see this getting worse with even more incendiary language being used.


    If he doesn't win, then January 6th will seem like a picnic compared to what could happen.

     'some of his supporters take his words in a VERY literal fashion' thats exactly what you and many posters here have done regarding this thread!

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  2. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I can understand why you might be confused . I mean supporting trump and all. 

    But the title in the OP is 

    "Trump says country faces ‘bloodbath’ if Biden wins in November "

    seriesly!! if you don't believe me scroll to the top of the Page. It]s there in big, bold , black and white. 

    look at you all red in the face at the mention of Trumpo!!

    the op title is misinformation..you know...that stuff you always accuse trump of. try a quick google search and you will find it on your favourtie msm outlet.  

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Stevey said:

    One of the most dreariest ( that took some spelling ) groups imaginable. I tried to help them with my sarcasm irreverence and wit. Half of half the guys liked my posts but there is a large contingent of oldies who’ve built the house go to big C and all is fine. They mostly probably have no idea of what goes on around them also.


    When the group was presented to me a week ago or so  I was getting posts of people posting pics of there better half’s with alot of mutual patting of backs. 

    I started posting some of the thoughts going round my head that have made me so popular here and all hell broke loose and early not so positive reply to a post of mine was ‘ he doesn’t deserve to be allowed in this group !! ‘ from someone about 3 years from death.


    Then i replied to someone who was talking about cleaning some people out comparing him to China, worked out he was the moderator. Got banned a couple days. 

    I thought a couple of days was lenient as I had had a go at him personally. Anyway I got back on and then the big Boss Falango himself was on the war path. And putting it there that dissent was not to be tolerated and heads of anybody who didn’t agree that Isaan was perfect and getting your house stolen off you would be out. 

    So I toned it down and laid low. Absolute death boredom. A picture of some Falang in straw hat watering some straw. A post about a squirrel. 

    Well as one who will always go down fighting I posted a slightly spicy topic about Isaan people always asking my step son about where his Father whe it is non of there business. This got lots of interest. 50/50 saying I was right and the others saying that we are visitors and we should bow to the local. 

    It got a bit nasty not by me with one guy offering to give me a back handed which I laughed off. 

    Then realised I was gone. Apparently 33k members but not a post of any interest 🥱

    happens a lot, there are many that lack any form of humour, worse when they are the admins, koh phangan 'conscious community' page was exactly that. 

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