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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    No violence from Trumpers after the 2020 election result?  Wow!  Now that's TDS!


    Does the date Jan 6 mean anything to you?

    yeah, see, you should reads the replies properly so as not to look foolish....

    have all the boarded shop and business back in Novemeber 2020, in the run up to election day slipped your mind? that is what i was referring too. 

    after the result was called there wasn't any violence was there, so why were the shops boarded up, who did they expect to riot?

    jan 6th doesn't mean the same to me as it does to you, never will. you can froth at the mouth all you want, it will just be amusing.


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  2. 8 minutes ago, transam said:

    It was a peaceful protest then........?

    How many others were injured in your peaceful protest....?

    How many were carrying, what could be construed as weapons, in your peaceful protest....?

    Do I remember cable ties carried by your peaceful protesters....?


    Were you there making a peaceful protest.....? 😉

    'firey but peaceful' seems to work for CNN!! 

    injured, i don't know, you didn't ask that initially, so,  you agree that 1 died, or totally ignoring that bit? 

    how many police actually died from being attacked as the news said at the time? 

    the answers have been given by another poster further back.

    no, i was here in Thailand on Jan 6th


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    The Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee investigation in 2019 concluded Russian interference besides the Muller report. In fact, Trump proclaimed loudly for Russian interference in his rally. You missed all that?

    ahh, that one, yeah, i remember, not the exact wording.  but again you guys despise Trump so much you take everything said as literal.

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  4. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    It's always been the same guy claiming elections have been rigged by voter fraud.


    Trump did it when Obama was reelected, before the 2016 elections, after the 2016 elections, and again in 2020.



    and Clinton, pelosi amongst many others refused to accept trump as a legitimate President and blamed Russia for interferring in the election, so pretty much denying the result without actually saying the exact words. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    I actually think that no matter who wins, Biden or Trump, the other side will believe the elections have been rigged or misconducted in some way. Neither side will accept the results, and I think then, there will be violence. 

    I'll be watching it all on CNN from my living room up in the jungle-filled mountains of Thailand. 

    theres your problem..watching CNN!!

    and with regards to voilence..remember all those shops and business boarded up in the run up to 2020....no violence from Trumpers after the result, , so just who were those business owners scared of?

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Perhaps you missed the bit where he said "fight like hell", then watched the insurrection for 4 hours, refusing to respond to the pleas of his staff.

    Or the bit where he said "he deserves it " when the insurrectionists were chanting "Hang Mike Pence".

    how many times have politicians worldwide  said something similar to "fight like hell" when either campaigning or making a speech...?

    you just try to imply he meant it literally cause your TDS is clouding your judgment 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Then go through the legal system and stop whining that he can't be on the campaign trail. If he or you think he is innocent, go to court and prove it. By delaying, it just show that you are guilty as hell.


    He will go after all his perceived enemies. He said that himself. That's what dictator does. Maga GOP has no spine and no self respect to bow to a dictator. 

     'then go through the legal system', totally missing the point or perhaps willfully ignoring it.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    Yes, I may be, and I'm sure there are some problems there, but I will NEVER understand why anyone in their right mind would support Trump. He's the epitome of dishonesty, vulgarity, and chaos, as far as I'm concerned.

    well, there is your answer..... if he is as bad as you say, but the people still chose him what does that say for the people he ran against 

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  9. 54 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


    You can't have indictment when there are no evidence. It is a formal written accusation of a crime. Trump has 91 indictments or felony counts. Many more may come later. Trump is a magnet for crimes. 

    yes, you can be accused of a crime when totally innocent, once lodged you have to go through the system, so 91 indictments are just 91 accusations, most of which are politically motivated to try to keep him tied up in the legal system and not out on the campaign trail!

    i hope he wins and then switches everything back on the Dems, however i dont think the reps have enough back bone to do it

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  10. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    It was actually quite a good decision by the SC. 


    And also a good news for the Dems as trump being banned would have allowed Nikki Haley to be nominated for the election.


    You will also note that it did not rule on the reason Trump was initially banned for.

    NOTHING,  he has not been charged with insurrection no matter how much you try to say otherwise!

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