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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. On 3/21/2024 at 12:23 AM, tgw said:

    so, he gave Starlink to Ukraine and then a little later, started interfering and becoming more pro-Russian and pro-Trump.

    I wonder what kompromat Putin's got on Musk, but I'm also pretty sure Musk was already a prick before.
    His move to buy Twitter is also highly suspect in this light.

    pro Russian & Trump? why because he would let Ukraine use Starlink for an attack on russian assets?

    he buying of Twitter was good, it was a liberal activist site before, was loved by the left until then. now all of a sudden it's right wing and full of hate speech!! haha. 

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  2. On 3/21/2024 at 4:16 AM, pomchop said:

    sure hook your train to a guy convicted of sex abuse, fraud, defamation along with 91 more indictments to include attempting to overthrow the legit election.....a guy who is now whining like a baby about how unfair it all is that he violated a variety of laws and now is having to face judges and juries who don't operate on his BS lies but on actual documeted FACTS.....a guy that got elected in large part by his lie he told his maga minions over and over and over about how very rich he is who now can't come up with a measly 500 million to write a check for ONE of his frauds...Keep in mind if you are worth 10 billion a mere 500 mil is the same as a guy with a piddly one million coming up with 50 k.....a guy that promised all in 2015 when running for potus that he was so rich he would never ever ask or have to ask for anyone to donate money to him only to later end up selling superhero trading cards along with gold sneakers....a guy who is one of the greatest conmen ever to appear but whose cons are finally starting to catch up with him as more and more "supporters" are starting to relalize and recognize that they have been lied to and conned and even a few have the courage to admit that they did get conned and are done with him.


    Maybe musk is smart but I don't think supporting this loser is a very smart move as trump will soon either be in jail or bankrupt or both.





    rants about Trump andthen 1 line about Musk...you suffering that Tds badly


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  3. 31 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    The Russians were under the impression that their Special Military Operation would take 3 days, we are now into the 3rd year. The Russians have killed more of their own Orcs than Ukraine have. Wake up and smell the coffee, you are being conned and sadly you haave fallen for it hook line and sinker. 

    And comparing Russias state controlled media to the wests is very naive and at worst very stupid. The west press is not controlled by the government that is why it is called a free press, they are allowed to print what they like unlike Russias media that are told what to report by Putin himself, they are brainwashed Frank, don't make excuses for the murderous criminal that is Putin, you know it makes sense. 


    free press...hahaha, ok then, the MSM all read from the same script, the US is the has most propagandised population on the planet!! 

    i haven't watched RT for a while but it was pretty good, along with AJ, certainly exposed the things the US didn't want you to see and showed other side of the story.  funny how they blocked RT everywhere so they couldn't be heard, what happened to those 'press freedoms' the west preaches about so much? 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Just back in from the bars Frank, "endless slaughter for Ukrainians" but not for the illegal invaders that are losing circa 1000 troops a day. 

    yeah, so the western propaganda media telling us, however they've been claiming Putin was losing the war since day 1........doesn't sound like that in the first paragraph of BT99's post.

    you ever get the feeling you are being lied to??

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  5. The excellent Simon Jenkins is a brave outlier amongst the cacophonous criers for endless war, which at this sad stage is looking like an endless slaughter of ageing Ukrainian conscripts being bombarded by megatonnes of glide bombs with barely any air defence whilst Zelenskiy screams for help which isn't coming. Future historians will underline both our collective betrayal and disastrous missteps with regard to Ukraine.


    perhaps it's time for Zelensky to come to the table for peace talks then before is countries population is wiped out. 

    a few members on here more war hungry from their barstools than the western politicians are!!

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  6. Just now, Wobblybob said:

    Is that because they have been brainwashed with Kremlin propaganda and state media outlets, are they naive enough to believe that Putins invasion of Ukraine is a Special Military Operation, in fact do you believe this also? 

    as opposed to western propaganda like you have swallowed?
    Putin didn't want US weapon on his borders, whats wrong with that? remember the Cuban missile crisis? yanks didn't like it then did they.

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  7. 13 hours ago, jvs said:

    Here you go,that is what he said literally,now you believe it?


    so he said he'll get the war over, ok, i doubt that would happen that quickly, but is stopping the war a bad thing?

    where does he say he'll give Putin anything he wants as written by jingthing?


    Trump intends to try to force Ukraine into giving genocidal war criminal dictator everything he wants!

    He's expliciitly pro Russia. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Another old and worn out point.

    Yes i do agree the Ukraine was very corrupt,just like russia still is.

    Ukraine still is to a certain point but it is getting much better and fast!

    You are also wrong about billions being sent there.

    What is mostly send there is outdated war equipment,not cash money.

    The option for countries to spend billions on infra structure has always been there,why was it not done when this war was not here?

    The money allocated to help the Ukraine by the USA so far is just a fraction of the money that was wasted in Afghanistan.Look it up .

    And another thing about corruption,the money allocated for the Ukraine by the USA is less than the money that disappears each and every year by the US Army and no one knows where it went.

    You want America first and staying a world power?Help the Ukraine!


    i don't, i wish America would keep their nose out of everyone business, the world would be a better place!

  9. 5 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Do you really think trump could and or would stop this war in 24 hours?

    Just how would he do that?

    If i recall right Zelensky invited trump over to do just that but trump declined,of course.

    trump is in putins pocket but he is to dumb to realize it.

    So just who should stop fighting in this war?

    Which side is wrong?

    no, i very much doubt it would be possible, but i didn't take it literally like others. in what capacity could Trump go there now to negotiate with Zelensky? so i doubt that is even true.
    Trumps in Putins pocket..blah blah, change the record. i give that zero credibility and the same for people that post it.
    a ceasefire would help, then negotiation

    well, face facts, nato expanded East, it wasn't supposed to , this is (IMO) mostly the yanks doing, the overthrow of the Ukrainian Gov, rememeber Nulands phone call. there are other issues since 2014. 
    Putin was provoked, should he have gone in, well....thats a matter of opinion,  there were clear warnings. the west don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to 'invading countries' do they!

    • Haha 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's a horrible thing!

    Trump intends to try to force Ukraine into giving genocidal war criminal dictator everything he wants!

    He's expliciitly pro Russia. 

    where has Trump said this?
    what is wrong with building bridges and better relations with other countries.... or do you need an enemy? we all know the arms industy need war to make money, the amount the 'donate' to politicians it's clear to see why there are continuing wars

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    The US can help Ukraine beat Russia without sending troops.

    I'll ignore your personal flame.

    not personal, just a question. i see many hungry for war when safely 1000's of milers away, thier opinions fed to them by lying politicians and media.
    so when Trump said he have the war stopped in 24hours thats a bad thing? just to clarify, you think stopping people dying in a war

    for politicians is wrong?

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  12. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's totally on topic!

    Who is blocking desperately needed military aid to Ukraine?

    Trump, Johnson, Greene, etc. -- Maga fascists.

    Blood on their hands and shame on all pro Putin Americans as well. 

    so you like wars and people dying then? what about some peace negotiations? how about countries spend billions on their own people in need or infrastructure rather than sending it to corrupt Ukraine

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  13. 40 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    I don't have to believe anything. I can see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears. All of these things are on record either by video or in his numerous tweets. None of it is subtle; none of it is complicated. It's you who is also seeing and listening to exactly what he says but then choosing to either ignore it or excuse it. Or more worrying, just agreeing with it.  


    So lets not get into IQ. 

    seems you did hear something different to 99.5% of people on this thread!

  14. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I see it differently.

    It's a war of choice by a Russian dictator.

    NATO is just a covering talking point for him. 

    He has an ideology calling for the expansion of the current Russian empire.

    He doesn't consider Ukraine a legitimate distinct language, culture. people, or nation from "Mother" f-er Russia. 

    So in effect his intention is genocide of Ukraine. Become Russified or become dead.

    Ukraine is not his only expansionist target, far from it. but if Russia wins against Ukraine it's a message to the entire illiberal world. 


    you see it through delusional eyes, similar to how you see the orange man!
    war brought on by the events in 2014 and since, agreements broken  and nato expansion,(which lets face it, is the US) 
    he doesn't have any to expand the Russian empire
    peace talks were on the table back in April 22, UK stopped it, deaths from then on are on the UK and allies!


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